Use "put his trust in" in a sentence

1. I put my trust in you.

2. “Put [your] trust in the Lord”:

3. Put Your Trust in the Lord

4. Put Trust in Our Active Leader —The Christ

5. I'm here, girl, because I put no trust in a desert god and his mud-pit prophet.

6. 22 Put Trust in Our Active Leader —The Christ

7. 4 Happy is the able-bodied man* that has put Jehovah as his trust+

8. You shouldn't put your trust in a man like that.

9. We were obviously wrong to put our trust in her.

10. “Happy is the able-bodied man that has put Jehovah as his trust,” concluded King David.

11. Present-day Christians similarly put implicit trust in the true God.

12. His trust in them was misplaced.

13. How have some put their trust in Jehovah in connection with their employment?

14. Is it merely a harmless game to put one’s trust in luck?

15. Trust in His eternal plan for you.

16. If you put your trust in me, I will not let you down.

17. You can trust his unerring taste in cloths.

18. In contrast, those who have a balanced view do not put their trust in money.

19. Jehovah draws close to those who trust in him and put their full faith in him.

20. His trust was not misplaced.

21. I trust in his ability to pass the examination.

22. And Robin Cook puts his trust in the Euro?

23. Jesus well knew the human tendency to put trust in an accumulation of material things.

24. HUMANS are prone to put their trust in the promises of prominent men and women.

25. A belief in God, and trust in his providence, began to encircle his heart.

26. 5 We can keep active and make our ministry successful if we put our trust in Jehovah and rely upon his strength to sustain us.

27. Put something in his mouth.

28. Till they put put his brain back in the blender.

29. I didn't trust his shifty expression.

30. As a little child, she no doubt put instinctive trust in what her parents told her.

31. 2. (a) We can put trust in Jehovah as our stronghold based on what two pillars?

32. He put his head in his hands, exasperated.

33. In her the heart of her owner has put trust, and there is no gain lacking.

34. 6 Back in 1919 the nations put their trust in the League of Nations to establish permanent peace.

35. Put him back in his jumpsuit.

36. Concerning the “capable wife,” the Bible says: “In her the heart of her owner has put trust.”

37. But ultimately this whole section Beseeks his absolute trust in God

38. His sincerity inclines me to trust him.

39. For instance, some put their trust in science, predicting rapid advancements in technologies that promise to fix the world.

40. Oh, put him away in his cage.

41. She put the thermometer in his mouth.

42. Put the ice pack in his mouth.

43. She Betrayed his trust over and over again

44. He could no longer trust his own judgement.

45. His obvious sincerity inclined me to trust him.

46. Trust the Lord’s inspiration and follow His way.

47. The fateful words do not establish a trust in favour of him, but instead a trust at his expense in favour of another person.

48. His foolish behaviour may put his whole future in jeopardy.

49. That would put a dent in his omnipotence.

50. Glover had put his foot in it somehow.

51. His illness put a crimp in our plans.

52. 37:24) And indeed, in 1919, Jehovah put his spirit in his people.

53. Tom put some almond milk in his coffee.

54. The baby put his tiny hand in mine.

55. I could put an agent in his cell.

56. He had even put mousse in his hair.

57. His arrival put the girls in a flutter.

58. Yes, “in her the heart of her owner . . . put trust, and there [was] no gain lacking.” —Verses 11, 16, 20.

59. Proverbs 31:11 says of a capable and loyal wife: “In her the heart of her owner has put trust.”

60. (The Question of Government) No wonder the Bible warns us not to put our trust in man! —Psalm 146:3.

61. The Bible advises: “Do not put your trust in nobles, nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs.”

62. Then he stirred, started up in his chair, put up his hand.

63. 3 Brian put his hands in his pockets and jingled some change.

64. Mulcahey put his banjo on his chair.

65. He put his hand on his heart.

66. His foolish remark and behaviour may put his whole future in jeopardy.

67. He put his hands over his ears.

68. Furthermore inside his organization his prescience produced bonds of intense devotion and trust.

69. His mom put this stupid braid in my hair.

70. 9 She put a black mamba in his camper.

71. They even put his penis in a big jar.

72. I think he should put it in his asshole.

73. He'd put his dirty laundry in the clothes basket.

74. He put his life in hazard to save me.

75. He put sugar in his tea and stirred it.

76. The diver put wads of cotton in his ears.

77. Worldly people who put their trust in “uncertain riches” often adopt the view that a person must look out for himself.

78. 4 The baby put his tiny hand in mine.

79. Put faith in his prophets and so prove successful.”

80. And put his wife's arm in a vice grip.