Use "prostate gland cancer" in a sentence

1. Main treatment: Prostate gland cancer, treatment before menolipsis and after the operation of breast cancer patient.

2. Brachytherapy is a procedure to implant radioactive seeds (pellets) into the prostate gland to kill prostate cancer cells

3. Permanent prostate Brachytherapy Prostate Brachytherapy (brak-e-THER-uh-pee) is a form of radiation therapy used to treat prostate cancer. Prostate Brachytherapy involves placing radioactive sources in the prostate gland, where the radiation can kill the cancer cells while causing less damage to …

4. Prostate Adenoma, in contrast to prostate cancer, proceeds benignly.

5. Castrate-resistant prostate cancer is prostate cancer that stops responding to hormone therapy

6. Serum prostate specific antigen (PSA), a biomarker for prostate cancer, cannot distinguish between aggressive cancer and benign prostate conditions.

7. Male function barrier, sterile sterile, prostate gland disease.

8. • Ovaries; Hypothalamus; Prostate; Mammary glands; Pituitary glands; Adrenal gland; Adrenal gland extract, and Orchic

9. A prostate Biopsy is the only way to confirm prostate cancer

10. Refers to organizations or prostate gland cell formed stones.

11. Surgical removal of all or part of the prostate gland.

12. The largest and most important of these is the prostate gland.

13. Castrate-resistant Prostate Cancer Market Report Highlights

14. Dogs Trained To Effectively Sniff Out Prostate Cancer

15. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), also called prostate enlargement, is a noncancerous increase in size of the prostate gland

16. Austerer--Walter, died February 27th of prostate cancer

17. I know it's about prostate cancer, but this is for breast cancer. "

18. Ambry's new test for Prostate Cancer allows physicians to follow new guidelines for treating metastatic prostate cancer as outlined in the NEJM.

19. (ODC) and S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (AdoMetDC) Antisenses specifically in prostate cancer cells, and evaluate its inhibitory effect on prostate cancer in vivo

20. Coffee cuts prostate cancer risk " US study suggests

21. Objective To improving early diagnosis of prostate cancer.

22. Early prostate cancer usually has no clear symptoms.

23. To be understand the pathological characteristics of spermocytoma, carcinoma of penis, hyperplasia of prostate gland and carcinoma of prostate.

24. A client is receiving Brachyis rapy for prostate cancer

25. Cancer can grow in the thyroid gland

26. We fund prostate cancer foundations now in 13 countries.

27. Bone loss in prostate cancer: evaluation, treatment and prevention.

28. Brachytherapy is most commonly used to treat prostate cancer.

29. Pretreatment of mice bearing prostate cancer xenografts with Acriflavine

30. Osteoporosis from androgen deprivation therapy in prostate cancer treatment.

31. Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among men in the United States.

32. The molecular properties of prostate cancer are being intensively investigated.

33. These ejaculatory ducts run inside the prostate gland and there join the urethra.

34. Chemotherapy is effective in hormone refractory (castration resistant) prostate cancer.

35. Cancer is only in my liver, lungs, prostate, and brain.

36. Prostate cancer can be cured if it is caught early.

37. Adenoma of the prostate gland or prostate Adenoma is an outdated term, the disease is currently classified as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)

38. Abdominalis exerted an anti-cancer effect by dual-targeting AKT and AR signaling in prostate cancer.

39. He didn't want any one massaging his prostate gland. No, that he didn't relish.

40. 7 Pancreatic cancer: is the pancreatic exocrine gland adenocarcinoma.

41. Obstructions caused by problems like kidney stones, tumors or an enlarged prostate gland in men.

42. 2 Pancreatic cancer: is the pancreatic exocrine gland adenocarcinoma.

43. Brachytherapy is used to treat prostate cancer in its early stages …

44. The cancer, according to Allen, has not spread beyond the prostate.

45. The Ideal Castrate DHT Level for Prostate Cancer Patients on ADT

46. Flutamide binds to the Androgen receptors in prostate cancer cells, which

47. The prostate gland is a firm , round body about the size of a chestnut bladder.

48. 12 Because clinical case shows: 98 % for adenocarcinoma of prostate gland atrophy, often from peripheral.

49. SAlivary gland cancer is a type of head and neck cancer that involves abnormal growth of sAlivary gland cells.; Factors that increase the risk of sAlivary gland cancer include older age, radiation therapy to the head and neck, or exposure to cancer-causing chemicals at work

50. I don't need to give you many statistics about prostate cancer.

51. Many researchers think that the drug may help prevent prostate cancer.

52. Medical experts said prostate cancer is not uncommon in men over

53. 26 Men over 55 should be regularly screened for prostate cancer.

54. Mitterrand, a Socialist, had been ill with prostate cancer for several years.

55. On another occasion, I had to have a large tumor removed from the prostate gland.

56. She should feel the prostate gland small , bulb about the size of a large walnut.

57. Brachytherapy for prostate cancer can cause problems getting and keeping an erection.

58. Can be thyroid cancer cured? Can be thyroid gland excised?

59. This article reviews experiences with HBO for radiogenic cystitis after prostate cancer.

60. Their incidence rates for prostate cancer and melanoma were also above average.

61. Prostatitis: This is an inflammation of the prostate gland and may be either infectious or congestive.

62. Samples of tissue are removed by inserting a needle through thethe rectum into the prostate gland.

63. The tumor in his prostate gland was caught at an early and very likely curable stage.

64. EIssues : Colorectal Carcinogenesis and Prevention - 2011 Cancer Prevention and Detection - 2012 Prostate Cancer - 2012 Breast Cancer - 2012 International Conference - 2012 Special Issue - …

65. Osseous metastases of hormone-refractory prostate cancer require treatment with zoledronic acid.

66. And your geiger counter is lighting up because I have prostate cancer!

67. Men with high blood pressure are more likely to develop prostate cancer.

68. CONCLUSIONS Androgen - deprivation therapy for prostate cancer increases the risk of fracture.

69. The Government has increased research into prostate cancer twentyfold, to £2m a year.

70. Stands in opposition what with the first two broad heading branch disease is prostate gland disease.

71. But he said that reports that Graham suffers from prostate cancer are untrue.

72. NRC and ACRI jointly hold a patent on the biomarker for prostate cancer.

73. An adrenal gland Adenoma is a tumor on your adrenal gland that isn’t cancer, but can still cause problems

74. If you have an adrenal gland Adenoma, you have a tumor on your adrenal gland, but it’s not cancer

75. THE PROSTATE is a walnut-shaped gland that is located below the bladder and surrounds the urethra.

76. The statistics show four men who worked there have died of prostate cancer.

77. The 60-year-old retired engineer was diagnosed with prostate cancer in January.

78. Amaro developed prostate cancer nine years ago and had surgery to remove it.

79. Docetaxel currently represents the standard therapy in systemic management of hormone-refractory prostate cancer.

80. Men with relatives affected by prostate cancer have a greater probability of developing it.