Use "professors" in a sentence

1. Retired, Full professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Adjunct Professors, Students.

2. Professors J.

3. "Adjunct professors".

4. Professors Create interactive Assignments

5. "Two University Professors appointed".

6. Students revere the old professors.

7. This page contains an up-to-date list of current Curators' Distinguished Professors and Curators' Distinguished Professors Emeritus

8. Questionable behavior extends to professors and administrators.

9. Also patron of confessors, professors, and theologians.

10. University professors both teach and undertake research.

11. 22 The professors were robed in gowns.

12. Your friends, your family, your law professors.

13. There's a policy against fraternizing with the professors.

14. Most professors unbend outside the lecture theatre.

15. Biographies Adjunct Professors Fact Sheets Commander's Call Topics

16. Collegial evaluations must be performed every three years for associate and full professors, and every year for assistant professors and other ranks

17. Some of my professors at college were pretty warped.

18. 9 Oops, just kidding about the computer-science professors.

19. She has/shows/feels great reverence for her professors.

20. An Inservice Education Model: Teachers and Professors as Coequals

21. He is one of the most cited law professors.

22. Today the conservatoire teaching staff includes about 200 professors.

23. 14 That whiz kid knows more than some university professors.

24. 13 Timetabling has also helped endear professors to the changes.

25. Porter is disdainful of professors he believes are incompetent or lazy.

26. Climatologist Some are university professors who teach and/or complete research

27. Many Botanists are employed as college professors, where they teach and research

28. Professors, for the most part, are firmly committed to teaching, not research.

29. Two professors injured, an advertising executive and a timber industry lobbyist killed.

30. Rich people , poor people , athletes , math geeks , CEOs and professors get STD.

31. Teachers usually are pretty spineless , but you university professors are even worse.

32. Ninety- five percent of our professors report that they are above- average teachers.

33. The age of retirement of University Professors has been recently raised to 60.

34. The views of many of the senior professors reflect outmoded concepts and ideas.

35. We know that professors are less likely to help female or minority students.

36. A student comes to a young professors office hours . Sheglancesdown the kneels pleadingly.

37. I have had my difficulties, after all, with museum curators and eminent professors.

38. The award for the oratorical contest was made by a jury of nine professors.

39. Law school professors, in my view, are the drones and morticians of the profession.

40. Professors will often assign Annotated bibliographies when they want to help you figure out

41. We work with professors who ensure that your doctoral Coursework is up to standard

42. This is my 3rd night up because I have to organize my professors notes.

43. 13 A college can beef up its educational level by hiring highly - qualified professors.

44. The university has been accused of sexism because it has so few women professors.

45. All the three professors have been immerged in the study of paleography for years.

46. He spent a lot of time buttering up his professors to get a scholarship.

47. Academically Adrift is not, however, a book about lazy professors, shiftless students, and spineless administrators

48. Or as one of my college professors said, "He clutched for the handrail of faith."

49. "CSIR researchers will become adjunct professors at the university and involve students in their projects.

50. Psychology definition for Baresthesia in normal everyday language, edited by psychologists, professors and leading students

51. Academia is the worldwide group composed of professors and researchers at institutes of higher learning

52. It has more than 4,000 employees, half of which are teachers/researchers, including 368 professors.

53. The arbitration award for the oratorical contest was made by a jury of nine professors.

54. VON TSCHUDI The professors of this latter may be Bisected into two sorts — hunters and exchangers.

55. Indeed, many business schools professors have modified their curriculums to address issues in the financial crisis.

56. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Experiences of harassment and Belittlement at freshman orientation, at entry to wards, and in senior year by other students, by residents or fellows, by preclinical professors, by clinical professors or attendings, or by patients

57. Rather touchingly, he suggested the names of some professors who had known him at Duke University.

58. The professors regard foreign travel as a perk, and they go to all the international conferences.

59. The Chronicle Almanac shows that new assistant professors in foreign language earned 000 dollars last year.

60. Races are not born with talent to be ballplayers, musicians, scientists, college professors, and so forth.

61. That symbiotic nexus of press and professors has, in the meantime, revealed a sinister aspect too.

62. A survey asked 245 randomly selected college professors how much they gave to charity each year.

63. Research Centre Staff (including management, adjunct professors and research staff) Co-location Evaluation Questions All Participants 1.

64. Among holders of a habilitated doctor’s degree in Lithuania, women accounted for 20%, and among professors, 17%.

65. Thirty percent of college and university professors, it is asserted, are con men, harassers, layabouts and plagiarists.

66. It also reduces the competitive ability of many post-secondary institutions to attract top students and professors.

67. Currently, the conservatories train more than 1,200 students in structured programs, with 350 professors in nine departments.

68. The minimum for Professors is £9 with each individual's remuneration being privately negotiated with the university authorities.

69. 1 day ago · German-Speaking Theology Professors Criticize Vatican ‘No’ to Same-Sex Blessings

70. But the senior Thetas helped me pick my schedule, they gave me advice on the best professors.

71. Awn Academy includes an elite group of experts, professors, trainers and qualified lecturers, supported by high expertise

72. The audit found that Hasler had funneled $ 6 000 to 35 business professors from 1993 to 19

73. Many ACSD research scientists are graduate student supervisors, adjunct professors, or have other teaching responsibilities with universities.

74. Clearly, the professors did not have as high of an opinion of my work as I did.

75. Nonetheless, wrote Professors Ericksen and Heschel, “Jehovah’s Witnesses largely held to their faith in the face of trouble.”

76. He also announced unilateral liberalization of visas particularly for students, teachers, professors, journalists and patients from the region.

77. Collaboratively Or consider a set of professors and administrators Collaboratively designing the course schedule for the next year

78. The University of Raków was closed down, and the professors who had taught there were sent into exile.

79. Under the contract, his salary would be reduced gradually until it reached the pay of similar tenured professors.

80. Among them are hundreds of university journalism professors who routinely offer courses in investigative reporting at their schools.