Use "probabilities" in a sentence

1. Location accuracy improvement using a priori probabilities

2. By including a priori probabilities with each node, it is possible to perform calculate probabilities with higher nodes using Bayes Rule.

3. We balanced all the probabilities of the situation.

4. The computation of probabilities took Jezrael only seconds.

5. Two a priori probabilities were calculated for each HVR locus: the exclusion probabilities for an alleged father/mother/ child trio and for an alleged parent/child duo, and the probabilities of matching of genotypes of two unrelated individuals or two siblings.

6. Bigram Trigram and NGram in NLP, How to calculate the unigram, Bigram, trigram, and ngram probabilities of a sentence? Maximum likelihood estimation to calculate the ngram probabilities

7. Two a priori probabilities were calculated for each HVR locus: the exclusion probabilities for an alleged father/mother/child trio and for an alleged parent/child duo, and the probabilities of matching of genotypes of two unrelated individuals or two siblings.

8. 15 A thousand probabilities do not make one truth. 

9. You will learn to use Bayes’ rule to transform prior probabilities into posterior probabilities, and be introduced to the underlying theory and perspective of the Bayesian …

10. The qubit state vector contains Amplitudes rather than measurement probabilities

11. These probabilities are noted alongside the exit from the lozenge.

12. The overall probability is not calculated by simply adding up probabilities.

13. In addition, significant increases in its probabilities of default are assumed.

14. Quantum mechanics introduces an important change in the way probabilities are computed.

15. Use the Binomial Calculator to compute individual and cumulative Binomial probabilities

16. We accounted for uncertainties through prior probabilities placed on two key biological hypotheses.

17. As a mathematician, I was trained to calculate the probabilities of events.

18. Performance was modelled for scenarios with pretest probabilities of 5% and 50%.

19. The probabilities of choosing different options in the set of Choiceworthy ones are …

20. The chapter is closed by some remarks on the aggregation problem of probabilities.

21. I have just given you the traditional quantum mechanical recipe for calculating probabilities.

22. Conjectures are ideas or notions founded on probabilities without any demonstration of their truth

23. Transition probabilities have been put on an absolute scale by using the Coulomb approximation.

24. Another use of decision trees is as a descriptive means for calculating conditional probabilities.

25. The probabilities of first-event errors with different lengths are evaluated, and based on these probabilities a new criterion is proposed to minimize the upper bound of frame error ratio (FER).

26. Here the Bayes risks are determined with the help of a-priori probabilities.

27. Instead, the probabilities would have to be assigned in some arbitrary way.

28. One version of the probability theory ofCarnap permits us to establish a priori probabilities.

29. The probabilities of crime or victimization are higher with some situations than with others.

30. But the Bible writers did not simply “assign probabilities” to “assumptions” about the future.

31. Additional probabilities are presented and discussed in regard to other functions of these eyes.

32. The exemplary determination of the probabilities can be performed using a prior causal information inference procedure.

33. Finally, the probabilities of failure are taken as evaluation indexes to carry through the FSA.

34. We describe a computational algorithm for the evaluation of error probabilities of multilevel modulation codes.

35. The Hardy-Weinberg law forms an important basis for the determination of a priori probabilities.

36. The front end returns candidates with relative or absolute probabilities of matching to the input.

37. Both systems use transition probabilities between syntactically tagged form class pairs to prune the search.

38. The burden of proof in establishing the defence is upon the defendant on the balance of probabilities.

39. This Applet computes probabilities and percentiles for normal random variables: $$X \sim N(\mu, \sigma)$$ Directions

40. I've got my benefits and my costs and all my probabilities, so you just have to.

41. 30 Both systems use transition probabilities between syntactically tagged form class pairs to prune the search.

42. Calculate using maximum likelihood the prior probability of rain and then the 4 transition probabilities as before.

43. Insurance companies may collaborate in working out loss probabilities and this leads to uniformity in premium rates.

44. On the basis of sequential samples — employing Bayes theorem, laid down in short — the a-priori probabilities can be transformed into a-posteriori probabilities and are used for a new operational decision, that will now be termed as a continuation decision.

45. The most probable position angle (φfinal) is determined from the position angles according to the linked probabilities.

46. When using probabilities, perceived messages will depend on whether they are presented in absolute or relative terms.

47. A random variable can take on many, many, many, many, many many different values with different probabilities.

48. The distortion values for the current speech are analyzed against the probabilities of erroneous acceptance or rejection.

49. We have obtained absolute transition probabilities for the 'forbidden' lines 4589 Å and 7725 Å in [SI].

50. And then there's these transition probabilities, that give you the probability of moving from alert to bored.

51. An initial probability threshold is established and is adjusted as the probabilities are scored for documents in samples.

52. We present an approach that allows to decompose the randomness of the discounted value of future benefits and premiums to a sum whose addends correspond to the uncertainty of the policy development, the interest rates, the probabilities of death, the probabilities of disablement, etc.

53. Actuary definition, a person who computes premium rates, dividends, risks, etc., according to probabilities based on statistical records

54. The steady state probabilities of the underlying queueing process satisfy an (n+1)-th order homogeneous difference equation.

55. The risk analysis has to derive probabilities of accident scenarios and potential consequences connected with these accident scenarios

56. Bayesian definition: (of a theory) presupposing known a priori probabilities which may be subjectively Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

57. The coroner thought that on the balance of probabilities, the pilot had suffered a stroke just before the crash.

58. It is usual to find a progression indicating significant transition probabilities to many vibrational levels of the modes concerned.

59. The 13C nmr chemical shifts of aliphatic hydrocarbons were derived from chemical shifts and probabilities of individual chain conformations.

60. Bayes' postulate is that, when nothing to the contrary is known, the probabilities should be assumed to be equal.

61. 7 Bayes' postulate is that, when nothing to the contrary is known, the probabilities should be assumed to be equal.

62. 15 The coroner thought that on the balance of probabilities, the pilot had suffered a stroke just before the crash.

63. In fuzzy decision systems of this kind information may improve the a priori-probabilities as well as the utility values.

64. This paper discusses an efficient method to compute mean passage times and absorption probabilities in Markov and Semi-Markov models.

65. The equivalent statistical probabilities for the proven component of proven and probable reserves are 90 percent and 10 percent respectively.

66. The above sequence of tail probabilities is summable for all ε > 0), then X n also Converges almost surely to X

67. In simulations, Antidromic collisions occurred with probabilities of between approximately 16% (in early recruited motoneurons) and nearly 100% (in late recruited motoneurons).

68. as a “Credibly neutral” source of probabilities of who will win near-future elections (see also Scott Alexander on this topic)

69. This Applet computes probabilities and percentiles for gamma random variables: $$X \sim Gamma(\alpha, \beta)$$ When using rate parameterization, replace $\beta$ with

70. Whereas the absolute value of the probability amplitude encodes information about probabilities, its phase encodes information about the interference between quantum states.

71. The issue is, have the Respondentssatisfied me on a balance of probabilities that the denial of access was bona fide justified?

72. The modification is a summation of the probabilities assigned to a word in each window position in which the word exists.

73. First step is draw the tree but once I draw the tree I've got to write down all those payoffs and probabilities.

74. The calculator will find the Binomial and cumulative probabilities, as well as the mean, variance and standard deviation of the Binomial distribution

75. The simplest and oldest rule for determining a non-informative prior is the principle of indifference, which assigns equal probabilities to all possibilities.

76. So I think those babies are actually making complicated calculations with conditional probabilities that they're revising to figure out how the world works.

77. 11 We shall be seeing that the complex numbers that we must use at the quantum level are closely related to classical probabilities.

78. I have stated that probability Amplitudes can be both positive and negative numbers, and that the Amplitudes are converted into probabilities by squaring them

79. [136] Moreover, on the balance of probabilities, I am not convinced from the evidence adduced at the hearing that the seizure was indeed provoked.

80. Of particular interest is the need in such applications for principles of preferred states to replace the axioms of conserved equal a priori probabilities.