Use "postures" in a sentence

1. Attitudinized (also: posed, postures, postured, attitudinizes)

2. Postures change, pace slows, bustle becomes murmur.

3. Asana definition is - any of various yogic postures

4. Certain postures, like backbends, intrinsically build the energy of Brahmana

5. Her gestures and postures became more wanton and provocative.

6. It has been suggested that Crouched leg postures may improve stability

7. A Bolster supports you and creates space in difficult poses and postures

8. Brothels, bars, gambling, rakish clothes and tough-guy postures became his style.

9. Tone of voice, facial expressions, and bodily postures can help or hinder communication.

10. Vainglory is one of the sillier postures : it invariably precedes the rude awakening.

11. Backbends are some of the most therapeutic postures of the physical yoga practice

12. They synchronize their sounds and their body postures to look bigger and sound stronger.

13. Facial expressions and postures can also express feelings and ideas and achieve interpersonal communications.

14. Ashtanga Yoga’s Vinyasa system is sequences of postures that vary in difficulty and benefit

15. Generally, longer periods of sitting in tight cross - legged or kneeling postures are inadvisable.

16. Buffoon definition, a person who amuses others by tricks, jokes, odd gestures and postures, etc

17. Here Asanas as postures are meant to develop a ‘state of existence’ in the seeker

18. We continued to contort our limbs into improbable postures when Vincente was directly overseeing us.

19. Physical strains were mainly caused by joint postures in non-neutral angle ranges and by repetition.

20. Males that misread the body and facial postures of a potential mate get bitten or kicked.

21. We can see that the economic aims of Thatcherism have been contradictory to its moral postures.

22. "Buffoon stories." "To divert the audience with Buffoon postures and antic dances." v

23. For those with arthritic or rheumatic conditions, side - bending and twisting postures should be gentle and modified.

24. Constipation:Backward bend, yoga mudra, knee to chest, shoulder stand, corpse, belly should be drawn in while doing these postures.

25. When used in seated hip opening postures, a Bolster provides firm support by raising the hips away from the floor

26. Ma Rainey postures toward being an actor’s showcase, but its storytelling — and its Actorly pitfalls — prohibit that from being the reality

27. Ashtanga Yoga Sequence, Yoga Poster, Yoga Postures Print, Ashtanga Primary Series Sequence Illustration, Yoga Art Surya Namaskar A and B gurumelos

28. Yoga, with its focus on postures and routines that require the mind and body to work in tandem, restores the harmony within.

29. What is Aggressiveness The pattern of movements and postures that the animal carries out as an expression of its Aggressiveness is different …

30. Ashtanga and Vinyasa yoga are rooted in similar ancient principles like breath work, focal point, meditation, postures and sequences of movement

31. The acts and postures by which the Hebrews expressed Adoration bear a great similarity to those still in use among Oriental nations

32. Dystonia is a neurological movement disorder, characterized by involuntary and sustained muscle contractions that twist the body with abnormal movements and postures.

33. Height-Adjustable desks allow workers to easily change postures from sitting to standing height throughout the day which can positively impact physical health.

34. Ashtanga is a set sequence of postures linked together with vinyasa, or flow of movement, in order to build heat in the body

35. Ashtanga is a very dynamic and athletic form of hatha yoga, made up of six series or levels, with a fixed order of postures

36. Bagua Ershisi Shi (八卦二十四式六十四掌 Twenty Four Postures) This set of palms was passed on by GM

37. Across Asymptotical World’s six songs, Tumor plays a roster of characters gripped in various turmoils, acting them out in different postures, from sweltering and vulnerable to …

38. But what we actually see with ourselves or others is the use of postures or Actures that fall far short of what is ideal or

39. Digitigrade postures are often associated with Cursoriality (e.g., Howell, 1944;Jenkins, 1971;Brown and Yalden, 1973;Gambaryan, 1974;Coombs, 1978;Hildebrand, 1985;Stein and Casinos, 1997), and

40. As such, golf players can correct their golf swing postures based on the information on the ball striking status, and therefore adjust the striking position of the club.

41. The eight limbs are: the yamas and niyamas (moral and ethical codes), Asanas (postures), pranayama (breathwork), pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation), and samadhi (spiritual

42. Kundalini Yoga Asanas (Poses or Postures) An Asana is a pose or posture designed to stimulate glands, organs or body awareness, and to quiet the mind for meditation

43. The evaluation of different body postures during work needs considering the interactions of anthropometric, physiological, orthopeadic, angiologic and biomechanical criteria on one side and of working conditions on the other.

44. According to Locke, dance teachers should eliminate “Apish affected postures” and “the jigging part” that leads children away from “perfect graceful carriage.” A Renegade History of the United States

45. Both the proposed spherical mechanism and the handle have been ergonomically designed to avoid postures that could lead to physical discomfort or cumulative traumas such as carpal tunnel syndrome or tenosynovitis.

46. While many of the oldest mentioned Asanas are indeed seated postures for meditation, Asanas may be standing, seated, arm-balances, twists, inversions, forward bends, backbends, or reclining in prone or supine positions.

47. And have we all not faced ourselves in the mirror, much less been the victims of Adjudgers who in our/their fetid self-righteous postures judge down to ascend up their illusory poles of prideful opulence

48. During the film, Lester's physique improves from flabby to toned; Spacey worked out during filming to improve his body, but because Mendes shot the scenes out of chronological order, Spacey varied postures to portray the stages.

49. 99, March, 1876‎[1]: Her performance being finished, the Bayadere was succeeded by others, each of whom appeared to have her specialty--one imitating by her postures a serpent-charmer; another quite unequivocally representing a man-charmer; another rapidly

50. Honor is formalized through ceremonials, medals and postures of respect events and other adornments which impress the public as to the value of the actions of the soldiers and hence the value of the war that they represent.

51. Afrikan Yoga founded by Pablo M Imani Khonsu Sekhem Ptah is a form of yoga known for its use of rhythmic movements, to the sounds of drums which aids in heating up the body in order to perform Sayunaats/Postures

52. Definition of asana : any of various yogic postures Examples of asana in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web These unisex yoga socks have grippy silicone bottoms and can even be used on regular floors for impromptu Asanas on the road.

53. Athetosis (slow chorea) is nonrhythmic, slow, writhing, sinuous movements predominantly in distal muscles, often alternating with postures of the proximal limbs. Hemiballismus is unilateral rapid, nonrhythmic, nonsuppressible, wildly flinging movement of the proximal arm and/or leg; rarely, such movement occurs bilaterally (ballismus).

54. Ashtanga yoga (Sanskrit: aṣṭāṅgayoga, "the eight limbs of yoga") is Patanjali's classification of classical yoga, as set out in his Yoga Sutras.He defined the eight limbs as yamas (Abstinences), niyama (observances), asana (postures), pranayama (breathing), pratyahara (withdrawal), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation) and samadhi (absorption).

55. The sexually explicit nature of these texts—which invite readers to participate in the pleasurable castigation of whores—is without historical precedent: not only do they present readers with the traditional Renaissance neo-classical Aretinian “postures,” they assail them with detailed surveys of the rotting bodies of pox-stricken

56. In the practice of Kundalini Yoga, postures, also known as Asanas, combine with breath, mudra, eye-focus, mantra, and body locks to affect body, mind, and soul.Postures practiced in Kundalini Yoga include forms that are familiar to the Hatha Yoga practitioner such as downward dog, forward bends, and seated poses

57. Looking to try a Barre workout class for the first time, but don't really know what the heck to expect? Here's the basic 101 rundown: "Most Barre-based classes use a combination of postures inspired by ballet and other disciplines like yoga and Pilates," says Sadie Lincoln, founder of Barre3 fitness