Use "populist" in a sentence

1. Edwards is seen as a populist Democrat.

2. Call for papers “The populist transformation of constitutional law: Populist Constitutionalism and democratic representation ”International Conference,Thessaloniki,7-8 May 2021

3. Newman was a master of populist medical rhetoric.

4. 18 Newman was a master of populist medical rhetoric.

5. But this is surely no more than a populist gimmick.

6. Welfare Chauvinism supports Right-Wing Populist, National Conservative and Paternalistic Conservative

7. The first at least is populist, and the second is elitist.

8. His longtime friends describe his populist style as no political gimmick.

9. Nicolae Ceaușescu had a major influence on modern-day Romanian populist rhetoric.

10. He co-opted many nationalist slogans and cultivated a populist image.

11. Free Coinage of silver was another rallying cry of the populist party

12. How does he sound populist without offending his supporters in the corporate boardroom?

13. Or are they simply reacting emotionally to finely crafted television commercials and populist rhetoric?

14. The Vanguard faction, on the other hand, does not discard populist nationalism and racism.

15. However, the bill was revised in parliament by Solidarity politicians bowing to populist pressures.

16. Our democratic and populist urges have driven us to reject anything that smells of elitism.

17. It was accompanied by violence; the miners lost and many moved toward the Populist party.

18. In the FPÖ [ Austrian populist party ] they said that homosexuality is a culture of death.

19. And the new genre of populist politicians will have to deliver far more than free elections.

20. Röhm had socialist and populist views, and believed that the real revolution had not yet begun.

21. An angry, populist Greece might well storm out of Europe as a harmful act of protest.

22. Synonyms for Constitutionalist include democrat, leveler, leveller, moderate, populist, republican, egalitarian, social democrat, equalitarian and royalist

23. There seem to be uh a possibility, a potential for a popular reaction, a populist reaction.

24. Labour's campaign in the weeks leading to municipal elections bore all the traces of populist pragmatism.

25. Hugo Ch á vez, Venezuela's populist president, is leaving little to chance with his show of largesse.

26. The honours list at least turned out to be more populist and less politically tainted than usual.

27. No one would argue he is a visionary leader, that he is an outsider or a populist.

28. 11 To his most recent exploits as a multimillionaire populist rock star crowd-surfing the adoring masses.

29. 26 Labour's campaign in the weeks leading to municipal elections bore all the traces of populist pragmatism.

30. Then, on top of the craziness and alleged corruption, populist Bucaram last month announced an economic austerity program.

31. A large number of Backlashes against international courts arise from judgments that reinforce local populist mobilization narratives

32. The Estonian Centre Party (Estonian: Eesti Keskerakond) is a centrist, social-liberal, populist political party in Estonia.

33. Yet basically it was a team of people trying to wrest power, not a populist-based overthrow.

34. It is a populist, ultranationalist and xenophobic party of the kind that thrives in times of crisis.

35. The populist Readjuster Party ran an inclusive coalition until the conservative white Democratic Party gained power after 1883.

36. A populist is someone who might promise to triple wages while the budget absolutely cannot support it, etc.

37. 5 It is a populist, ultranationalist and xenophobic party of the kind that thrives in times of crisis.

38. The presentation of that election as a popular referendum prevented a new populist attack on the Unionist government.

39. The right-wing populist Progress Party is the only one of the eight parliamentary parties opposed to the treaty.

40. But, as Marx saw long ago, free-market capitalism is quintessentially populist and inherently subversive of traditions and rituals.

41. Pierpont Morgan was attacked by populist Democrats - whose descendants now argue for closer links between banks and industry.

42. The result was a victory for populist party ANO 2011, which received 29.6% of the vote and 78 seats.

43. Now I wonder if I would not have been better off in sneakers and a fleece, more populist clothes.

44. There had been some authoritarian regimes that were also populist and had been sustained by votes not repressive force.

45. Babis has been dubbed the “Czech Trump” by some media outlets because of his business empire and populist leanings

46. Thaksin needs a large amount of funds if he is to honour the populist promises that got him elected.

47. They ask: How did the adjuring formula of the "voice of the people" function here as populist noise to eliminate contradictions?

48. Dole spent much of the day trying to demonstrate how he has overhauled his campaign to conform to his populist message.

49. Bonapartism (uncountable) The practices and ideology of Napoleon Bonaparte A populist alliance between the bourgeoisie and the lumpenproletariat characterized by strong …

50. The Gallery is also bending over backwards to boost attendance, and in doing so is rather alarmingly bowing to populist pressures.

51. Adopting Critical Discourse Analysis, this research reveals President Duterte’s Bicephalous leadership: populist in domestic policies, and pragmatic but unpopular in foreign relations

52. In numerous propaganda videos, brochures and posters, OLAF took elements and arguments of the SVP's populist campaign and exaggerated them ad absurdum.

53. Populist Backlashes against international courts are not just about sovereignty but often follow efforts to curb domestic courts, usually for similar reasons.

54. When the nuclear plant issue was resolved, populist pressure was forced into a single channel, the demand to abrogate the Benes decrees.

55. On April 1, the royalist colonel Tomás de Figueroa—considering the notion of elections to be too populist—led a revolt in Santiago.

56. While Azerbaijan is the main driver of the Nagorno-Karabakh war, analysts say, Armenia’s populist prime minister pushed the situation to the brink.

57. Wearing headscarves and Chadors was used as a significant populist tool and Iranian veiled women played an important rule in the revolution's victory

58. Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, Liu Shaoqi and others — forged the ragtag Red Army into a populist guerrilla force and hammered home socialist ideology.

59. In the Anglo-Saxon media world, Rupert Murdoch, owner of far too many newspapers, TV stations, and movie studios, is a typical populist tycoon.

60. Yet Civilisations has been conceived as an answer to those critics who suggest the BBC is too populist and preoccupied with chasing viewing figures, that it, …

61. ‘The White House appears to have gone over to the supply side with its proposed tax on big banks, as it scores populist points against the Banksters, too.’

62. In this new Christianism a string of populist leaders (and their intellectual out-riders like Douglas Murray) have taken Christianity as a defining feature of national purity

63. I would be Aghast if orthodox Presbyterians were required to endorse the populist argument for a global flood in the May issue [“Animals, a Deluge and Noah’s Ark”]

64. 27 During the hard-fought primary season, Mr. Obama pledged to renegotiate NAFTA, and often struck populist themes on the campaign trail, as he did a year ago in Wisconsin.

65. On the left is Amir Peretz of the Labor party, a populist and trade-union federation leader with little national leadership experience and even less familiarity with security matters.

66. McAleese Criticises pope as populist who raises then dashes hopes Document on same-sex blessings shows that Pope Francis ‘toes the old hard line’ Fri, Mar 19, 2021, 01:00

67. Bastardizing the justice system to serve populist strategies that blindly support drug dealers, fuel corruption in the police force and leaves its huge population of boys and girls hooked to …

68. The Republicans have become more illiberal and populist in recent decades and are now starting to resemble Autocratic parties like Hungary's Fidesz and Turkey's AKP, according to a new study from

69. Barnstorming In the tradition of the mighty Populist Movement, Move to Amend's experienced and acclaimed speakers travel the country, spreading the word about the campaign to amend the Constitution and inspiring action!

70. With the launch of his independent candidacy and his use of anti-establishment rhetoric, Macron has been labelled a "populist" by some observers, notably Manuel Valls, but Macron rejects this term.

71. The voter turnout was small and the margin tiny, in contrast to the previous election, when the Populist Party swamped the opposition, which was widely touted as a pro-business lobby.

72. Certainly the Nation is tired of the populist Blubberings of the President but it's left to be seen if, at a State level, a place like Massachusetts has truly matured and will reject the low level

73. Thus we have seen that the religiosity of populism can be discerned through locating the two main components of the populist movement, the people and the leader, which are sanctified and assigned the status of Absoluteness

74. The hard-working, cynical, devout population of 750 million Australasians enjoy great individual freedoms in everything except elections, which, where they exist at all, are populist shams for a dictatorship government that has no intention of ever giving up power.

75. ‘nothing ever seems to happen to any of the Banksters who caused all the problems in the first place’ ‘The White House appears to have gone over to the supply side with its proposed tax on big banks, as it scores populist points against the Banksters, too.’

76. Everything Appertinent Thereto”: William Chaney, the Jesuit John Bapst, and the Know-Nothings in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Maine DAVID DZUREC* For the Jesuit priest John Bapst and newspaper editor William Chaney, the populist impulse that marked American politics in the tur-bulent decade of the 1850s offered opportunities

77. En These trends include overrated expectations in the field of nuclear disarmament, which are far from the real state of affairs in the sphere of strategic stability and international security; the obvious Contraposition of nuclear haves and have-nots and the growing populist rhetoric on the ostensibly “discriminatory” character of

78. In addition, many countries have privatized government- operated media, with decidedly mixed results: on the one hand, the prospect of a more independent press and TV and more inclusive populist programming; on the other hand, the further spread of market logic, advertisers’ power, and dubious amalgams like talk radio and ‘infotainment’.

79. A Brazilian Supreme Court judge Annulled criminal convictions against former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on Monday, per Reuters.Why it matters: The move allows the popular leftist politician to run in next year's presidential election in a potentially polarizing face-off against President Jair Bolsonaro, a far-right populist who has defended Brazil's military dictatorship.Stay on top

80. But the party system and the FA’s internal balance of power do not favor any turn abrupt toward radical left or populism. Indeed, because populist tactics are likely to prove self-defeating in the presidential campaign, Mujica started supporting Vázquez’s administration’s record and made Astori his candidate to be Vice President, entitled to take the lead on economic policy and participate in the executive. To stress their social democratic credentials both candidates, Mujica and Astori, have gone on pilgrimages to the United States, Brazil, and Chile.