Use "popped" in a sentence

1. Mine just popped, too.

2. They popped at the pigeons.

3. His eyes popped in surprise.

4. He popped his coat on.

5. Where's Tom popped off to?

6. Fifield's monitor just popped up.

7. Hasn't Bill popped the question yet?

8. Paula popped out for a minute.

9. I've just popped the kettle on.

10. Hughes popped up and Backstroked away

11. He popped his gold watch yesterday.

12. His eyes almost popped out in surprise.

13. The top button popped off my shirt.

14. I think the balloon popped my ear!

15. A balloon popped, sounding like a gunshot.

16. She popped the tart into the oven.

17. It just popped up On my screen.

18. She's popped over to see her mother.

19. He popped the balloon with a pin.

20. I just popped in to say Hullo.

21. Ah, well, my ears popped, so that's something.

22. He popped a letter out of his briefcase.

23. 19 John popped his head round the dour.

24. 20 Awkward Times Boners Popped Into The Picture

25. The boy popped his head round the door.

26. The logs crackled and popped in the fireplace.

27. I heard some kid got popped last night.

28. He's only popped out for a few minutes.

29. The wood sizzled and popped in the fire.

30. I finally popped that paper for Professor Li.

31. When a neat little idea popped into your head.

32. He popped out to buy a pint of milk.

33. The window opened and a dog's head popped out.

34. Jane was delighted when Matt eventually popped the question.

35. The boy popped at the target,but missed it.

36. All at once an idea popped into her head.

37. She popped off about the injustice of the verdict.

38. She glibly ad - libbed anything that popped into her head.

39. Mum's eyes popped to see me bringing home the fireman.

40. Popped up in the'90s with the paramilitaries in Colombia.

41. He popped the ring pull on another can of lager.

42. 18 He popped out to buy a pint of milk.

43. I, uh, I think I popped a couple of stitches.

44. And they just popped in while I was setting up.

45. I popped the lot and tried my hardest to meditate.

46. The cork popped out and the Champagne gushed from the bottle.

47. I quickly scooped up another ravioli and popped it in my mouth.

48. 20 He popped the ring pull on another can of lager.

49. There, a sharp rise in interest rates popped the market's speculative bubble.

50. One nice morning , the eggs hatched and out popped six chirpy ducklings .

51. Beghin had just began to abseil when the artificial anchor popped out.

52. 11 The rabbits popped out as soon as we opened the hutch.

53. If you get popped and you drop that, you know what happens.

54. If he popped an aneurysm, he'd be in the morgue, not the ER.

55. The image of the woman popped into his head out of the blue.

56. She took out a piece of chewing gum and popped it in her mouth.

57. She popped his lollipop back into her mouth with a sigh, and sucked.

58. For a Blister That Has Not Popped Try not to pop or drain it.

59. He plucked a purple grape from the bunch and popped it in his mouth.

60. Powers popped his canopy, loosened his harness and was ejected by the centrifugal force.

61. I even used a 12-pica bold font to make sure it really popped.

62. Meanwhile, his girlfriend of 17 years, Jenette, was delighted when Brian popped the question.

63. She waited for years for him to pop the question . Finally she popped the question.

64. He came back, enthusiastically popped the cork and poured two glasses of the fizzy wine.

65. Cystic zits literally cannot be popped, since the problem is so deep within your skin

66. For those unmoved, the Ferris wheel spun its neon lights and the shooting galleries popped.

67. Meanwhile on Facebook, pages of support like We are all Osama bin Laden have popped up.

68. The Bad is one of the 3 bloons that contain more than 4 bloons when popped

69. Hence, why I was elated, giddy, overjoyed, when this Meade long-focus Achromat popped up

70. After which the losers in the employment lottery would be popped into the revolving door.

71. A tear popped out of one eye, or was it sleet that was still falling?

72. And perhaps most interestingly, can MacLean stay away from the physical altercations that have popped up recently?

73. Zen popped two motion-sickness pills out of their plastic nests and put them in his mouth.

74. The word Cajun popped up in the 19 th century to describe the Acadian people of Louisiana

75. 20 After which the losers in the employment lottery would be popped into the revolving door.

76. I had forgotten how old I was until the accursed Purves and Noakes popped up to remind me.

77. ROTFL science never said that life spontaneously popped into existence Abiogenesists say life is due to chemical evolution

78. 21 The question, which had been popped earlier on the stadium's electronic scoreboard, got the thumbs up.

79. She popped a fragment of biscuit into her mouth and crunched it primly with her front teeth.

80. You say your gear is bad, so you probably had low hp when I popped ur burst and Convoke