Use "pollution of the environment" in a sentence

1. “There is much concern about pollution of the environment.

2. Matters of pollution and the environment concern us all.

3. · Potential consequences to the environment of illegal discharges or accidental marine pollution.

4. System for Observing the Accuracy of Measurements of Pollution Levels in the Monitored Environment.

5. System for Observing the Accuracy of Measurements of Pollution Levels in the Monitored Environment

6. Ginkgos adapt well to the urban environment, tolerating pollution and confined soil spaces.

7. Cigarette Butts do damage far beyond the plastic pollution left in our environment

8. Filters on all the outlets prevent any accidental pollution of the inner environment through the discharge circuit.

9. 13 Third, the serious environment problems accompany with the development of economy, the " sand and dust devil ", " air pollution", " water pollution" etc. have been appeared in China.

10. We're trying to raise awareness about the environment in general and air pollution in particular .

11. According to the State of the Environment 2001 published by the government, the main issues are land degradation, forest degradation, loss of biodiversity, water pollution, air pollution and solid waste management.

12. However, pollution from Bottled water has also created a whole host of problems for our environment.

13. Cleanest Cities In The Us Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the air and environment causing adverse effects

14. Those who no longer wish to disregard the insidious pollution and degradation of the environment are driven to despair.

15. Microbe - soil pollution ecology is a subject researching the interrelationship among fungus, pollutants and soil environment.

16. 29 We're trying to raise awareness about the environment in general and air pollution in particular .

17. The production line breathes in less amount of air due to being provided with the encloser and movable doors, thereby effectively reducing environment pollution and improving operation environment.

18. Absolutely no data are available on atmospheric environment, such as ambient and indoor air pollution.

19. Diesel engine has been face on both stress in the "environment pollution" and "energy conjuncture" until now.

20. There are many more threats to our environment: air pollution, untreated sewage, acid rain, lack of clean water.

21. The sunshine, zoology environment that gets pollution, mortgage is overweight and the enemy that insalubrious lifestyle is it.

22. Pollution has a negative effect on the health of everyone living in the city, not to mention the damage to the environment.

23. In addition to tap water disinfection, Chloroform pollution in the environment also comes from industrial discharges from pulp …

24. The planting of the common four-o'clock can beautify the environment while simultaneously controlling environmental pollution, thereby bringing about good ecological benefits.

25. Sometimes urban crisis includes race riot, fiscal crisis, political crisis, the crisis of thought, cultural crisis, the pollution of the environment, and so on.

26. At the same time, with the reality of environmental pollution and the environmental disruption ceaselessness aggravation, corporation should undertake inescapable environment social responsibility.

27. The problem of environment pollution or equipment damage caused by the overflow of the pulverous material or the high concentration gas-solid mixture is overcome.

28. Conservationist definition: someone who works to protect the environment from destruction or pollution synonyms: tree hugger, reformer, Green, social reformer

29. Threats to the environment today are numerous: deforestation, water and air pollution, soil erosion, desertification, acid rain and many more.

30. Bunds’ research and teaching examines the connection between sport and the environment generally, and sport, water, and air pollution more specifically

31. Major Air Pollution Disasters Our present knowledge of the effects of air pollution is mainly derived from the study of acute air pollution episodes .

32. Having addressed the influence of various Bioindicators in environmental pollution, it has been revealed that Bioindicators are sensitive to any disturbance in any environment.

33. The Accumulative effects of pollution

34. the accumulative effects of pollution.

35. Even if we lived in a pollution-free environment, and food additives were outlawed, mankind would continue to suffer the effects of sin and death.

36. These include establishment of criteria for sustainable fisheries, the pollution from oil and hazardous substances, airborne pollution, dumping, vessel pollution and prevention of accidents.

37. Bioindicators are used to: detect changes in the natural environment, monitor for the presence of pollution and its effect on the ecosystem in which the organism lives,

38. Global Effects Unlike other types of pollution , air pollution impinges on the climate too .

39. This filter feeding habit allows adult Ascidians to accumulate pollutants, so by observing ascidian populations, we can get a good indication of pollution levels of the environment

40. The serious non-point source pollution and cross-pollution in plain tidal river networks presented problems of environmental pollution and environmental safety.

41. Subject: Pollution of the river Struma

42. Free radicals are extremely aggressive substances from our environment, stirred up by environmental pollution, excessive radiation from the sun, ozone, poisons and pollutants.

43. Population growth, because it can place increased pressure on the assimilative capacity of the environment, is also seen as a major cause of air, water, and solid-waste pollution.

44. Prevention and Control of Water Pollution The principal contributors of water pollution are industrial effluents and sewage .

45. Among the costs mentioned by the OECD Guidelines on Principles relating to Accidental Pollution are costs such as those involved in rehabilitating the polluted environment

46. Among the costs mentioned by the OECD Guidelines on Principles relating to Accidental Pollution are costs such as those involved in rehabilitating the polluted environment.

47. Luminous Pollution Activity Instructions Luminous pollution is 95% responsible for the disappearance of stars in the sky.

48. The existing retorting technology can not exploit the oil shale properly for it can cause pollution to the environment and it is high energy-consuming.

49. The analysed theand harmfulness of motor vehicle exhaust pollution from airborne pollution condition and proposed countermeasure.

50. Jaq smelled the whiff of genetic pollution.

51. Overpopulation is the biggest source of pollution.

52. The pollution has abated.

53. Produces biofuels and chemical products from microAlgae obtained by treating wastewater and flue gas in order to prevent the problems which cause pollution in the environment.

54. 13 As the one of the three primary source of pollution, noise pollution has become worldwide problem and aroused earthling attention.

55. The Acme Pollution Inspection

56. Protecting the marine environment from accidental oil pollution caused by oil tankers through an accelerated phasing-in of double hull or equivalent design standards for single hull oil tankers.

57. Even after damage by pollution, once the source of pollution is gone, a complex ecosystem soon develops again.

58. Pollution prevention encourages changes that can lower production costs, increase efficiency, avoid accidental and operational releases, reduce treatment and disposal costs, and better protect the environment.

59. - pollution is not the prerogative of large installations; in aggregate, small plants also cause their share of pollution and waste;

60. First of all, all noise pollution, including pollution generated by aircraft, must be tackled at source.

61. Environmental Protection > Pollution / Acid Rain > Yukon Pollution / Acid Rain

62. Seabirds ingest Bellyfuls of plastic pollution

63. Today concern for the environment extends into such areas as chemical pollution of the air we breathe and the water we drink, strip mining, dam and road building, ... and a host of other issues.

64. Subject: Aircraft pollution

65. It's plastic pollution.

66. Environmental Protection > Pollution / Acid Rain > Nunavut Pollution / Acid Rain

67. Pollution is threatening the future of the human race.

68. An initial appraisal of pollution problems should point out not only all the work required to prevent a pollution incident.

69. Biophysical environment synonyms, Biophysical environment pronunciation, Biophysical environment translation, English dictionary definition of Biophysical environment

70. Environmental Protection > Pollution / Acid Rain > Nova Scotia Pollution / Acid Rain

71. Continuation of work on the prevention of accidental water pollution

72. If no pollution control expenditures are made(, ambient air pollution concentration will be high and pollution damage costs high.

73. This will increase public consciousness of the pollution issue.

74. Inadequate sanitation is also the cause of environmental pollution.

75. The moon's decimation means deadly pollution of their ozone.

76. Department of Hydrogeology of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, which, as a monitoring centre for chronic and accidental chemical and nuclear pollution of Belarus, initiates alerts/alarms and submits necessary information to the CCRE

77. A foul haze of pollution hung over the city.

78. Pollution led to a shrinkage of grasslands.

79. Environmental Protection > Pollution / Acid Rain > British Columbia Pollution / Acid Rain

80. Pollution has thrown the Earth's chemistry out of kilter .