Use "philosophers" in a sentence

1. Doctors, academicians, philosophers.

2. The mountain of the philosophers.

3. Wanton philosophers, children of putrescence.

4. Philosophers sometimes overweight their negativism.

5. Philosophers were “conversing with him controversially.”

6. 1 Wanton philosophers, children of putrescence.

7. Philosophers use logic to prove their arguments.

8. Ibn Sina (980-1037), whose name was Latinized by Christian Europeans as Avicenna, is often called the greatest of the Islamic philosophers, much as Plato is the most popular and extensive in influence of Greek philosophers, Confucius of Chinese philosophers, Buddha of Indian philosophers, and Kant for German philosophers, for supporters and critics alike, such that…

9. History Quiz / Philosophers Befogged! Random History Quiz Hidden in each sentence are the names of two philosophers, or political thinkers

10. Humanity is an abstraction for priests and philosophers.

11. "The Stone of The Philosophers" by Edward Kelly

12. Among Chinese philosophers, Wang Yang - ming was henpecked. "

13. 15 Do all Oriental philosophers lean towards fatalism?

14. No-Coiners suffer from what philosophers call ressentiment

15. For centuries, it referred to a school of philosophers.

16. They boasted of their great philosophers and wise men.

17. Their philosophers taught the existence of two opposing principles.

18. 11 Pragmatism sought to force philosophers to confront doubt.

19. The Greek philosophers scoffed at such a Messiah as foolishness.

20. Philosophers have an avidity to know how we perceive objects.

21. Meanwhile, philosophers debate whether it's right to clone an individual.

22. Sufi philosophers view the question as artificial or wrongly framed.

23. This explains why so many philosophers have supported theoretical hedonism.

24. 1 The idea has been given short shrift by philosophers.

25. Karl Popper and other philosophers of epistemology misunderstand him completely.

26. To start, we have philosophers as major contributors to the field of Bioethics, and to many philosophers, their discipline is almost by definition a theoretical one

27. Philosophers debated endlessly on the precise nature of the soul.

28. The word itself was never used by the Stoic philosophers.

29. Belief in Causality is deeply held by many philosophers and scientists

30. Physicists and philosophers have often observed that physics is curiously abstract.

31. Cynic is the member of a sect of ancient Greek philosophers.

32. Claude Buffier and Thomas Reid, two common sense philosophers, c1982: t.p

33. Some philosophers combine nonmaleficence and Beneficence, considering them a single principle

34. Also patron of eloquence, maidens, philosophers, preachers, single women, and students.

35. Ibn Arabi, one of the most celebrated mystic-philosophers in Islamic history

36. Containing His Philosophical Accurtations in the makeing the Philosophers Mercury and Elixirs.

37. After reading these stodgy philosophers, I find his pellucid style very enjoyable.

38. Scientists and philosophers began to question the teleological understanding of the world.

39. The ambiguity about craft was widespread among the pantheon of Greek philosophers.

40. The ancient habit of sorting philosophers into schools or groups seems first to have been applied to Aristotelian philosophers by Francisco Patrizi [Franciscus Patritius] in his Discussiones peripateticæ

41. The Conceptualist argument in Leibniz and in contemporary philosophers such as Plantinga

42. Many philosophers would disagree, claiming that the term "pessimism" is being abused.

43. What differing theories regarding the soul’s destiny did some Arab philosophers present?

44. However, analytic philosophers disagree widely about the correct logical form of ordinary language.

45. He must have come to know those philosophers through secondary or tertiary sources.

46. Philosophers and scientists have responded to this difficulty in a variety of ways.

47. Philosophers have searched for millennia but they haven't found the meaning of life.

48. The Greek philosophers and early Christian Fathers boxed the compass once for all.

49. For most philosophers of classical antiquity the world was both animate and divine.

50. Some philosophers argue that this is because there is an underlying conceptual confusion.

51. Roman philosophers sported different styles of beards to distinguish which school they belonged to.

52. She writes that it is not only philosophers who have difficulty with this concept.

53. Even among economists and political philosophers, public services rarely lose their connotation of burden.

54. Philosophers throughout the ages often pondered the question but failed to get concrete answers.

55. Phenomenology is the method of enquiry developed by the philosophers Brentano and, later, Husserl.

56. Adrop definition is - a substance (as lead) believed essential to evolving the philosophers' stone.

57. Three influential philosophers in this field have been Plato, John Locke and Karl Marx.

58. Comments on the Philosophers is a literary special academic works on gloss and emendation.

59. Hobbes contested the scientific systems of the natural philosophers Francis Bacon and Robert Boyle.

60. Aristotle (384–322 BCE) was one of the most important western philosophers in history

61. Economists, sociologists, moral philosophers have understood that, and we are actively looking for collaboration.

62. 18 After reading these stodgy philosophers,[] I find his pellucid style very enjoyable.

63. Later, it was adopted by the Greeks, whose philosophers, such as Plato, polished the theory.

64. The elimination of metaphysics is not the simple matter that some humanist philosophers have supposed.

65. Paul was brought to the Areopagus by Stoic and Epicurean philosophers to explain his beliefs.�

66. Firstly, it ignores those male, often misogynist, philosophers who have emphasised relations and continual processes.

67. Paul was brought to the Areopagus by Stoic and Epicurean philosophers to explain his beliefs.

68. Philosophers of Athens brought Paul to the Areopagus to hear an explanation of his teachings

69. French philosophers produced some of the most important political works of the Age of Enlightenment.

70. Idealist philosophers saw the human body as the most perfect expression of the vertebrate form.

71. Such stories fired the imagination of inventors and philosophers who longed to achieve true flight.

72. Classical philosophers refer to them with contempt, as peddlers of absolution for a modest fee.

73. By insensible gradations the last of the alchemists became the first of the experimental philosophers.

74. He is surrounded by a chorus of sycophantic philosophers who have substituted pandiabolism for pantheism.

75. According to philosophers Tom Beauchamp and Jim Childress, Beneficence is defined as “mercy, kindness, and charity.”

76. Since Medieval times, philosophers have argued as to whether the ontology of mathematics contains abstract objects.

77. However, disagreement about what experimental philosophy can accomplish is widespread and several philosophers have offered criticisms.

78. Enlightenment philosophers postulated a social contract to which rational, independent men could be expected to agree.

79. Cynical (adj.) 1580s, with a capital -c-, "resembling Cynic philosophers," from cynic + -al (1)

80. According to Ronald Guska, the three camps of loyalty that philosophers fall into are: idealists, Atomisms