Use "perfectly" in a sentence

1. Perfectly.

2. So, you can see we matched them perfectly, perfectly.

3. It worked perfectly.

4. How perfectly thrilling.

5. Perfectly formed udders.

6. It was perfectly natural.

7. Your pants fit perfectly.

8. The borders matched perfectly

9. Generate Annotated bibliography perfectly.

10. Should fit you perfectly.

11. He seemed perfectly sane.

12. Nature is perfectly balanced .

13. Moreover, Atomic works perfectly for…

14. " You're perfectly right! " he snorted.

15. That jacket fits you perfectly.

16. My intentions were perfectly honourable.

17. It will fit you perfectly.

18. We complement one another perfectly.

19. Their attitude is perfectly understandable .

20. They sang perfectly in tune.

21. His breath was perfectly noiseless.

22. Two substances were used by ancient glass-workers to produce perfectly or near-perfectly colourless glasses.

23. The taste is perfectly pure.

24. That's a perfectly legitimate fear.

25. His arguments seemed perfectly logical.

26. This arrangement suited me perfectly.

27. So perfectly Christmassy! Reply Delete

28. Brew Coffee Perfectly With Cafetieres

29. Go ahead, it's perfectly safe.

30. There's a perfectly logical explana...

31. That's a perfectly legitimate question.

32. It's perfectly legal and aboveboard.

33. The uniform fitted her perfectly .

34. This sentence is perfectly grammatical.

35. His comment seemed perfectly innocuous.

36. You'll ruin a perfectly decadent evening.

37. 11 His comment seemed perfectly innocuous.

38. The President's policy is perfectly coherent.

39. She found his motives perfectly intelligible.

40. She seems perfectly sane to me.

41. Celibacy is perfectly acceptable, although rare.

42. 4 The pattern was perfectly symmetrical.

43. The Earth is not perfectly spherical.

44. It's more obvious, but perfectly natural.

45. I was never perfectly at ease.

46. Her story sounded perfectly plausible.

47. This is a perfectly valid deduction.

48. It's perfectly good as it is .

49. It seemed a perfectly legitimate question.

50. Mr Prosser thought It'sounded perfectly potty.

51. Their senses of humor meshed perfectly.

52. Jackie has a perfectly shaped figure.

53. James can imitate his father perfectly.

54. So it actually works out perfectly.

55. But does this therapy work perfectly?

56. Real languages are never perfectly logical.

57. It seemed a perfectly innocuous remark.

58. She could mimic her father perfectly.

59. He seems perfectly sane to me.

60. The batter executed the bunt perfectly.

61. He was just a perfectly lovely guy, perfectly content with his life until hurricane Lynette hit him.

62. The chicken Cutlet was cooked perfectly

63. To fortune I am perfectly indifferent.

64. Mozart) It fits the room perfectly.

65. You have put our case perfectly.

66. A case of perfectly normal metastasis.

67. We found the tomb perfectly intact.

68. He was pale but perfectly composed.

69. He’s going to get either perfectly crispy, golden-brown bread or perfectly gooey, melted cheese—but not both.

70. That was a perfectly innocent salesman.

71. It' s perfectly legal and aboveboard

72. Oh, I'm sure they're perfectly rounded.

73. He's a perfectly innocuous young man.

74. He was perfectly courteous to me.

75. Everything else is perfectly ordered, managed.

76. Antecedent permission seems therefore perfectly normal.

77. His story was/sounded perfectly plausible.

78. He appears a perfectly normal person.

79. Everything was perfectly legal and aboveboard.

80. She was tall and perfectly proportioned.