Use "perceptions" in a sentence

1. Perceptions of Inequality

2. The questionnaire was able to reflect pilots' retroactive perceptions and the accuracy of these perceptions.

3. Perceptions and attitudes affect subsequent behaviour.

4. Auditory hallucinations are false perceptions of sound.

5. Conversely, reading a right-wing paper had much more influence upon perceptions of Britain's performance than on perceptions of family circumstances

6. How do we turn molecules into perceptions?

7. Conversely, reading a right-wing paper had much more influence upon perceptions of Britain's performance than on perceptions of family circumstances.

8. There was a connection between these flawed perceptions.

9. Arabs are more likely to have subjective perceptions

10. The impact of conversational Acknowledgers on perceptions of psychotherapists

11. The world, your perceptions of it, your very body.

12. The frail web of human perceptions was laid bare.

13. The reality totally contradicted initial perceptions of this planet.

14. Could I be misinterpreting the nature of my perceptions?

15. Her perceptions and intuitions about human nature were fascinating.

16. Zadeh's most recent work included computing with words and perceptions.

17. The challenge of population ageing: demographic trends and public perceptions

18. Humans associate acoustic perceptions with affection, which have a feedback effect.

19. Perceptions, such as hers, distort the truth and confuse the issue.

20. Perception Apperceptions perceptions perceptional apperceptive precipitation perspiration percipient preoccupation percipience

21. Boosterism attempts to ‘boost’ the reputation and perceptions of a place

22. It changes people's whole perceptions of thinking about and learning science.

23. To learn how to change your perceptions about Challenges, keep reading!

24. It is not my job to answer perceptions of individuals or groups.

25. All his knowledge had come from his sensory perceptions of the world.

26. Beguilement Magic manipulates the thoughts, emotions and perceptions of sentient creatures

27. Our shared perceptions are shaped by the teachings of the Lord Buddha.

28. Ambiguities of aging: Japanese experience and perceptions of menopause Cult Med Psychiatry

29. Second Principle of Biocentrism: Our external and internal perceptions are inextricably intertwined

30. What's true for color is also true for complex perceptions of motion.

31. Advertisers Perceptions says most Advertisers trust podcasts to deliver brand safety and preference

32. * Your remarks give me a much better flavour of your perceptions and priorities.

33. These false perceptions were propagated by the Brahmanists to serve their vested interest.

34. • In return, they have, not surprisingly, Behaved in ways which confirmed these perceptions.

35. Color influences perceptions that are not obvious, such as the taste of food.

36. It studied specific angles, perceptions, policies and institutional aspects of corruption across Europe.

37. Second, it reduced perceptions of risk, reinforcing executives' decisions to locate in the area.

38. The two other main functions concerned contrasting ways of judging and ordering these perceptions.

39. Coalitional Psychology (us versus them; collective action; perceptions of race; multi-individual cooperation)

40. Loneliness isn't the only psychological wound that distorts our perceptions and misleads us.

41. So the bottom line is, evolution does not favor veridical, or accurate perceptions.

42. He is interested in how our perceptions of death affect the way we live.

43. The uncertainty manifests itself above all in the volatile perceptions of the two candidates.

44. All our knowledge is the offspring of our perceptions. Leonardo Da Vinci 

45. However, the development of agrarian, merchant and industrial capitalism heightened perceptions of economic insecurity.

46. Despite public perceptions, across the world 7 out of 10 infections are heterosexual.sentencedict .com

47. In the 1940s, Alcoholics Anonymous emerged and shifted perceptions to alcoholism as a disease.

48. 23 Yet again, the "medical model" approach significantly increased perceptions of dangerousness and unpredictability.

49. Aberrations must be resolved in a transparent and just fashion as public perceptions are important.

50. Effects of video exposure to Cluttering on undergraduate students' perceptions of a person who clutters

51. Users say that the drug has a calming effect with heightened perceptions of colours and sounds .

52. Cultivation theory proposes that repeated exposure to media over time influences perceptions of social reality

53. Synonyms for Apperceptions include grips, understandings, perceptions, comprehensions, grasps, apprehensions, knowledges, discernments, awarenesses and appreciations

54. We Confabulate to make sense out of our experience, our feelings, our perceptions, and our memories

55. As of 2011, Israel ranks 36th out of 182 countries in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index.

56. The research methodology will include the use of questionnaires to establish the range of pupils' perceptions.

57. Attributions are perceptions regarding the causes of outcomes that impact an observer in a meaningful way

58. Perceptions and views on nuclear disarmament: addressing differences and bridging gaps (A/AC.281/WP.1)

59. According to Messing, he was able to broadcast mental suggestions in order to alter people's perceptions.

60. · Austria: Perceptions and views on nuclear disarmament: addressing differences and bridging gaps (A/AC.281/WP.1).

61. As the name implies, Acceptability judgments are consciously reported perceptions of Acceptability that arise when native speakers

62. Teachers' perceptions about reading instruction often derive from a pragmatic approach rather than from a theoretical background.

63. So the vicious cycle continues: we create daughters who have difficulty articulating their own needs and perceptions.

64. Instead of being abstracted from individual perceptions, like empirical Concepts, they originate in the mind itself.

65. Asking hypothetical or speculative questions is one way of investigating perceptions and feelings about certain issues.

66. These perceptions emphasize the pathology of the victims themselves and the pathological influences found in certain areas.

67. Aubade seems to be a simple poem, but there are two parallel perceptions expressed within the poem

68. The first stage is to get in touch with your perceptions and accept responsibility for your relationships.

69. Thus, Soviet perceptions of the West left a strong undercurrent of tension and hostility between the Allied powers.

70. ____ Construes the self as an entity whose perceptions are the basis for the reality of physical objects

71. She is there in the honesty of her perceptions, which are not secondhand, not filched from others.

72. New employees join an organization of interacting players, whose perceptions and expectations establish norms of required behaviour.

73. Avid Powering Greater Creators We help media visionaries create art that colors our perceptions and enriches our culture

74. Only those groups, possessing objectified consciousness, can be said to anchor their thoughts and perceptions by social representations.

75. Crime statistics, pedestrian activity and public perceptions of security will all be monitored before and after scheme installation.

76. To understand attitudes and perceptions of current users and their tax advisors to the Advance Pricing Arrangement program.

77. As they contrasted expectations with reality they admitted exasperatedly that they had accepted the job based on erroneous perceptions.

78. Essentially they were informal contingency exchanges whose future character would be determined by perceptions of Soviet actions and intentions.

79. Her books deal in changing perceptions rather than unalterable truths, and she herself was perhaps her most imaginative achievement ....

80. By virtue of their ubiquity, popular prints were instrumental in helping to shape the perceptions of the vast majority.