Use "pass into solution" in a sentence

1. Thus he could pass a solution containing bacteria through the filter and completely remove them from the solution.

2. Absorbance is determined by measuring the light waves that pass through a solution

3. You'll soon pass out of childhood into manhood.

4. I got myself a pass into the barracks.

5. 22 His words may pass into a proverb.

6. 25 Vapors pass over from a retort into receiver.

7. Patients under hypnosis pass into a trance - like state.

8. Pour 250mL of Shellite into the Basified solution

9. 8 Vapors pass over from a retort into a receiver.

10. Be sure that ADVATE is completely dissolved, otherwise not all reconstituted solution will pass through the device filter

11. However, when this Agarose solution is heated, the Agarose particles become hydrated and thus go into solution

12. 10 A porous polymer membrane bag seals the electrolyte, allowing water vapour, but not the acid solution, to pass.

13. The Assembly was unable to pass resolutions and dissolved into endless debate.

14. Amitriptyline can pass into bust milk and might hurt a nursing infant

15. “Pass on over from here and go into Judea,” they advised him.

16. Peters received a diagonal pass and headed the ball into the net.

17. Split - EP Alaric & Atriarch Sickness Will Pass Stoneburner Into the Cryosphere

18. After crossing the pass the trail drops steeply into the Pakaymayu drainage.

19. 25 She backed into a doorway to let the crowds pass by.

20. 4 And it came to pass that he departed into the wilderness.

21. 7 The salt solution helps coagulate the soy milk into clumps.

22. We injected 1,000 cc of the nanomite solution into each subject.

23. Cyanocobalamin can pass into your breast milk and may harm a nursing baby

24. Texas has yet to pass and sign into law a Constitutional carry bill

25. Muhammad divided the Muslim army into four columns: one to advance through each pass.

26. Once they pass, we can carry on over the ridge and into the forest.

27. Again he had injected a saline solution into the Doctor's blood vessels.

28. The ketone bodies pass into the brain and replace glucose as an energy source.

29. Divide the students into groups and pass out the jars and the small items.

30. She swam slowly out into the sea, waiting for the ghastly ennui to pass.

31. Filter into a separating funnel and add # ml of sulphuric acid solution

32. Ambulatory Care Nursing Exam Secrets Study Guide is the ideal prep solution for anyone who wants to pass the Ambulatory Care Nurse exam

33. All drainage, which will contain some formaldehyde solution, is drained into closed vessels.

34. Urea and other waste products, potassium, and phosphate diffuse into the dialysis solution.

35. SNOB-5G: The first steps into a Scalable Network Backhauling Solution for 5G

36. When scientists Atomize a solution into tiny bits, an aerosol spray is created

37. Filter into a separating funnel and add 0,25 ml of sulphuric acid solution (2.1).

38. Integrating a strategic software solution into MultiTrans gave birth to the Advanced Linguistics module.

39. For example, to create a Allel.model.dask.GenotypeDaskArray, pass the underlying data directly into the class constructor, e.g.:

40. The absorption of a metal into the organism requires the metal to pass through cell membranes.

41. The pulverised pieces then pass into your small intestine where they get broken down even further.

42. Each earthworm will form an egg capsule in its Clitellum and pass it into the environment

43. This epoch was to pass, after Adams's presidency, into similar backgrounds and were very closely interrelated.

44. Python pass By reference vs pass by value

45. Volleyball: Introducing rules, dig pass, and overhand pass.

46. Pour the powder into the solution and agitate it until the powder has dissolved.

47. Operation, application and uses of the following filters: low pass, high pass, band pass, band stop.

48. 9 Pass, pass,( pass and look to pick holes in United's suddenly creaky back four.

49. This epoch was to pass, after Adams's presidency,[Sentencedict] into similar backgrounds and were very closely interrelated.

50. The Orrery is my life's work, and I would hate to see it pass into obscurity now.

51. Unlike the larvae, the egg can pass right through the walls of the intestines into the bloodstream.

52. The active substances pass into urine and breast milk and can lead to abortions in pregnant women.

53. Cogitate will source and integrate commercial lines data from Verisk into Cogitate's flagship solution DigitalEdge

54. Chun had put his sword back into the scabbard and turned to a political solution.

55. On this day, he was given a four-hour pass to begin to slowly Assimilate into society

56. 21 To pass unscathed into the inner sanctum of the wave is the categorical imperative of surfing.

57. Solution: Androcytes or antherozoid mother cell of Funaria metamorphoses into a single biflagellate spermatozoid (Antherozoids)

58. An integrator that is useful in forming low pass, band pass, high pass, and band stop filters.

59. Assimilatory - capable of taking (gas, light, or liquids) into a solution; "an Assimilative substance

60. It'll pass.

61. And I'd want one that could pass and would pass.

62. Pass through a filtering crucible of 4 porosity, wash first of all with a 10 % solution of sulphuric acid, then two or three times with ethyl alcohol.

63. Pass through a filtering crucible of 4 porosity, wash first of all with a 10% solution of sulphuric acid, then two or three times with ethyl alcohol.

64. During the storage of grapes before pressing, they pass into anaerobic conditions caused by respiration and fermentation processes.

65. The function of the stomach is to digest food sufficiently to enable it to pass into the intestine.

66. Antimonious is converted into Antimonic chloride by treatment with permanganate of potash in an acid solution

67. With a microsyringe insert 100 μl of solution (5.2.3) into a 10 ml conical-bottomed tube.

68. The sodium is only able to pass into the membrane through sodium ion channels distributed along the axon.

69. Antimonious is converted into antimonic chloride by treatment with permanganate of potash in an acid solution

70. When you want to get into a sticky situation Austro Adhesives has the solution for you

71. Pipette an aliquot part (8.1) of the solution to be analysed into a 400 millilitre beaker.

72. Rapidly introduce # ml of barium hydroxide solution into each of the absorption vessels (F# and F

73. Taking into account your needs and budget, we will develop the best software solution for you.

74. The obvious solution - to move into more capital-intensive highly skilled work - is being energetically pursued.

75. Principle of gas Chromatography: The sample solution injected into the instrument enters a gas stream which transports the sample into a separation tube

76. Making another pass

77. And it came to pass that I arose and went up into the mountain, and cried unto the Lord.

78. 23 Yes, today Jehovah is preparing his servants to pass through the “great tribulation” into a righteous new world.

79. A pretty, rustic affectation of innocence that, to such as can not see into her, may pass well enough.

80. To refuse a debate would be to pass up an opportunity to breathe a little new life into democracy.