Use "pagan" in a sentence

1. Pagan sacrifices, worshipping pagan symbols and visiting pagan temples shall no longer be allowed.

2. Those were pagan prayers!

3. The people worshipped pagan gods.

4. People everywhere were worshipping pagan gods.

5. [1] A notable strategy for Christianization was interpretatio christiana – the practice of converting native pagan practices and culture, pagan religious imagery, pagan sites and the pagan calendar to Christian uses, due to the Christian efforts at proselytism based on the Great Commission.

6. 13 That is really pagan fatalism.

7. Pagan myths often conflict with geographic facts.

8. See more ideas about Altar, pagan Altar, wiccan.

9. This too is deeply rooted in pagan worship.

10. Namely, the inevitable decline of pagan myth.

11. Why was this pagan king’s conversion so important?

12. In pagan cults there were two Kinds of sacrifices.

13. Christian churches are still full of pagan symbolism.

14. Frosty the Snowman espouses a pagan belief in magic.

15. This is the Orphic [pagan Greek] and Virgilian [pagan Roman] doctrine of Purgatory: there is not a word about it in the Gospels. . . .

16. Banishing Oil 1/2 oz Hoodoo Wiccan Pagan Voodoo Santeria

17. Certainly the pagan teachings prevailing then were “beggarly elementary things.”

18. In ancient times the Curonians, a pagan tribe, inhabited Courland.

19. A small minority of the population practise ancient Pagan religions.

20. Strikes on Pagan Island preceded a brief upkeep at Eniwetok.

21. The new religion was eager to convert the pagan world.

22. Does that not indicate a condoning of pagan teachings?

23. Welcoming Constantine in Rome, a pagan Senate declared him chief Augustus and Pontifex Maximus, that is, high priest of the pagan religion of the empire.

24. Why did Mordecai allow Esther to marry a pagan unbeliever?

25. 16 The Easter egg has both pagan and Christian origins.

26. CAN A PAGAN PRACTICE BE "Christianized?" By Marsha West

27. And while he was doing this, he praised his pagan gods.

28. Candlemas is a very old holiday with a Christian-Pagan history

29. Jews began to look at pagan ideas in a different light.

30. The word Easter derives from Eostre, the pagan goddess of spring.

31. Christmas is an adaptation of the Pagan feast of Yule.

32. This date in pagan Rome was dedicated to the Sun god . . .

33. Not even the grimmest phantoms of pagan imagination are wantonly malignant.

34. But Christians believed it an abomination to honor such a pagan god.

35. These are things that are very common in polytheistic and pagan practices.

36. Their religion was a mixture of Jewish and pagan beliefs and practices.

37. Pagan and I are happily married, with babies as well as jobs.

38. Christianization (Christian churches or the condemnation of pagan gods and practices

39. Beowulf’s synthesis of pagan and Christian elements is a reflection of a period in which the ideals of the pagan age were alleviated by the placidity of the new faith

40. The Pagan Hercules, why was he Accounted a hero? # To consider (that)

41. Constantine contributed to the fusing of “Christianity” with the pagan Roman religion.

42. Relief depicting a pagan Assyrian king wearing a cross, circa 800 B.C.E.

43. Nevertheless, devotion to any pagan symbol is clearly condemned by the Bible.

44. The Bible book of Acts clearly portrays the pagan atmosphere surrounding early Christianity.

45. Upper-class Christians were indistinguishable from their pagan fellows in their life-style.

46. With Christian times, the omens of the pagan Augurers lost their import

47. Burmese chronicles do not agree on the origins of the Pagan kingdom.

48. Apostate Israelites who adopted this pagan concept were severely condemned by God.

49. He concluded: “The immortality of the soul . . . is a pagan philosophical dogma.”

50. Why Consecrate? In many modern Pagan traditions, magical tools are Consecrated before use

51. Traditional Besom Broom - Rainbow - Handmade, Ceremonial, Broomstick, Witch Broom, Wall Decor,Pagan Wedding Broom

52. A principal reason for this was their association with the pagan peoples around them.

53. We could do the sort of like, I was just thinking, weird pagan things.

54. Although Hezekiah’s father was an idolater, Hezekiah ‘cleansed his path,’ possibly of pagan influences.

55. Apostate Israelites who adopted the pagan concept of fate were severely condemned by God

56. Early Christians in Europe adopted many of the practices of the older, pagan religions.

57. Was this pagan ruler really willing to accept and act upon the truth?

58. These favored a confederacy, or conspiracy, with a mighty pagan kingdom of this world.

59. They generally symbolize pagan religion and particularly the presence of a goddess and priestesses.

60. 12 Pagan worship was characterized by prostitution, the worship of the dead, and revelry.

61. Absurd (3) Profile: A German pagan / black metal band with RAC influences, active since 1992

62. Maurice and his legion, Gereon and his soldiers reftised to worship pagan gods before battle.

63. When they left Jehovah, some kings of Israel erected altars to pagan gods, like Baal.

64. Three years of association with pagan royalty may have cultivated the corroding influence of ambition.

65. Late Carolingian Ivory Relief Sculpture (870) A dying pagan asks Saint Remi for baptism

66. According to legend Adrian was a pagan officer at the imperial court of Nicomedia

67. It absorbed pagan beliefs and practices in its quest for converts, power, and popularity.

68. Claims that the Bible account was derived from a pagan legend thus ring hollow.

69. It is to no avail that her citizens “purify” themselves according to pagan rites.

70. Many apostasize and return to their former pagan practices not long after being baptized.”

71. And “Christian” clergymen were given the status, salary, and influential clout of pagan priests.

72. 28 She and her confessor ran away from her incestuous father, a pagan chieftain.

73. Constantine's position was not so surprising in an essentially pagan potentate of warlike disposition.

74. We can speculate that the stone circles were used in some sort of pagan ceremony.

75. The burning of witches, the Spanish Inquisition, the slaughter of pagan tribes and so on.

76. The two settled their lances, rode at each other, and the pagan knight was slain.

77. More "underground" Pagan priests are discovered, arrested, Burlesqued, tortured and executed in Alexandria, Egypt

78. Likely the term “bed” refers either to the altar or to the place of pagan worship.

79. 13 During the exile, the Jews endure much more than mere captivity in a pagan land.

80. Doubtless, there were literal drunkards in Israel, since Samaria was the scene of licentious pagan worship.