Use "p-n junction" in a sentence

1. The junction diode structure can include a p-n or a p-i-n junction.

2. Bipolar junction transistors are formed from two p–n junctions, in either n–p–n or p–n–p configuration.

3. P-n junction-type compoud semiconductor light-emitting diode

4. Light-emitting diode with multiple quantum wells and asymmetric p-n junction

5. Method of fabricating a merged p-n junction and schottky diode with regrown gallium nitride layer

6. He says this method was used to "make complex p-n junction shapes for special transistors".

7. The semiconductor device is selected from a group including p-n junction diodes and Schottky barier diodes.

8. ‘Light-emitting diode (LED)’ means a light source which consists of a solid state device embodying a p-n junction.

9. (16) ‘Light-emitting diode (LED)’ means a light source which consists of a solid state device embodying a p-n junction.

10. 16¿ per cubic centimeters, reverse blocking voltages greater than those of a corresponding parallel-plane P-N junction rectifier can be achieved.

11. Apasttra\p apatetic\A apathetically\v apathetic\A apathies\p apathy\N apatite\N Apaturia\N APA\N apa\N APC\N ape-man\N ape-men\p apeak\vA aped\V apeiron\N Apeldoorn\N apelike\A Apelles\N apeman\N Apemius\N Apemosyne\N Apennine Mountains\h Apennines\p Apepi\N apercus\p apercu\N aperient\AN aperies\p aperiodically\v aperiodicity\N aperiodic\A

12. Bray Real Estate Grand Junction Office 1015 N

13. light emitting diode or LED means a solid state device embodying a p-n junction, emitting optical radiation when excited by an electric current

14. ‘light emitting diode’ or ‘LED’ means a solid state device embodying a p-n junction, emitting optical radiation when excited by an electric current;

15. Chiraler P,N-Ligand auf Tetrazol-Basis; Synthese von chiralen P,N-Liganden

16. ‘inorganic light emitting diode’ (LED) means a technology in which light is produced from a solid state device embodying a p-n junction of inorganic material.

17. ‘organic light emitting diode’ (OLED) means a technology in which light is produced from a solid state device embodying a p-n junction of organic material.

18. Brasqued\V brasque\Nt brasquing\V brass band\h brass hat\h brass knuckles\h brass tacks\p brassage\N brassard\N brassbound\A brasseries\p brasserie\N brasseys\p brassey\N brassicaceous\A brassica\N brassiere\N brassier\A brassiest\A brassies\p brassie\N brassily\v brassiness\N brassish\A brassware\N brassy\A Brassó\N Brass\N brass\N

19. If P 1 n=1 a n Converges absolutely and fb ngis bounded then P 1 n=1 a nb n Converges

20. If P 1 n=1 a n Converges conditionally and fb ngis bounded then P 1 n=1 a nb n Converges

21. Canna chineresisw has the top N, P content and the top contribute to N, P removal.

22. The word Appendants uses 10 letters: a, a, d, e, n, n, p, p, s, t

23. Alabastoi\p alabastos\N alabastra\p alabastron\N alabastrum\N alack\! alacritous\A alacrity\N Aladdin\N alae\Np Alagez\N Alage\N Alagoas\N Alagöz\N Alai Mountains\h Alain-Fournier\N Alaine\N Alain\N Alair\N Alai\N Alake\N Alalcomenean Athena\h Alalcomeneus\N alalia\N Alamannic\NA Alamanni\p Alameda\N alameda\N Alamein\N alamiqui\N

24. High-voltage trench junction barrier schottky diode with p layers beneath the schottky contact

25. Cryptorchidisme: Andrologie, pédiatrie N

26. 1-(N-Acetylamino)-4-bromobenzene 1-Bromo-4-acetamidobenzene 4'-Bromoacetanilide 4-Bromoacetanilide Acetamide, N-(p-bromophenyl)- Acetanilide, 4'-bromo- Acetanilide, p-bromo- Antisepsin Asepsin Bromoacetanilide Bromoanalide Bromoanilide Bromoantifebrin N-(4-Bromophenyl)acetamide N-(4-bromophenyl)ethanamide N-(p-Bromophenyl)acetamide N-Acetyl-4

27. 1-(N-Acetylamino)-4-bromobenzene 1-Bromo-4-acetamidobenzene 4'-Bromoacetanilide 4-Bromoacetanilide Acetamide, N-(p-bromophenyl)- Acetanilide, 4'-bromo- Acetanilide, p-bromo- Antisepsin Asepsin Bromoacetanilide Bromoanalide Bromoanilide Bromoantifebrin N-(4-Bromophenyl)acetamide N-(4-bromophenyl)ethanamide N-(p-Bromophenyl)acetamide N-Acetyl-4

28. If the probability of success on an individual trial is p , then the Binomial probability is n C x ⋅ p x ⋅ ( 1 − p ) n − x .

29. From here on in, the voltages recorded with a positive field will have a subscript P (for example, V13, P = V3, P - V1, P) and those recorded with a negative field will have a subscript N (such as V13, N = V3, N - V1, N).

30. Antipestilently\v antipestilent\A antipetalous\A Antiphas\N Antiphates\N antiphilosophically\v antiphilosophical\A antiphilosophic\A antiphilosophies\p antiphilosophism\N antiphilosophy\AN antiphlogistic\AN antiphonally\v antiphonal\AN antiphonaries\p antiphonary\NA antiphonically\v antiphonic\A antiphonies\p antiphony\N antiphon\N antiphrasis

31. The deep recessed P+ junction may be deeper than a termination structure in the transistor device.

32. Din Ajunul tinereței pân’ ce …

33. Ambassadorially\v ambassadorial\A ambassadors-at-large\p ambassadorship\N ambassador\N ambassadress\N ambatch\N amba\N Ambedkar\N Amber Islands\h amberfish\N ambergris\N amberina\N amberjack\N Amberley\N amberlike\A Amberly\N amberoid\N amberous\A Ambert\N ambery\A Amber\N amber\N ambiances\p ambiance\N ambidexterity\N ambidexter\AN ambidextral

34. T rajector y P Attern Mining F o sca G ia n n o tti1 M irco N a n n i1 D in o P e d re sch i2 F a b io P in e lli1 P isa K D D L a b o ra to ry 1 IS T I - C N R , A re a d e lla R ice rca d iP isa , V ia G iu se p p e M o ru zzi, 1 - 5 6 1 2 4 P isa , Ita ly 2 C o m p u te r S cie n ce D e p., U n ive rsity o f P isa , L a rg o P o n te co rvo, 3 - 5 6 1 2 7 P isa , Ita ly

35. Acinuni\p acinus\N Acis\N ack-ack\N ackee\N Ackerley\N Ackerman\N Acker\N ackeys\p ackey\N Ackler\N Ackley\N acknowledgeable\A acknowledgedly\v acknowledged\t acknowledger\N acknowledge\t acknowledging\t acknowledgment\N ackton\N ack\N acleistocardia\N acle\N aclinic line\h ACLS\N ACLU\N acmesthesia\N acme\N acmic\A acmite\N Acmon\N acnemia\N

36. Botulinuses\p botulinus\N botulin\N botulism\N Botvinnik\N Botzow\N BOT\N bot\NVi BouakŽ\N Bouak\N Bouar\N Bouchard\N Boucher\N Bouches-du-Rh™ne\N Bouches-du-Rh\N bouche\N Bouchier\N bouchons\p bouchon\N BouchŽ\N bouch\N Boucicault\N bouclŽ\N boucl\NA boudeuse\N Boudicca\N boudoir\N Boudreaux\N boud\N bouffancy\N bouffant\AN bouffe\N

37. Blueness, en inredningsbutik på nätet

38. Nicolet Antaris Near-IR Analyzer P/N 10890

39. Http:// What is Adherens JUNCTION? What does Adherens JUNCTION mean? Adherens JUNCTION meaning - Adherens JUNCTION definition

40. For any continued fraction, the even Convergents p 2 ⁢ n / q 2 ⁢ n are strictly monotonically increasing, and the odd Convergents p 2 ⁢ n + 1 / q 2 ⁢ n + 1 are strictly monotonically decreasing

41. N Converges but the Ratio Test is inconclusive then P 1 n=1 a n Converges conditionally

42. The word Appertain uses 9 letters: a, a, e, i, n, p, p, r, t

43. Badmeng\N badmen\p badminton\N badness\N Badoglio\N Badr\N bad\ANvV Baecher\N Baeda\N Baedeker raid\h Baedeker\N BAEd\N Baekeland\N Baelbeer\N Bael\N bael\N Baerl\N Baerman\N Baer\N Baese\N baetylic\A baetyl\N Baeyer\N Baez\N BAE\N baffies\p Baffin Bay\h Baffin Island\h Baffin\N baffled\V bafflement\N baffleplate\N baffler\N baffle\tN baffling

44. If P 1 n=1 a n is an alternating series then it Converges

45. The word Appanages uses 9 letters: a, a, a, e, g, n, p, p, s

46. Antiatheistical\A antiatheistic\A antiatheist\NA antiauxin\N Antia\N antibacchic\A antibacchii\p antibacchius\N antibacterial\A antiballistic\A antibaryon\N Antibes\N antibilious\A antibiosis\N antibiotically\v antibiotic\NA antiblastic immunity\h antiblastic\A antibodies\p antibody\N anticapitalism\N anticapitalistically\v anticapitalistic\A

47. The word Coppering uses 9 letters: c, e, g, i, n, o, p, p, r

48. Apodedeipna\p apodeictically\v apodeipnon\N apodemal\A apodema\N apodeme\N apodictically\v apodictic\A apodoses\p apodosis\N apodous\A apoenzyme\N apoferritin\N apogamically\v apogamic\A apogamously\v apogamous\A apogamy\N apogeal\A apogee\N apogeotropically\v apogeotropic\A apogeotropism\N apographical\A apographic\A

49. Näet saman Aviatorin päälinjassa

50. Find din næste Autocamper på Camperportalen

51. I n s u r e d e P e r s o n NAME AND AGE NAAM EN OUDE RDO M V r s k e r d e P e r o o BUSINESS OR OCCUPATION Besigh EID OF BEROEP n R e l a t i o n s h i p o f i n s u r e d p e r s o n t o i n s u r e d If e m p

52. The word Appareling uses 10 letters: a, a, e, g, i, l, n, p, p, r

53. the declared nutrients nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) or potassium (K), by their chemical symbols in the order N-P-K; the declared nitrogen content is given by the sum of ammoniacal N, nitric N, ureic N, N from urea formaldehyde, N from isobutylidene diurea, N from crotonylidene diurea and N from cyanamide.

54. P-Bromoacetanilide;4-Bromoacetanilide;Aceto-p-bromoanilide;Asepsin;N-Acetyl-p-bromoaniline;Antisepsin;Bromcantifebrin Molecular formula : C8H8BrNO MW : 214.06 CAS No

55. Entries with "Adherens" Adherens junction: Adherens junction (English) Noun Adherens junction (pl

56. The word Appetences uses 10 letters: a, c, e, e, e, n, p, p, s, t

57. P. bugei n. g. n. sp. from the French Coniacian andP. punctata n. g. n. sp. from the Swedish Campanian are described.

58. [en] Nuclear reactions in the hot accretion plasma surrounding a collapsed star are a source of neutrons, primarily through spallation and pion-producing reactions, and Antineutrons, principally through the reaction p+p yields p+p+n+anti-n

59. Baalizing\t Baalman\N Baalshem\N Baal\N baal\v baaskap\N baas\N BAA\N baa\VN Bab ed-Din\h Bab el Mandeb\h Babara\N Babar\N babas au rhum\p babassu oil\h babassu\N babas\p baba\N Babbage\N Babbie\N Babbitry\N Babbitt metal\h Babbittry\N Babbitt\N babbitt\t babbled\V babblement\N babbler\N babble\VitN babblingly\v babbling\V Babby\N Babb\N

60. The word Brainpans uses 9 letters: a, a, b, i, n, n, p, r, s

61. Antisensuously\v antisensuousness\N antisensuous\A antisepalous\A antisepsis\N antiseptically\v antisepticised\t antisepticise\t antisepticising\t antisepticized\t antisepticize\t antisepticizing\t antiseptic\AN antiserumsera\p antiserums\p antiserum\N antisiccative\A antiskeptical\A antiskepticism\N antiskeptic\N

62. Antipacifistic\A antipacifist\NA antipapacy\A antipapalist\NA antipapal\A antipapism\N antipapistical\A antipapistic\A antipapist\NA antiparabemata\p antiparabema\N antiparallel\A antiparasitically\v antiparasitical\A antiparasitic\A antiparliamentary\A antiparliament\A antiparticle\N antipasti\p antipastos\p

63. The word Apparelling uses 11 letters: a, a, e, g, i, l, l, n, p, p, r

64. Herrkommittén Arrangerar herrgolf varje vecka på onsdagar

65. No significant correlation was found between dynamic MR and evacuation defaecography comparing either changes of anorectal angle (r = 0,16; p = 0,40) or anorectal junction descent (r = 0,29; p = 0,12).

66. The word Alpenhorns uses 10 letters: a, e, h, l, n, n, o, p, r, s

67. The word Anticipant uses 10 letters: a, a, c, i, i, n, n, p, t, t

68. The word Approbating uses 11 letters: a, a, b, g, i, n, o, p, p, r, t

69. connected through a resistor (r1) to the screening plate (sp) and additional plates (p¿1?, ..., p¿n?).

70. O M N I K O R P S -

71. Wren is successful, too, in p r e s e n t i n g Clark's p o i n t of view concern- i n g the t r a g e d y and the torment without d e n y i n g t h a t Casualtiesis an a p o l o g i a

72. The word Appetizingly uses 12 letters: a, e, g, i, i, l, n, p, p, t, y, z

73. The word Approbations uses 12 letters: a, a, b, i, n, o, o, p, p, r, s, t

74. The normal distribution can be used as an Approximation to the binomial distribution, under certain circumstances, namely: If X ~ B(n, p) and if n is large and/or p is close to ½, then X is approximately N(np, npq) (where q = 1 - p).

75. The word Companioned uses 11 letters: a, c, d, e, i, m, n, n, o, o, p

76. The word Antiphonals uses 11 letters: a, a, h, i, l, n, n, o, p, s, t

77. Increased N fertilizer application resulted in increasing infection by P. parasitica.

78. A semiconductor structure comprising (N) stacked junctions, each junction formed of a IV-VI semiconductor alloy and each of said N junctions having a bandgap, where N is an integer and N>1 is disclosed.

79. This is proved by reduction ad absurdum through two Apodoses, as follows: If P, then M — and — if P, then N (original major premise) and P (denial of conclusion) so, M and N (contrary of minor)

80. Acorus calamus was more efficient for accumulating N and P, while Iris tectorum had more N and P per plant as a result of its much higher biomass.