Use "organism" in a sentence

1. Biogeography analyzes organism-environment


3. Cryptosporidium is a living thing (organism) that lives in, or on, another organism (a parasite)

4. An advanced bio-synthetic organism.

5. An anaerobic organism or Anaerobe is any organism that does not require molecular oxygen for growth

6. In contrast, an anaerobic organism (anAerobe) is any organism that does not require oxygen for growth

7. In contrast, an anAerobic organism (anaerobe) is any organism that does not require oxygen for growth

8. What is an Auxotroph? An organism that contains mutations that alter the nutritional requirements of an organism. What is a prototroph? A wild-type organism containing no mutations.

9. An Aerobic organism or aerobe is an organism that can survive and grow in an oxygenated environment

10. An aerobic organism or Aerobe is an organism that can survive and grow in an oxygenated environment

11. Acidophile archaeal organism ferroplasma acidarmanus, fer1

12. An earthworm is a terricolous organism.

13. An aerobic organism or aerobe is an organism that can survive and grow in an oxygenated environment.

14. Bacteriemia - transient presence of bacteria in the blood bacteremia, bacteriaemia microorganism, micro-organism - any organism of microscopic size

15. A society is essentially an organism.

16. " This organism is restricted intellectual property. "

17. Selection will root out such organism.

18. A cyborg is a cybernetic organism.

19. For this and many more problems, most Abiogenesists suggest that the first living organism was a single-cell organism

20. Bacteriaemia - transient presence of bacteria in the blood bacteremia, bacteriemia microorganism, micro-organism - any organism of microscopic size

21. • An organism Assimilates another organism when it makes the latter into something like itself, as food into the body

22. 2 words related to Aerobe: organism, being

23. The business is a large, complicated organism.

24. An organism assimilates another organism when it makes the latter into something like itself, as food into the body.

25. Because the manufacturing process is our organism.

26. Simple antibiotics are effective against this organism.

27. Live Attenuated vaccines are created by reducing the ability of an infectious organism to cause disease without killing the organism

28. Clone, cell or organism that is genetically identical to the original cell or organism from which it is derived

29. " The first artificial organism and its consequences. "

30. An alien object was threatening the organism.

31. The army is an extremely complex organism.

32. Organism vs Aerobia - what is the difference

33. The organism that develops from a zygote.

34. Animalcule An obsolete, nonspecific term for: (1) Any microscopic organism; (2) Any “core” organism of the now-discarded preformation theory.

35. With maleficent organism quarantined by the national.

36. In Cladistics, the most common recent ancestor of a particular organism plays a key role in the classification of that organism

37. What does Allometry mean? The disproportionate growth of a part or parts of an organism as the organism changes in size

38. It was an infectious organism that he studied.

39. Food poisoning is caused by a bacterial organism.

40. Not a robot, a cyborg, a cyborgnetic organism.

41. Coccidia is a single-celled organism called protozoa

42. An Acidophilic cell, tissue, organism, or substance; eosinophil.

43. The human organism can withstand unspeakable physical pain.

44. An Acidophilic cell, tissue, organism, or substance; eosinophil.

45. Antibiont definition is - an organism participating in antibiosis.

46. In this way an organism extends its life.

47. Relating to or caused by a flagellate organism.

48. A pAthogen is an organism that causes disease

49. Genome: the genetic complement of a living organism.

50. Autologous definition, from the same organism: an Autologous graft

51. 3 words related to Anaerobe: organism, being, obligate Anaerobe

52. Virulence may vary between strains of the same organism.

53. Biflagellate (plural Biflagellates) Any organism that has two flagella

54. Aggressins inhibit the defence mechanisms of the host organism

55. Basophil definition, a Basophilic cell, tissue, organism, or substance

56. Chelicerata Click on organism name to get more information

57. Dominant allele: an allele, which has the same effect on the phenotype of an organism, whether the organism is homozygous or heterozygous for the gene.

58. Cyanobacteria, also known as cyano, is a common photosynthetic organism

59. Describes an organism with two different Alleles for a trait

60. The organism was not detected in all samples showing Bittiness

61. The nonliving material upon which an organism lives or grows.

62. 4 words related to Commensal: organism, being, biological science, biology

63. Amoeba proteus is a microscopic organism with a large cell

64. The human organism learns partly by nature, partly by nurture.

65. Desiccation The drying out of an organism due to evaporation.

66. Backcross, the mating of a hybrid organism (offspring of genetically unlike parents) with one of its parents or with an organism genetically similar to the parent

67. Caseous lymphadenitis is caused by the bacterial organism Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis

68. Cytokines operate by transmitting signals between cells in an organism

69. A Strand-Cast, alternatively spelled strandcast, was a bioengineered organism

70. All Abscesses are infectious, regardless of the organism causing them

71. Some life sciences focus on a specific type of organism.

72. Apoptosis plays an important role in survival of multicellular organism.

73. 5 Genetic analysis in any organism requires stable heritable differences.

74. The Organism: Bacillus cereus is a facultative anaerobic spore forming bacteria

75. Hypocalcaemia and decreased absorption probably protect the organism from extraosseous calcification.

76. An obligate aerobe is an organism that requires oxygen to grow.

77. Understanding the populations dynamics of an organism being monitored is critical.

78. Genes operate together in determining the characteristics of an individual organism .

79. When an organism is homozygous dominant it has two dominant genes.

80. The word root "bio-" means life, therefore a Biotic factor is any activity of a living organism that affects another living organism within its environment