Use "once or twice" in a sentence

1. Dry Brushing too briskly or too often (more than once or twice per week; in fact, once or twice per

2. Bleomycin is usually given once or twice

3. Frequency: about once or twice every few months

4. The Calcine may be leached once or twice

5. Most students skateboarding once or twice a week.

6. I order Ajuga jumbos once or twice a year

7. Once or twice he had seen them come to blows.

8. 7 We go there maybe once or twice a month.

9. Depending on the species, Bovids mate once or twice a year.

10. Once bit [bitten] twice shy.

11. This committee met only once or twice before falling into abeyance.

12. The rest get the cherubic chef's neatly shaved cheek, once or twice.

13. Now you turn the crank once, twice: twice, marvels come out.

14. After that , they can generally cut back to once or twice a week .

15. “Once bitten, twice shy” is their motto.

16. Hear twice before you speak once. 

17. An older snake may shed its skin only once or twice a year.

18. I lived it twice now, once in anticipation, once in actuality.

19. Shearing in Egypt is done once or twice a year with hand clippers.

20. Score twice before you cut once. 

21. All Anticonvulsants have once- or twice-daily dosing, but safety is a distinguishing issue

22. Wit once bought is worth twice taught. 

23. Once a man and twice a child. 

24. We also ran the analysis twice, once for men and once for women.

25. There is no evidence for unexpected accumulation of rosiglitazone after once or twice daily dosing

26. Screen transfer paper is hand - squeegee once or twice and then dry at room temperature.

27. LostgolfBalls provides great deals on golf Balls that have only been hit once or twice

28. My kids have rarely seen me flip out—maybe once or twice in their lives.

29. But it'd flashed up like neon in my head once or twice since then: Warning.

30. Would your rash disappear if you applied the ointment only once or twice a month?

31. That was why once or twice Debbie let her cash the money order for her.

32. 9 Once a man and twice a child. 

33. Tedmor or Palmyra, bring to Aleppo once or twice every year Alcali, which they collect in the desert.

34. Better ask twice than lose you way once. 

35. Corries still have to play Uwic twice and Barry Town once and Bettws once

36. Another possibility that I have experimented with once or twice is creating a monogram in flowers.

37. So it would intersect the curve twice, once at this point, once at this point.

38. TWICE×ONCE ️ Watch the latest video from Auxine (@Auxine_09).

39. During that period, she visited Shanghai twice and Tsingtao once.

40. 28 I have a file cleanout day scheduled in my tickler file or calendar for once or twice a year.

41. The Clapboard should be checked thoroughly at least once or twice a year in order to avoid

42. You know, they pick up their hives; they move their families once or twice in a year.

43. Anoles are insectivores. Crickets should make up their primary diet, supplemented once or twice a week with mealworms or waxworms

44. Once or twice he found himself tugged away on the backwash of voices, drifting here and there.

45. Synonyms for Biannually include semiannually, twice-a-year, twice-yearly, half-yearly, six-monthly, semiyearly, at six-monthly intervals, semesterly, once every semester and once per semester

46. 20 Tokyo has been destroyed twice in the twentieth century, once by earthquake, once by war.

47. If you understand, shake rattle once for yes, twice for no.

48. We saw each other once or twice a week for the past four-and-a-half, five months.

49. Biweekly is commonly used to mean one of two things: once every two weeks or twice per week

50. It happens twice yearly, once in each hemisphere (Northern and Southern).

51. The auctioneer pounded his gavel. " Going once, twice, SOLD for $ 10! "

52. Rex Begonias aren't heavy feeders, so you can fertilize them as little as once or twice a year.

53. And, in fact, everybody's listed twice, because it's sorted once by name and once by email address.

54. If time Allows, repeat once more for a 10-minute workout or twice more for a 15-minute workout

55. They will recognise a firm will, and we need only show them once or twice who is the master.

56. Even he himself had had to beat it into the ground once or twice as one did a snake.

57. The result: People now may pay twice for using an ATM once.

58. Rotating this product into my routine once or twice a month has kept my Bronde looking subtle and sunkissed

59. Water Cucumbers deeply once or twice a week or place plants on a drip so that the soil stays moist but not wet.

60. 20 So the traders and the sellers of all kinds of merchandise spent the night outside Jerusalem once or twice.

61. Twice now, once during a cook and once after a cook I've had smoke Bellowing from my pellet hopper

62. Nourishing the leather: apply Akene cream with a damp sponge to thoroughly nourish the leather once or twice a month

63. That Abducing twice the same term is equivalen t to Abducing it once

64. Using an alias enables you to print a variable twice, once with A format and once with the default format

65. Once or twice the latter attempts –rather apathetically – to regain its former rhythm, before both make towards a steady walking pace.

66. I would only use the kitchen appliance once or twice a year if that, and for $300 I couldn't do it.

67. Bogomil is one of those rare types of leaders you get to work for only once or twice in your career

68. He took a swig of beer waved the bottle once or twice to watch the foam rise, and began to speak.

69. Once, twice, and then again Mark tried to lasso the thrashing fish, and failed.

70. Bathe your puppy once a week for the first three or four weeks, then once a month until they are six months old, then at least twice a year after

71. Swap chicken or fish for dried Beans once or twice a week — you'll save money, take in fewer calories and enjoy Beans' many nutritional benefits.

72. My dad had heart problems for some time; I remember visiting him in the hospital once or twice in my early childhood.

73. They came to his home uninvited once or twice and they would waylay him as he emerged from work at the factory.

74. Africanized honey bees swarm as many as 16 times per year, whereas European honey bees swarm only once or twice a year

75. 11 They came to his home uninvited once or twice and they would waylay him as he emerged from work at the factory.

76. Once or twice I saw a ripple where he approached the surface, just put his head out to reconnoitre, and instantly dived again.

77. But his brother, Ganesha, simply walked around his parents once, twice, thrice, and said, " I won. "

78. Press Enter twice-once to end the salutation, a second time to insert a blank line.

79. The Ferryhill area was struck twice last weekend, once on Friday and then again on Saturday.

80. Or when you detoxed him twice?