Use "offer a sacrifice" in a sentence

1. “Always Offer to God a Sacrifice of Praise”

2. They offer a sacrifice to propitiate the god.

3. Christians do not offer burnt sacrifices, but they do offer a spiritual continual sacrifice.

4. All Christians must offer “a sacrifice of praise” to Jehovah.

5. “Let Us Always Offer to God a Sacrifice of Praise”

6. And you went up there to offer sacrifice.

7. These senior missionaries offer a special measure of sacrifice and commitment.

8. There kill your son and offer him up as a sacrifice.’

9. You can't even offer a sacrifice unless you're already ritually pure, because you couldn't get into the sanctuary to offer your sacrifice if you weren't ritually pure.

10. We offer up “a sacrifice of praise” when we share in pure worship

11. 33 He had to offer a sacrifice to God to save good people.

12. What kind of sacrifice did the apostle Paul encourage Christians to offer?

13. Like the disciples, we can offer our daily activities as a sacrifice to the Lord.

14. Accept the sacrifice I plan to offer you, and then answer me.

15. If an Israelite was too poor to offer a lamb or a goat as a sacrifice, he could offer instead two turtledoves or two pigeons.

16. 3 To offer an acceptable sacrifice, an Israelite had to be ceremonially clean.

17. Faith therefore moved him to offer an animal sacrifice that proved acceptable to God.

18. For example, how could any Christian offer an animal sacrifice for the remission of sins?

19. Jehovah asked the faithful man Abraham to do something supremely difficult —to offer up his son Isaac as a sacrifice.

20. But later he warned: “The sacrifices that they offer they sacrifice to demons who are not God.

21. * (Luke 2:22-24) This sacrifice was allowed only for those who were too poor to offer a young male sheep.

22. A sacrifice of blood.

23. Wicked King Ahaz, for example, went so far as to offer up his offspring in a ritual sacrifice to the god Molech.

24. Besmirches bar iron odkrywca diversion trimming split-run test dextrally hallgasd csak, miket mond! Slick disk sander skolto elements phenol-formaldehyde resin leeftijd akimbo to make a sacrifice/an offering/an oblation; to offer in sacrifice

25. A sinless sacrifice for guilt,

26. Christian sacrifice.

27. propitiate the gods with a sacrifice.

28. They left a legacy of sacrifice.

29. Perhaps we should make a sacrifice.

30. A lamb was offered in sacrifice.

31. They killed a sheep as a sacrifice.

32. In order for the Eucharist to be Confected, the proper minister, a Priest (or Bishop) – one who is ordained to offer Sacrifice – must make the Sacrificial offering

33. 17 Why not make a pecuniary sacrifice?

34. So... bishop swithern was a necessary sacrifice.

35. But it’s a sacrifice that’s worth making.

36. Worth the Sacrifice

37. No victory without sacrifice.

38. You don't sacrifice a queen to save a pawn.

39. Cain and Abel each bring God a sacrifice.

40. Christ gave up his body as a sacrifice.

41. The Gospel itself, and God's sacrifice of his son, is a form of " Condescendence " or accommodation to man's weak and sinful nature in order to offer mankind grace

42. He decided to sacrifice a trip for a new house.

43. Sometimes you sacrifice a player to save the game.

44. [the] Atoning sacrifice ἱλασμός (hilasmos) Noun - Nominative Masculine Singular Strong's Greek 2434: A propitiation (of an angry god), Atoning sacrifice

45. Self-Sacrifice Touches the Heart

46. Your blood flowed with sacrifice.

47. Pulled an offer, a big-ass offer.

48. A mother will sacrifice her life for her children.

49. A Labour government chose to sacrifice defence for welfare.

50. Byroad Sacrifice + French database ID

51. This heritage provides a foundation built of sacrifice and faith.

52. Conversion and Sacrifice in Finland

53. 21 Abraham’s sacrifice was “illustrative.”

54. Cain offered God a sacrifice of large yams, yet God did not accept that sacrifice since there was no blood in it.

55. Two brothers bring their sacrifices to God; Abel's sacrifice is accepted, but Cain's sacrifice is not

56. Child sacrifice in Hinnom (31)

57. Parenthood often calls for sacrifice.

58. A calf was offered up as a sacrifice to the goddess.

59. Sacrifice de Byroad + German database ID

60. To be reborn, we must sacrifice.

61. Types of takeover offer General offer A general offer is an offer for the entire issued equity share capital of a company.

62. A convent is a contradiction. Its object , salvation; its means thereto, sacrifice.

63. 25 A Labour government chose to sacrifice defence for welfare.

64. Is your faith in Jesus’ ransom sacrifice comparable to the faith that found expression in Abel’s sacrifice?

65. This was a prophetic pattern of the sacrifice of Jesus.

66. Being on the move requires a spirit of self-sacrifice

67. He gave his life as a sacrifice for his country.

68. Even though sacrifice by the shedding of blood was ended, the Lord still asks us to sacrifice.

69. 🔊 For Christians an image of a cross Connotes great sacrifice

70. You need radiation, not ritual sacrifice.

71. What do futures sacrifice for success?

72. And sacrifice with the temple prostitutes;

73. 10 Leaving his land involved sacrifice.

74. But after you made such a sacrifice, will still a good Samaritan?

75. Love, sacrifice, deception, and now betrayal.

76. Anybody can sacrifice their queen, Josh.

77. [citation needed]Some Chthonic cults practised ritual sacrifice, which often happened at night.When the sacrifice was a living creature, the animal was placed in a bothros (βόθρος

78. There had to be a sacrifice, a ransom payment as a purchase price.

79. Many Bible scholars have suggested this story's origin was a remembrance of an era when human sacrifice was abolished in favour of animal sacrifice.

80. They profit off of your sacrifice.