Use "odd-pinnate" in a sentence

1. As adjectives the difference between Bipinnate and pinnate is that Bipinnate is (botanyof a leaf) doubly pinnate; pinnate and having leaflets that are themselves pinnate while pinnate is resembling a feather.

2. Bipinnate Of leaves, twice pinnate

3. Pinnate top: pinnate leaf bottom: Bipinnate leaf pin·nate (pĭn′āt′) adj

4. The genus Prionospio Malmgren 1867 includes species with smooth, non-pinnate and pinnate Branchiae arranged in various combinations

5. Bipinnate is a derived term of pinnate

6. Are the compound leaves palmate, pinnate, or Bipinnate? Palmate

7. Pinna Primary division of a pinnate or Bipinnate leaf.

8. Abruptiones placentarum abruptions abruptly abruptly-pinnate: abruptly-pinnate leaf abruptness abruptnesses abrupts abs abs-absalonism absalonisms abscess abscess root: Literary usage of Abruption

9. Feather fronds also come in two varieties: pinnate and Bipinnate

10. Cosmos flowers are also known for their pinnate and Bipinnate feathery-style leaves.

11. Abruptiones placentarum abruptions abruptly abruptly-pinnate (current term) abruptly-pinnate leaf abruptness abruptnesses abrupts: abs abs-absalonism absalonisms abscess abscess root abscess scan abscessed abscessed tooth abscesses

12. The odd willow.

13. It was odd.

14. His behavior is odd.

15. What an odd man!

16. He's an odd bod.

17. Seems an odd question.

18. Consecutive odd integers are odd integers that follow each other by the difference of 2

19. Even and Odd Consecutive Integers

20. Apriori Algorithm – An Odd Name

21. He was wearing odd socks.

22. Three patterns of n-Alkanets are the odd-to-even carbon predominance, the even-to-odd carbon predominance, and the even and odd carbon predominance coexisting, respectively.

23. As adjectives the difference between bipennate and Bipinnate is that bipennate is (medicineanatomyzoology) of, pertaining to, or having the nature of a muscle, the fibres of which attach to a tendon on two sides (as a feather barbed on both sides) while Bipinnate is (botanyof a leaf) doubly pinnate; pinnate and having leaflets that are themselves pinnate.

24. Antics [ˈӕntiks] odd or amusing behavior

25. I threw away the odd glove.

26. There's something odd about that man.

27. Her father was an odd man.

28. Bisync acknowledgment for odd - numbered message.

29. Odd says we make it back.

30. His reaction struck me as odd.

31. 1 He's helping with odd jobs.

32. SuperComputer Cray-2 Special Odd E.L.C

33. Did you overhear any odd conversations?

34. I'm not the odd man out.

35. That's odd, observed Mrs. Butler, doubtfully.

36. Crotchets: an odd or peculiar habit.

37. There is something odd about her.

38. Funny " ha-ha ", or funny odd?

39. There's something distinctly odd about her.

40. A leaf having pinnate leaflets; as ferns Familiarity information: Bipinnate LEAF used as a noun is very rare.

41. It's odd that he hasn't telephoned me.

42. I've heard some odd tales about her.

43. Photographs, framed posters, the odd award statuette.

44. The decision seems extremely odd, in retrospect.

45. The smallest odd abundant number is 945.

46. Different header for even and odd pages

47. The system has some odd little quirks.

48. 27 Her father was an odd man.

49. Any odd scrap of paper will do.

50. The odd moments and occasions were legion.

51. Recto: Book pages bearing odd page numbers.

52. Jack threw in the odd encouraging comment.

53. It was an odd thing to say.

54. I take the odd day off work.

55. She's a bit of an odd bod .

56. It's most odd that she hasn't written.

57. Deal out his wife an odd world.

58. 'Her behaviour was very odd.' 'How so?'

59. If x is an odd integer, then x + 2, x + 4, x + 6 and x + 8 are Consecutive odd integers.

60. Celandine is a member of the poppy family with pinnate leaves and small, yellow, four-petaled flowers

61. Bipinnate [bī′pin‚āt] (botany) Pertaining to a leaf that is pinnate for both its primary and secondary divisions.

62. Codger: a person of odd or whimsical habits.

63. There's some odd muscle structure around the canines.

64. You know, odd sort of fellow - writes books.

65. Here are two odd volumes of an encyclopedia.

66. In the present rookery there were odd things.

67. Lovely platonic evenings, the odd kiss and fumble?

68. I followed you both for ten-odd years.

69. I'm wearing odd socks today by the way.

70. On first acquaintance she seemed a little odd.

71. She was wearing an odd assortment of clothes.

72. Crotchet definition, an odd fancy or whimsical notion

73. Is every Bol loop of odd order solvable?

74. The Underwear Salesman; and Other Odd-Job Verses.

75. The Adze is a rather odd looking implement

76. And like him I, too, find yours odd.

77. He has now appeared in sixty odd films.

78. She was holding an extremely odd-looking weapon.

79. Codgers: a person of odd or whimsical habits.

80. An odd thing happened to him this morning.