Use "non negotiable" in a sentence

1. Send us one non-negotiable copy of B/L please.

2. Freedom is the non-negotiable demand of human dignity.

3. the unions call this right non-negotiable, and most citizens seem to agree.

4. They'll know that you live by a non-negotiable set of beliefs and ethics.

5. If any copies are issued each copy shall be marked " non-negotiable copy ".

6. r and therefore, you require centripetal acceleration towards the center-- that is non-negotiable.

7. These ideals are shared by all people. They are the non-negotiable demands of human dignity.

8. The All-American Cheeseburger has certain non-negotiable elements: American cheese is one of them

9. In such circumstances, the non‐negotiable sea waybill is an effective substitute for the negotiable bill of lading.

10. We all probably have some non-negotiable items in each of the three categories I described above.

11. In such circumstances, the non-negotiable sea waybill is an effective substitute for the negotiable bill of lading

12. If there is one thing that could make me hate this country, it is the Telegraph and its "non-negotiable components".

13. More than likely, Bologna sandwiches were a non-negotiable part of summer time, and also a major part of school lunches.

14. "The pace of change is no excuse – in Boardrooms, digital literacy is as non-negotiable as financial or legal literacy

15. Required means non-negotiable[], yet we see requirements being changed and bartered and negotiated on almost every successful project.

16. Whatever its pros and cons as an energy source, one thing that's non-negotiable about nuclear power is the construction it necessitates.

17. India sees its economic growth as non-negotiable, given the large number of citizens it wants to lift out of poverty.

18. In the meantime, Robert Gates, US defence secretary, has been anything but patient, branding the Futenma relocation non-negotiable and demanding its swift implementation.

19. The non-negotiable element is that our conversation be in French, so I opt for Paris and e-mail his office to apologise for not being entirely fluent.

20. "The Chinese government has been crystal clear throughout our discussions that self-censorship is a non-negotiable legal requirement," Google said in a post on its official Web blog on Monday.

21. 27 "The Chinese government has been crystal clear throughout our discussions that self-censorship is a non-negotiable legal requirement," Google said in a post on its official Web blog on Monday.

22. ‘For the consumer: Biodiverse foods are healthier than foods that are the product of monocropping.’ ‘But, since the Biodiverse services of nature are irreplaceable and non-negotiable, eventually we will all be on board or we will be desperately diminished.’

23. In the case of a cif delivery, the successful tenderer must also submit the health attestation referred to in Article 4 (4) (d), as well as a copy of the marine insurance policy and a certified true copy of the non-negotiable bill of lading and, where appropriate, of the contract of affreightment.