Use "next time" in a sentence

1. Next time say no.

2. Better luck next time.

3. Next time, don't hesitate.

4. Next time, no face

5. Honey, next time, duck.

6. 13 Better luck next time.

7. 10 Try harder next time.

8. Next time me again come.

9. Please tune in next time.

10. Next time on Teen Wolf...

11. Next time, I'll knock your

12. Molly: Next time I won't procrastinate.

13. Please be more careful next time.

14. OK, next time I'm the hologram.

15. I'll bring him brandy next time.

16. Better luck next time, slug- heads!

17. Ah well, better luck next time.

18. Next time I cut it off.

19. Next time use your own damn phone.

20. I'll bring about complete destruction next time.

21. 17 Ah well, better luck next time.

22. 2 We'll be better prepared next time.

23. 1 Please be more careful next time.

24. I'll dilate on this subject next time.

25. Next time I'll take your head off.

26. 23 Next time I'll bring a book.

27. Absolutely, next time, when I'm gonna move house.

28. Next time I'll be back sooner, all right?

29. Don't greet him next time you see him.

30. Next time reality would catch up with them.

31. 26 I'll take more careful aim next time.

32. Don't lose heart - you'll do better next time.

33. Maybe you'll have a better luck next time.

34. He said he'd cut her throat next time.

35. 25 You'll be given a go next time.

36. Next time don't loll out your tongue out.

37. I hope next time it's under better circumstances.

38. Next time I'll knock your damn head off.

39. Next time, a little communication first, all right?

40. You won't get off so easily next time.

41. 15 We'll do better next time, I'm sure.

42. 4 Try to do it better next time.

43. Please come back during our business hours next time

44. 3 Maybe you'll have a better luck next time.

45. For the next time someone gets in your light

46. Next time, don't park it in the fire zone.

47. Don't just pass by us next time, all right?

48. 5 You'll have to be more careful next time.

49. Bronn, the next time Ser Meryn speaks, kill him.

50. For the next time someone gets in your light.

51. 18 It won't take so long next time, perhaps.

52. You shall not catch me so easily next time.

53. The next time I ask a question, answer quicker.

54. The next time my parents criticize me, I will .....

55. 21 Bring your other half next time you come.

56. 20 You won't get off so easily next time.

57. If the food gets moldy, use less next time.

58. Next time he can damn well do it himself!

59. Next time I go skiing, I'll wear warmer clothes.

60. So, next time, maybe, I'll measure the speed of light!

61. 22 We won't let you off so easily next time.

62. 16 Next time he can damn well do it himself!

63. The next time I saw her was at the crematorium.

64. I promise you next time I absolutely will tell you.

65. Never mind, next time I'm sure you can do better.

66. So the next time she saw Anushka, she asked her.

67. The next time we see Ivan, he could be dead.

68. Saleswoman: And here's your change, ¥ Thank you. Welcome next time.

69. Then, next time you drop by, it will know you.

70. Maybe you'll exercise a little more financial prudence next time.

71. You fix them today, it'll be our turn next time.

72. Oh, Young- jae seems to be home, so... next time?

73. Fine. - please busy. - good. - please return. - see you next time.

74. 19 Pay us a visit next time you're in town.

75. 14 You shall not catch me so easily next time.

76. Please have the civility to knock before you enter next time.

77. 9 I'm sure you can make an excellent job next time.

78. Brian: Oh. Well, next time, preen yourself before asking her out.

79. 24 Next time you are in Beijing,[] look me up.

80. When you come here on business next time, do call by.