Use "negotiate" in a sentence

1. Negotiate a loan

2. You want to negotiate, gringo?

3. Did you negotiate to buy a computer?

4. The government refuses to negotiate with terrorists.

5. Compere: Why to negotiate procrastinate so old?

6. Now, get ready to negotiate with everybody.

7. Pyrrhus offers to negotiate with the Romans.

8. He slowed down to negotiate the bend.

9. We'll leave you to negotiate with them.

10. The government will not negotiate with terrorists.

11. Jephthah tries to negotiate with the Ammonites.

12. Are the employers really willing to negotiate?

13. He wanted to negotiate a higher price.

14. Once elected, they would negotiate for greater devolution.

15. They have refused to negotiate on this issue.

16. We tried to negotiate a mutually agreeable solution.

17. Opposition grew and the government agreed to negotiate.

18. I managed to negotiate successfully with the authorities.

19. This bumpy, meandering byway is difficult to negotiate.

20. I don't wanna kidnap the truth and negotiate.

21. We must negotiate from a position of strength.

22. We've decided to negotiate a loan with them.

23. But the Arab states unanimously refused to negotiate.

24. Attempts to negotiate peace ended in armed revolt.

25. They were not empowered to negotiate without instructions.

26. Women do not negotiate for themselves in the workforce.

27. You know who to arrest, who to negotiate with.

28. The climbers had to negotiate a steep rock face.

29. She can be a tough lady to negotiate with.

30. 18 This bumpy, meandering byway is difficult to negotiate.

31. 13 Each country undertakes to negotiate in good faith.

32. The climber had to negotiate a steep rock face.

33. Sure would show Washington you can't negotiate with terrorists.

34. The government has refused to negotiate with the strikers.

35. 1 Attempts to negotiate peace ended in armed revolt.

36. F, the stability helped investors negotiate more futures contracts.

37. - to draw, endorse, accept, negotiate and pay bills of exchange;

38. I just don't negotiate with people who are fundamentally deceptive.

39. Guido swung the steering-wheel round to negotiate a corner.

40. They have never evinced any readiness or ability to negotiate.

41. When the Führer's dead, who will the Allies negotiate with?

42. He was given plenary powers to negotiate with the rebels.

43. Should I Negotiate A Settlement Or Pay Blitt & Gaines?

44. Patrick McGinnis: Learning to Negotiate and Pay Baksheesh in Egypt

45. Difficult bastards to negotiate with, but it's a good deal.

46. They recently failed to negotiate a mutually acceptable new contract.

47. The envoy was given plenary powers to negotiate with the rebels.

48. The continued fighting threatens to undermine efforts to negotiate an agreement.

49. To negotiate some of these, vehicles have to use a switchback.

50. The priest helped to negotiate a truce between the warring sides.

51. We've decided to negotiate with the employers about our wage claim.

52. But he was also instructed to negotiate a treaty with Siam.

53. Heavier but more durable, waterproof combat Boots can negotiate the roughest conditions.

54. Once she was brought down, we would negotiate the right of way.

55. We are not authorized to negotiate the conditions of that eternal plan.

56. At this moment, the representatives of the Atlantic Alliance, negotiate with Moscow.

57. Unfortunately, attempts to negotiate the rights to develop this discovery were Kafkaesque.

58. The mobile all-purpose excavator is able to negotiate larger obstacles easily.

59. He has insisted that his organisation will not negotiate with the government.

60. Biden should look to 'Ostpolitik' to negotiate with Autocrats By Kenneth B

61. You said tomas was in from portugal To negotiate a trade deal.

62. 18 Assist to negotiate rental and to transact renew procedure if necessary.

63. The New Jim Crow The man was Bargaining, he realized, offering to negotiate.

64. As the conflict raged, other Arab governments attempted to negotiate a peaceful resolution.

65. It is a widely held axiom that governments should not negotiate with terrorists.

66. The flight of steps was quite difficult to negotiate with a heavy suitcase.

67. An international group is trying to negotiate a cease-fire between the Belligerents

68. It is important to negotiate a good discount and obtain books on approval.

69. Do you really want to negotiate with somebody who clearly has mental problems?

70. On the free market of individual desires, I negotiate my value every day.

71. It is the policy of the United Nations not to negotiate with terrorists.

72. Turned out, the E.L.N. didn't negotiate, so they put out a kill order.

73. 2 It is a widely held axiom that they should not negotiate with terrorists.

74. You can choose to negotiate with the buyer or ignore and archive the RFP.

75. The council's relative independence of the government means it can negotiate its own agreements.

76. I would have to negotiate with the silkworm for the elastic in my britches!

77. He promised attacks by his cartel would cease if the government agreed to negotiate.

78. Unfortunately to get there I had to negotiate an amazingly convoluted one-way system.

79. 1 It is a widely held axiom that governments should not negotiate with terrorists.

80. The matter of delimitation needs the two countries to negotiate. It can't be decided unilaterally.