Use "negative trade balance" in a sentence

1. Paraguay had a negative trade balance of about US$400 million in 2004.

2. A negative terms-of-trade shock, in the first instance, would reduce the current account balance.

3. My bank statement shows a negative balance.

4. A nation's balance of trade strongly affects it balance of payments.

5. 6 . Trade Balance , Regulation Are Key Goals

6. America's balance of trade has been deteriorating.

7. The crisis had a negative effect on trade.

8. Merchandise trade, national accounts and balance of payments

9. The balance of trade showed a surplus after 19

10. The benefits of trade are never evenly spread and although the aggregate balance is positive, negative effects can occur on a sector-specific, geographical and/or individual basis.

11. There is a slight improvement in the balance of trade.

12. Strong exports of services helped the overall balance of trade.

13. We have maintained a favourable balance of trade for years.

14. Trade creation induces a rise in imports and hence induces a deficit in the balance of trade.

15. At trade date, no on-balance-sheet accounting entry is made.

16. At trade date no on-balance sheet accounting entry is made

17. Stewart's checking account had a balance of negative fifteen dollars and eight cents.

18. At trade date no on-balance-sheet accounting entry is made

19. All revolving funds are charged interest on the negative balance of the ANCAFA account.

20. The balance of trade showed a deficit in 1988 of US$6300,000.

21. What is an Accumulated Deficit? An Accumulated deficit is a negative retained earnings balance

22. For example, trade deficits may have a negative impact on a nation's currency.

23. * A negative sign means that the actual primary balance reduces the debt quota in 1997.

24. Deteriorating terms of trade adversely affect the balance of payments, exacerbating external debt.

25. And this is so that they can maintain a favorable balance of trade.

26. When they import more than they export, an unfavorable balance of trade exists.

27. This leads to an improvement in the balance of trade of union members.

28. The allotment report for the liquidation period that ended on # ecember # showed a negative balance of $

29. A negative balance on a checking account is an example of an Apparent lack of funds.

30. Wheat, wool and minerals ensured a healthy balance of trade between 1950 and 1966.

31. There is an adverse trade balance both in goods as well as in services.

32. The country has had an adverse balance of trade for the second months running.

33. The country has have an adverse balance of trade for the second month running.

34. The newly established Trade Integration Mechanism would help to address temporary adverse effects on the balance of payments caused by trade liberalization.

35. The newly established Trade Integration Mechanism would help to address temporary adverse effects on the balance of payments caused by trade liberalization

36. Secretary (ER): Wherever in the world you have a trade balance which is distorted in favour of one country, it is the efforts of that country which has an adverse trade balance to readdress it.

37. Such action might jeopardize the international balance and have negative consequences for nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.

38. China 's data is one month ahead of the U.S. report on its trade balance .

39. This basically is to get income the influence that next adverse balance of trade enlarge.

40. It must in fact be stressed that Nepal has an extremely adverse balance of trade.

41. The government is playing down the significance of the balance of trade figures this month.

42. Anabolic steroids can abolish a negative nitrogen balance brought about by the administration of corticosteroids and anti-androgens

43. After years of negative balances, Paraguay achieved a positive balance of payments totaling US$234 million in 2003.

44. Declines in both trade balances (goods and services) outweighed the advance in the investment income balance.

45. The deficit in Britain's balance of trade in March rose to more than 2100 million pounds.

46. And despite a slow-down in global trade, the balance of payments deficit has also decreased.

47. As such, this study initially modified the original equation to take account of the trade balance.

48. Question: The figures given by you show that we have an adverse trade balance with Australia.

49. Locke argues that a country should seek a favourable balance of trade, lest it fall behind other countries and suffer a loss in its trade.

50. Historical negative yield around the corner..guessing excess out of balance to around -1 to -1.2% on 10y Bunds

51. 9 "Recent improvements in the current account balance, especially in the trade balance, have shown that there is no basis for yuan to appreciate significantly, " Guan wrote.

52. Eventually, the economy comes back into balance with a higher savings ratio and a lower trade deficit.

53. For each individual country in the union however the balance of trade deteriorates on the import side.

54. This is balance of trade improving for those countries that supply other member countries with diverted imports.

55. Lekin adverse balance of trade ek vaqayi asliyat hai aur isko Pradhan Mantri ne raise kiya hai.

56. It slowly cultivated into Meade's two books, The Balance of Payments (1951) and Trade and Welfare (1955).

57. Moreover, the major source of under-recording on the balance of payments up to 1949 was invisible trade.

58. A bank may also charge a recurring daily fee for each day during which the account has a negative balance.

59. The resulting trade deficit and shortage of incoming foreign exchange added to the country's balance-of-payments problem.

60. It is not all negative though, the Sony T300 produces an excellent and consistent colour reproduction with an accurate white balance.

61. And in that fiscal year, 2009-10, we actually in fact had a positive trade balance with the UAE.

62. This we see as an extremely positive development which will also in part address issues of balance of trade.

63. Or a trade may be used not to do new business, but to transfer a credit balance between accounts.

64. As they look back on these colonization programs, researchers say that “the balance sheet on almost 50 years of colonization is negative.”

65. In other words, Mun advocated for achieving a positive balance of trade which would cause England's wealth to steadily increase.

66. Let's review how China can maintain a trade in balance with the United States by artificially keeping its currency weak.

67. From the international balance of payments deficit for the formation of the specific reasons, if it is caused by the balance of trade deficit, will result in an increase in domestic unemployment.

68. See, you make payments over what you owe and it doesn't show up as cash, it shows up as a negative loan balance.

69. This is $1.986 billion less in imports compared to exports meaning the country has a positive trade balance of $1.986 billion.

70. 28 The trade balance, after oscillating between surplus and deficit in the 1970s, has stuck obstinately in the red since 19

71. The balance of trade with the Soviet Union is to be paid in dollars, though loans are promised to cover that.

72. QuadriCal ® Boluses also supply niacin to aid liver function during negative energy balance, and vitamin D critical for calcium utilization in the body

73. In the photo below the black area is negative space and it serves to balance the area in which the marmot and rock occupy.

74. 1946: International Monetary Fund established to “promote monetary cooperation, currency stabilization, trade expansion; meet balance- of- payments difficulties.” —The Concise Columbia Encyclopedia.

75. And they were agreeable that we have to very specifically address the issue of balance in our trade to make it sustainable.

76. Foreign Secretary: There is an ongoing discussion and negotiation and contact and interaction between the Chinese and Indian sides on the entire issue of balancing the trade better, removing the adverse balance of trade.

77. From both sides it was emphasised that this relationship should continue to be strengthened, that we should ensure not only an increase in the volume of trade but also ensure the diversification of this trade, and also address the adverse trade balance that affects India.

78. Accumulated amortization Capital asset class Opening balance Acquisitions Disposals Closing balance Opening balance Amortization Disposals Closing balance

79. Grain exports, which had reached their peak in the early 17th century, could not redress the unfavourable balance of trade with western Europe.

80. Negative 7 times 2 is negative 14, so I'll have a coefficient of negative 14.