Use "national mourning day" in a sentence

1. The government announced a day of national mourning for the victims.

2. Beginning on 27 February, the government declared a three-day period of national mourning.

3. The governor decreed a day of mourning.

4. Air Force Day, National Girlfriends Day, National Mustard Day* (first Saturday), Respect for Parents Day, National Campfire Day* (first Saturday), National Mountain Climbing Day August 2: Dinosaurs Day, National Coloring Book Day, National Ice Cream Sandwich Day, National Sisters Day* (first Sunday), American Family Day* (first Sunday)

5. The mourning could be heard all day and all night.

6. A Hamas leaflet handed out at the cemetery called for three days of national mourning.

7. On national days of mourning, for example, Australians are invited to wear a sprig of wattle.

8. Circassians commemorate May 21 every year as a day of mourning commemorating the Circassian genocide

9. Happy National Day of Vietnam!

10. Every year on July 2, the US celebrates its national day of Anisettes (National Anisette Day).)

11. For his part, Brahim Ghali, the President of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic, declared seven days of national mourning.

12. It's a fortnight to National Day.

13. Sorrow, anger, mourning.

14. The Azerbaijani government have declared a day of mourning * The Azeris are renowned for their sense of humour

15. The Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras declared a state of emergency in Attica, and announced a three-day period of national mourning, stating in a televised address, "The country is going through an unspeakable tragedy".

16. They're absolutely in mourning.

17. Bathsheba, now a pregnant widow, sorrowfully weeped for Uriah during the Jewish required 30-day period of mourning

18. This is a day of national consecration.

19. Emblems On Mourning Cockades Mourning Cockades could have plain black centers, or decorated centers.

20. Hymns Console the Mourning

21. August 5 th is National Underwear Day (US), August 11 th is Mountain Day , August 16 th is National Rum Day (US) and August 20 th is World Mosquito Day

22. Andromache Mourning Hector - Andromache Mourning Hector is a 1783 oil painting by Jacques-Louis David

23. “Comfort All the Mourning Ones”

24. The golden week of National Day is Approaching

25. National rejuvenation through people, China's prosperity day hope.

26. Agonized: expressing or suggesting mourning.

27. We've found... - Before The Mourning".

28. The golden week of National Day is approaching.

29. On this day, as on other days of mourning, Lithuanian flags are displayed outside all public buildings decorated with black ribbons.

30. Bemoaning: expressing or suggesting mourning.

31. Anguished: expressing or suggesting mourning.

32. Whiteflowers are insigne of mourning.

33. Portuguese officials dispatched more than 1,700 firefighters nationwide to combat the blazes and Prime Minister António Costa declared three days of national mourning.

34. There is no time for mourning.

35. Inappropriate displays of mourning (1, 2)

36. The NEA gives a history of National Teacher Day :

37. National Bean counters’ Day was founded by Kevin Wenig

38. Will call for weeping and mourning,+

39. National Library Outreach Day (formally National Bookmobile Day) celebrates library outreach and the dedicated library professionals who are meeting their patrons where they are

40. All of Paris is in mourning!

41. Originally, a a sign of deep mourning, this day was Aliturgical, as were usually all the Fridays and Saturdays of the year in …

42. And my mourning like that of ostriches.

43. However, informally August 3 is known as National Watermelon Day

44. Babroot A mourning illustration from first page

45. I'm mourning for the death of engineering.

46. Mourning, outcry, and pain will be gone.

47. The oil of exultation instead of mourning,

48. Well, the whole camp went into mourning.

49. She was recently widowed and wearing mourning.

50. The PLA troops paraded through Tiananmen Square on National Day.

51. 28 Mother's Day was proclaimed a day for national observance by President Woodrow Wilson in 19

52. Help me to remove this mourning garb.

53. She was still mourning for her brother.

54. Her time of mourning is almost over.

55. He was still mourning his brother's death.

56. ESMA supervises rating agencies directly; but, outside banking, national authorities retain their day-to-day oversight responsibilities.

57. China to unveil new nuclear-capable intercontinental missiles on National Day.

58. The National - Day celebration this year was an unprecedentedly great occasion.

59. 1 The Kaddish is a prayer of mourning.

60. His family are still mourning John's tragic death .

61. Based on that date Bulgarians celebrate Bulgaria's national day each year.

62. Colourful neon lights were hung here and there during National Day.

63. 31 My harp is used only for mourning,

64. She was a member of the Aborigines Progressive Association (APA), and was involved with various protest events such as the 1938 Day of Mourning.

65. Plainly they had interrupted a mourning tea party.

66. National control of forestry activities is undertaken on a day-to-day basis along the entire supply chain.

67. The Government may ask for the flag to be lowered to half-mast in the event of the death of an important person or for national mourning.

68. Bastille Day (not Bastile Day) is the the French national day, (Fête nationale des Français), 14th July each year

69. 3 To provide for those mourning over Zion,

70. The color black is traditionally associated with mourning.

71. The women began to wail in mourning.

72. He wrote an exciting eulogy for the celebrations on the National Day.

73. I know very well who she was mourning.

74. He wore crape as a sign of mourning.

75. It was a time for mourning and lamentation.

76. The following day, Admiral Togo ordered all flags to be flown at half mast, and that a day’s mourning be observed for his fallen adversary.

77. 5 What “empty thing” have the present-day national groups “kept muttering”?

78. 13 Colourful neon lights were hung here and there during National Day.

79. Cutting the hair is also restricted during the 30-day mourning period after the death of a close relative, known in Hebrew as the Shloshim (thirty).

80. Tentative, a cardinal's coloratura, then the mourning dove's elegy.