Use "mutual assistance" in a sentence

1. Australia’s mutual assistance agreements further facilitated cooperation with overseas agencies.

2. Stalin had no intention of honouring previously signed mutual assistance treaties.

3. Confederacy: an association of persons, parties, or states for mutual assistance and protection

4. In addition, the Agreement provides for mutual assistance in the collection of each country’s taxes.

5. He also stressed mutual assistance in minimizing use of internet and social media for terrorist activities.

6. A total of 8 370 cases had been published in the AFIS mutual assistance databases and modules.[

7. The Riparian Parties shall elaborate and agree upon procedures for mutual assistance addressing, inter alia, the following issues:

8. The Riparian Parties shall elaborate and agree upon procedures for mutual assistance addressing, inter alia, the following issues

9. ‘3. The Commission shall be empowered to adopt, by means of implementing acts, rules on mutual assistance concerning:

10. He said he supported all initiatives to facilitate exchange of information and mutual assistance in tax policy and administration.

11. This agreement promotes cooperation and mutual assistance between the two countries on matters pertaining to customs administration through exchange of information and intelligence.

12. The mutual assistance of harem owners in driving off non-reproductive males may be the basis of herd formation in the gelada baboon.

13. Recommendation 17: The Council calls on Member States to formulate a genuine forward-looking policy on mutual assistance, which could include a policy to facilitate visits abroad by police and judicial authorities concerning mutual assistance, and accordingly to provide the administrative departments and judicial authorities responsible for these matters with the premises, means and resources they need.

14. They signed a treaty with Charles of Anjou, King of Naples and Count of Provence to retake control of Genoa, and generally to provide mutual assistance.

15. We are determined to continue strengthening the BRICS partnership for common development and advance BRICS cooperation in a gradual and pragmatic manner, reflecting the principles of openness, solidarity and mutual assistance.

16. (b) The main objectives of SAARC are to promote welfare of people of South Asia, accelerate economic growth and increase collaboration and mutual assistance in economic, social, culture, technology and scientific fields.

17. Plural of confederation Synonyms & Antonyms of Confederations 1 an association of persons, parties, or states for mutual assistance and protection the smaller nations were forced to form a confederation out of self-defense

18. The Parties to the Water Convention for their part have to minimize the risk of accidental water pollution, develop contingency planning, establish warning and alarm procedures and provide mutual assistance should a critical situation arise

19. The Parties to the Water Convention for their part have to minimize the risk of accidental water pollution, develop contingency planning, establish warning and alarm procedures and provide mutual assistance should a critical situation arise.

20. (19) The mutual assistance of the authorities of the Member States, as organised by those directives, accordingly constitutes a means of combating tax evasion, excluding therefore the need to maintain the requirement to appoint a tax representative. (20)

21. Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention) have to minimize the risk of accidental water pollution, develop contingency planning, establish warning and alarm procedures and provide mutual assistance should a critical situation should arise, in accordance with its articles # and

22. Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention) have to minimize the risk of accidental water pollution, develop contingency planning, establish warning and alarm procedures and provide mutual assistance should a critical situation should arise, in accordance with its articles 3, 9, 14 and 15.

23. * To root out terrorism, taking into account its linkages with illegal trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and small arms and to make coordinated and concerted efforts to combat terrorism; and call for an early conclusion of the proposed UN Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism and completion of the ratification of the SAARC Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters.

24. Given that the Commission has not alleged that there are any bilateral agreements on mutual assistance in tax matters between the defendant Member State and the States party to the EEA Agreement which are non-EU members, it has not established the existence of mechanisms for the exchange of information and for cooperation sufficient to enable the Kingdom of Spain to obtain information on the taxes due and the collection of those taxes (see, by analogy, judgments in Commission v Portugal, EU:C:2011:273, paragraph 56, and Commission v Spain, EU:C:2012:439, paragraph 98).