Use "monetary union" in a sentence

1. 4 Meanwhile the debate on European political and monetary union continues.

2. Economic Stability: Hoping for monetary union by 1999, European Union countries are seriously confronting problems with inflation and public borrowing.

3. If monetary union is to become a reality, lasting stability is absolutely essential.

4. The Social Democratic leader launched a broadside against both monetary and political union.

5. The first is that a monetary union Comprising 16 or more EU members will ultimately require a fully fledged fiscal union, or fail

6. However, the national monetary sovereignty identified with an exchange rate union is illusory rather than real.

7. The excessive accumulation of debt especially in the southern member states currently challenges European Monetary Union (EMU).

8. He provides the intellectual thrust and gravitas of the arguments of those who oppose monetary and political union.

9. The resulting Werner Report 4 , published in 1970, delivered an ambitious plan to achieve Economic and Monetary Union.

10. (1) The monthly data feed into the published aggregated statistical data required from monetary financial institutions (MFIs) in the Union.

11. • Proposal allowing enterprises to use a Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB) for their EU wide activities Economic and Monetary Union

12. Currency Convertibility Author: Janis Wilkins Read related entries on C, CU, Exchange policy, Finance, International finance, International monetary system, Monetary agreement, Monetary economics, Monetary policy, Monetary relations, Money market

13. Boastful European Monetary Union, European monetary union; financial alliance among certain European countries up in a tree interactive query soto there are occasions when it is certainly better to lose than to gain (Plautus) corcairghorm engine starting line espere istruire viseur mulus smetnja mocny toegangscijfer lilik, karit forging ram

14. 13 It was agreed to harmonize fiscal incentives for investors and to aim at the creation of a monetary union by 19

15. Also has a trade and investment framework agreement with the West African Economic and Monetary Union, of which Benin is a member

16. Appropriate accommodating monetary policy is not lax monetary policy.'

17. Monetary affairs, namely, acquisition and transfer of monetary claims

18. Contractionary monetary policy is the opposite of expansionary monetary policy

19. Contractionary monetary policy is a contrast to expansionary monetary policy

20. These are tools for adjusting economic policy decisions, since these policies prop up the single Economic and Monetary Union, which lacks precise statistical instruments.

21. The rapporteur stresses the equal value - and I agree with him - of cohesion policy alongside achieving the single European market and economic and monetary union.

22. Within the Scandinavian Monetary Union, the krone was on a gold standard of 2,480 kroner = 1 kilogram of pure gold (1 krone = 403.226 milligrams gold).

23. An economic and monetary union without effective and adequate social adjustment is not acceptable and would be intolerable for all workers, both white- and blue-collar.

24. But in five years, with coherent political leadership and a lot of luck, the institutional framework of a passably workable monetary union will have been cobbled together.

25. Inflation is a monetary phenomenon, which involves only monetary transactions and actual purchaser prices.

26. When inflation pressures are high and monetary policy is accommodative, monetary tightening makes sense.

27. In a monetary union, discrepancies in wage growth relative to productivity gains – that is, unit labor costs – will result in a chronic accumulation of trade surpluses or deficits.

28. Monetary policy McCallum rule Monetary policy reaction function Inflation targeting Taylor, John B. (1993).

29. Acquisition/transfer of monetary claims

30. Monetary policy has been accommodative.

31. “Accommodative monetary policies remain essential.


33. Source: International Monetary Fund Database.

34. Short-term monetary control: what should governments attempt to control? Monetary policy may be off target.

35. Baht, monetary unit of Thailand

36. Consequently, monetary policy cannot react mechanically to every deviation of actual monetary growth from the reference value

37. Contractionary monetary policy is when a central bank uses its monetary policy tools to fight inflation

38. Others gave monetary donations and discounts.

39. Nobody can dodge the monetary reform.

40. We have legislated a monetary framework with inflation targeting and an independent monetary policy committee to curb inflation.

41. 14 Monetary inflation spirals inexorably on.

42. Consequently, monetary policy cannot react mechanically to every deviation of actual monetary growth from the reference value.

43. Monetary reform initially dawdled along so slowly that the International Monetary Fund has suspended its bail-out funding.

44. Contradistinctions Metallism versus fiat monetary systems

45. Acquisition and transfer of monetary claims

46. And it could make monetary sense.

47. What is the International Monetary Fund?

48. In many national currencies, Cent ¢ is a monetary unit that equals ¹⁄₁₀₀ of the basic monetary unit

49. An important assumption behind the analysis is the response of monetary policy, specifically the "non-accommodative monetary policy".

50. Nor is a quick monetary fix available.

51. Second, Turkey shows that an external anchor, such as membership in the European Union or pressure from the International Monetary Fund, can be decisive in triggering change and, therefore, in enhancing prosperity.

52. Proserv Al Badie ; Union Gas ; Union Gas

53. The International Monetary Fund bailed them out.

54. And so, monetary policy was resorted to.

55. The suit also seeks unspecified monetary damages.

56. We need a more supple monetary policy.

57. The White Paper pays little attention to the absolute level of public expenditure and concerns itself with the public sector deficit only as a convergence criteria for long term achievement of monetary union.

58. This gives ample flexibility for monetary policy.

59. Broadly speaking, accommodative monetary policies remain essential.

60. Stimulative monetary policy is not black magic.

61. Many crimes have a monetary profit motive.

62. B : Is every country's monetary unit different?

63. Union membership and union power are declining fast.

64. If monetary aggregates are to be used effectively in conducting monetary policy, the demand function for the aggregates must be stable.

65. Lending securities, acquisition and transfer of monetary claims

66. Information about acquisition and transfer of monetary claims

67. Poverty is not merely a monetary, absolute concept.

68. 1946: International Monetary Fund established to “promote monetary cooperation, currency stabilization, trade expansion; meet balance- of- payments difficulties.” —The Concise Columbia Encyclopedia.

69. • Agriculture and Agri-Food Administrative Monetary Penalties Act

70. Balboa - the basic unit of money in Panama; equal to 100 centesimos Panamanian monetary unit - monetary unit in Panama centesimo - a fractional monetary unit of several countries: Panama and Italy and Uruguay and Chile

71. Poverty cannot be measured solely in monetary terms.

72. I don't believe in just using monetary instruments.

73. The monetary policy can be expansionary or Contractionary.

74. This is how monetary values will be displayed

75. The Bundesbank tightened monetary policy sharply in 19

76. Some countries tighten monetary policy to avoid inflation.

77. The monetary unit of Japan is the yen.

78. Boliviano definition is - the basic monetary unit of Bolivia.

79. Overall, the monetary policy stance continued to be accommodative.

80. The monetary unit of the US is the dollar.