Use "monetary union" in a sentence

1. 4 Meanwhile the debate on European political and monetary union continues.

2. If monetary union is to become a reality, lasting stability is absolutely essential.

3. The excessive accumulation of debt especially in the southern member states currently challenges European Monetary Union (EMU).

4. The resulting Werner Report 4 , published in 1970, delivered an ambitious plan to achieve Economic and Monetary Union.

5. Economic Stability: Hoping for monetary union by 1999, European Union countries are seriously confronting problems with inflation and public borrowing.

6. • Proposal allowing enterprises to use a Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB) for their EU wide activities Economic and Monetary Union

7. Boastful European Monetary Union, European monetary union; financial alliance among certain European countries up in a tree interactive query soto there are occasions when it is certainly better to lose than to gain (Plautus) corcairghorm engine starting line espere istruire viseur mulus smetnja mocny toegangscijfer lilik, karit forging ram

8. 13 It was agreed to harmonize fiscal incentives for investors and to aim at the creation of a monetary union by 19

9. Also has a trade and investment framework agreement with the West African Economic and Monetary Union, of which Benin is a member

10. The first is that a monetary union Comprising 16 or more EU members will ultimately require a fully fledged fiscal union, or fail

11. These are tools for adjusting economic policy decisions, since these policies prop up the single Economic and Monetary Union, which lacks precise statistical instruments.

12. The rapporteur stresses the equal value - and I agree with him - of cohesion policy alongside achieving the single European market and economic and monetary union.

13. Within the Scandinavian Monetary Union, the krone was on a gold standard of 2,480 kroner = 1 kilogram of pure gold (1 krone = 403.226 milligrams gold).

14. An economic and monetary union without effective and adequate social adjustment is not acceptable and would be intolerable for all workers, both white- and blue-collar.

15. But in five years, with coherent political leadership and a lot of luck, the institutional framework of a passably workable monetary union will have been cobbled together.

16. In a monetary union, discrepancies in wage growth relative to productivity gains – that is, unit labor costs – will result in a chronic accumulation of trade surpluses or deficits.

17. The White Paper pays little attention to the absolute level of public expenditure and concerns itself with the public sector deficit only as a convergence criteria for long term achievement of monetary union.

18. Let me stress that the sustained differences in economic growth or inflation rates between some euro area countries are absolutely normal in a monetary union, to the extent that they are related to catching-up phenomena.

19. Let me stress that the sustained differences in economic growth or inflation rates between some euro area countries are absolutely normal in a monetary union, to the extent that they are related to catching-up phenomena

20. But, in net terms, a region within a country – or, like Germany, a country or sub-region within a monetary union – still “subtracts” from national and global aggregate demand if it exports more than it imports.

21. John Cole in an article in The Observer expressed it this way: “Enlargement also probably means the abandonment for many years of any hope—or fear—of a federal Europe, any early possibility of economic and monetary union.”

22. « El sector público y la competitividad en la Unión Económica y Monetaria » [ The public sector and competitiveness in Economic and Monetary Union ], in E. Albi (lead author): Europa y la competitividad de la economía española, Ariel-Price Waterhouse, Barcelona, pp

23. North America and Europe were seen as bright spots with Commerzbank chairman Martin Kohlhaussen, Assuring all that "the worst is over." With less than a year to go before the introduction of the euro, the mood for monetary union was decidedly upbeat, almost Europhoric.

24. That is what the European Commission said in Agenda 2000 because, among other things, its legal department has set out the basis for applying the cohesion fund, and this is absolutely independent of whether or not the convergence criteria have been met and whether monetary union has been accomplished.

25. promote economic and social prog ss which is balanced and sustainable, in pmicul through the creation of an area without inte a1 frontiers, through the strengthening of economic and social cohesion and through the establishment of economic and monetary union, ultimately including a single currency in accordance with the provisions of this Treaty;

26. Administration of EMS mechanisms and Community loans # mechanisms # ommunity loans Co-operation in the field of banking supervision and financial stability # he impact of Monetary Union on the EU banking systems # he EU banking systems and financial crises in emerging markets # acro-prudential analysis # nalysis of risk assessment systems Advisory functions Monitoring of compliance with the prohibition on monetary financing and on privileged access

27. When it is fully implemented via Pan-African Parliament legislation, the ACB will be the sole issuer of the African single currency (African Monetary Union/Afro), will become the banker of the African Government, will be the banker to Africa's private and public banking institutions, will regulate and supervise the African banking industry, and will set the official interest and exchange rates; in conjunction with the African Government's administration.