Use "monarchy" in a sentence

1. So the government system is not autocratic monarchy or absolute monarchy.

2. Absolute Monarchy Constitutional

3. The monarchy has fallen.

4. Down with the monarchy!

5. Contemporary monarchy is an anachronism.

6. Morocco is an independent monarchy.

7. The popular movement of 1990 abolished the concept of absolute monarchy by establishing a constitutional monarchy.

8. An elective monarchy is a monarchy ruled by an elected monarch, in contrast to a hereditary monarchy in which the office is automatically passed down as a family inheritance.

9. The Arkhangelsk government is a monarchy

10. Malaysia is a federal constitutional monarchy.

11. His book destroyed the mystique of monarchy.

12. Formally, Canada is a constitutional monarchy

13. The country still has a strong monarchy.

14. The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy.

15. The monarchy was notoriously reluctant to embrace change.

16. Arguably, the monarchy worked well for many centuries.

17. The villagers a sacred cow of the monarchy.

18. A monarchy is an example ofan Autocracy.

19. What is the purpose of the monarchy?

20. That is the bombastic language of absolute monarchy.

21. In 1993, constitutional monarchy was restored in Cambodia.

22. He was in favor of a autocratic monarchy.

23. Many Autochthonous rulers are present in the Athenian monarchy

24. Facts about Absolutism 2: the monarchy in France

25. Monarchy used to be based on divine right.

26. 4 His book destroyed the mystique of monarchy.

27. Technically, Canada is a constitutional monarchy with the U.K

28. The entire monarchy was in the state of crisis.

29. I don’t want to put the monarchy in danger.

30. You know, if you decide to disband the Monarchy.

31. Let's not make a sacred cow of the monarchy.

32. The monarchy is something of an Anachronism these days

33. The mystique surrounding the monarchy has gone for ever.

34. Antimonarchist (plural Antimonarchists) One who is opposed to monarchy

35. I never overcame a visceral antipathy for the monarchy.

36. Constitutional monarchy began after the Glorious Revolution in 16

37. The collapse of the absolute monarchy was very swift.

38. She thinks it's time we did away with the monarchy.

39. 2 The mystique surrounding the monarchy has gone for ever.

40. The revolution tolled the death knell for the Russian monarchy.

41. I have sworn an oath of loyalty to the monarchy.

42. The monarchy in England plays an important role in British culture.

43. 6 Too much publicity has destroyed the mystique of the monarchy.

44. For all that time France had been an absolute monarchy.

45. What does Antimonarchist mean? One who is opposed to monarchy

46. Antimonarchist (comparative more Antimonarchist, superlative most Antimonarchist) Opposed to monarchy

47. Aristocracy was a favorable form of governance compared to monarchy.

48. Why did Mosiah counsel the Nephites against continuing their monarchy?

49. Antimonarchist definition: opposed to a monarchy Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

50. The people look to a monarchy for something bigger than themselves.

51. He transformed the monarchy along Western lines of an "enlightened ruler".

52. There has been increasing speculation over the future of the monarchy.

53. Artists have been allowed to gleefully satirise the monarchy for centuries.

54. In an absolute monarchy the king can do anything he wants.

55. The Reformation was introduced in 1537 and absolute monarchy imposed in 1661.

56. The French Revolution changed France from a monarchy to a republic.

57. The power of the monarchy was circumscribed by the new law.

58. This brings us, Antepenultimately, to the international standing of the monarchy

59. In 1958, the monarchy was overthrown and the Iraqi Republic created.

60. 2 The revolution tolled the death knell for the Russian monarchy.

61. Hammarskjöld's ancestors had served the Monarchy of Sweden since the 17th century.

62. In 1974, the Iranian monarchy bought 25.04% of the steel subsidiary Fried.

63. The Trapezuntine monarchy would survive the longest among the Byzantine successor states.

64. The article points to the fact that Russia had an unrestricted monarchy.

65. Q.. Will the monarchy survive the bunch now living in Buckingham Palace?

66. Magna Carta was regarded as a creedal document for aristocracies resisting monarchy.

67. Is monarchy relevant in the modern world or should it be abolished?

68. Married 1930 to Italia Murru and initiated a renaissance of the monarchy.

69. THE Spanish monarchy wanted a Christian State under one set of laws.

70. IMAGINE that the United Kingdom was an absolute monarchy known as Windsor Britain.

71. However, during that period the future status of the monarchy remained to be resolved.

72. But Robinson was more important to the restored monarchy as financier and metropolitan administrator.

73. Antigua and Barbuda is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary form of government

74. The monarchy was restored with the ascension of Hiram III to the throne.

75. The power of the monarchy in Britain today is more symbolical than real.

76. The monarchy has to create a balance between its public and private lives.

77. I long for the restoration of the monarchy as much as you do.

78. The monarchy is seen by some as an anachronism in present - day society.

79. During the Portuguese Liberal Revolution of 1820, he supported the constitutionalists, who advocated a national constitution to limit the powers of the Portuguese monarchy, against the absolutists, who preferred an absolute monarchy.

80. Constitutionalism or and constitutional monarchy, is everything that the absolutist state is not