Use "missionaries" in a sentence

1. Missionaries Are Compared to Locusts

2. Finally, in 1819, the missionaries acquiesced.

3. Senior Missionaries: Needed, Blessed, and Loved

4. You advise and assist the missionaries.

5. The Greatest Generation of Missionaries

6. Arriving in Korea with fellow missionaries

7. European missionaries converted thousands to Christianity.

8. Ask how the missionaries are serving God.

9. Some viewed the dragoons as “excellent missionaries.”

10. Wonderful full-time missionaries are among us.

11. Returned missionaries are now stake presidents.

12. The missionaries were patient yet bold.

13. 28 Missionaries Sent to “Make Disciples”

14. * Have missionaries refer to the “Attribute Activity.”

15. Missionaries support that privilege with their personal savings.

16. The missionaries rebuked the natives for worshipping images.

17. Missionaries were sent to preach the Gospel.

18. 2 Missionaries were sent to preach the Gospel.

19. In addition, the missionaries faced danger from natural elements.

20. Hirobo began studying with the missionaries and relearning doctrine.

21. The missionaries had to learn it entirely by listening.

22. The number of missionaries rose to eight by 1953.

23. I love being with the full-time missionaries.

24. Those interviewed had timely advice for the new missionaries.

25. (3) the educational training provided for missionaries and overseers?

26. Now, a brief word of counsel to missionaries.

27. Yes, these new missionaries are seasoned full-time ministers.

28. President Monson Calls for Missionaries, Announces Five New Temples

29. (51) President Eyring receives revelation on where missionaries should serve.

30. Along with your companion and other missionaries, prayerfully commit to:

31. The zealous efforts of the missionaries bore rich results.

32. They should not set goals or quotas for other missionaries.

33. A month later two missionaries were walking in Oscar’s neighborhood.

34. Padre, your missionaries do not seem to know Japan!

35. Missionaries saw it as their task to save souls.

36. The missionaries expected that it would be cold in Alaska.

37. In time as many as 15 missionaries were accommodated here.

38. The Allreds were also public affairs missionaries in Madrid, Spain.

39. But others have adapted, and the new missionaries can too.

40. These senior missionaries offer a special measure of sacrifice and commitment.

41. You may build your buildings; you may send your missionaries.

42. For years the missionaries did the bulk of the supervisory work.

43. How appreciative the missionaries were to receive individual attention and encouragement!

44. I know of two missionaries who visited a very poor family.

45. These were not just a select group of trained missionaries.

46. In France, Claret joined his missionaries who were also in exile

47. Adventist, Catholic, and Mormon missionaries also had a measure of success.

48. From Nauvoo, Joseph Smith continued to send missionaries throughout the world.

49. After six months of meetings with the missionaries, his life completely changed.

50. To travel between islands, missionaries and publishers used planes and small boats.

51. Cause of the failure of missionaries to convert Buddhists and Brahmanists

52. In the 19th century, European scholars, archaeologists and missionaries visited often.

53. Four years before I was born, my parents met Mormon missionaries.

54. Gilead Sends Missionaries “to the Most Distant Part of the Earth”

55. Not long ago, we invited two sister missionaries over for lunch.

56. However, most of Jehovah’s Witnesses are not missionaries in foreign lands.

57. The missionaries should ask new converts and less-active members for referrals.

58. 14. (a) How have many missionaries and pioneers laid a solid foundation?

59. Missionaries are full-time teachers; you and I are full-time finders.

60. However, missionaries should not expect to use a font at unreasonable times.

61. Since its inauguration 60 years ago, Gilead School has been sending missionaries.

62. What was it like for the first missionaries who were sent out?

63. Missionaries may come face-to-face with some of these tragic circumstances.

64. With two or three exceptions, all the missionaries were from the United States.

65. 1947, the missionaries started writing down the old stories of the yavapai people.

66. One of the missionaries delivered a lecture at a circuit assembly in 1947.

67. After he tasted it, the missionaries asked him how he liked it.

68. Gilead instructor Karl Adams encouraged the graduating missionaries to “Keep On Growing.”

69. It was Christianized in 686 by Irish missionaries Kilian, Kolonat and Totnan.

70. We were therefore surprised to receive a new assignment —as missionaries in Cambodia!

71. The missionaries could have laughed last, had that derisive sentiment been in them.

72. Eight-year-old Maria saw the missionaries on the streets of Ecuador.

73. They also sent out medical missionaries and teachers, who made rice Christians.

74. However, unlike Colonialists, white missionaries were not driven by greed and self-interest

75. Is this what we should expect of missionaries serving as agents of light?

76. Once the authorities understood our position, missionaries were permitted to return to Uganda.

77. How can the missionaries stay focused and not get distracted from their work?

78. He did so on a small manual press brought to Moorea by missionaries.

79. The Acts of the Apostles stress the bonds the missionaries have with the community.

80. As we know, the Prophet Joseph sent forth missionaries to preach the restored gospel.