Use "miracles" in a sentence

1. He does great miracles.

2. Are all workers of miracles?

3. Miracles don’t happen in my life!”

4. Miracles are not always so immediate.

5. Jesus will repeat and multiply healing miracles

6. Numerous miracles were proof of his sanctity.

7. Miracles performed by him sustain us each day.

8. I made some miracles happen with water chestnuts.

9. Miracles happen to those who believe in them.

10. So, then, are there such things as miracles?

11. This tonic will work miracles for your depression.

12. Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen every day.

13. He can do miracles with a few kitchen leftovers.

14. Miracles are just events that are extremely improbable.

15. Bytownite is an excellent energy for "expecting miracles"

16. Yields (rigorously) Apery-style miracles the input yields the output

17. Aaron's rod produced miracles and plagues to intimidate the pharaoh

18. 22 Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen every day.

19. Fertility success stories Corm is the Center of Reproductive Miracles!

20. Miracles of the Saints: Bilocation of St Padre Pio; Comments

21. Everyone Boogied to “Love Machine” by the Miracles: Brooklyn Story

22. Remain in open areas and abandoned buildings huge miracles happen.

23. Through such miracles, he demonstrated his love for the afflicted.

24. Some of Jesus’ healing miracles involved the expelling of demons.

25. 17 Miracles happen to those who believe in them.

26. Did the miracles mentioned in the Bible really happen?

27. 120 48 Performing Miracles, But Rejected Even in Nazareth

28. Never stop Believing in hope because miracles happen every day

29. Some feel that accounts of miracles are fantastic or allegorical.

30. So what are the five miracles needed for autonomous vehicles?

31. The pursuit of miracles[], the rapture of happy endings.

32. Travelers no doubt have told the story about these miracles.

33. Norton Disk Doctor can perform miracles on a dodgy hard disk.

34. Belief in miracles is less widespread in some other countries.

35. Have our children felt the power of the Savior’s miracles?

36. Talk about miracles, that recipe for cola canned ham. Mmm.

37. After 10 years, though, the greatest miracles may be just beginning.

38. Each of Jesus’ many miracles furnished further proof of his Messiahship

39. His council had had to perform miracles on a tiny budget.

40. He will not expect miracles, only a reasonable standard of proficiency.

41. And among living things on earth, myriads of miracles are happening every day.

42. Christianity is a religion based upon the teachings and miracles of Jesus

43. However, quite a number of people entertain doubts about miracles involving him.

44. A leave of absence can work miracles for a potential victim of burnout.

45. You will be seeing miracles as long as you take a deep breath.

46. Soon, eighteen days after the interment, miracles began to happen at the grave.

47. Brainstone UW miracles Modern Competitive Control Counterspell Exile Miracle WU (Azorius) Lujotheganker

48. Here are some factors that add credibility to Bible accounts of miracles.

49. When he performed miracles, he did so at some cost to himself.

50. When that person successfully grows Datura flowers, miracles will happen to you.

51. ▪ “We know that Jesus Christ performed many miracles in his day.

52. Miracles sometimes occur, but one has to work terribly for them. 

53. The original Aryan gods were not expected to work miracles or control men's lives.

54. OBJECTION 3: Miracles are just natural phenomena that are misunderstood by uneducated people.

55. In addition, the Gospels at times group many miracles under a single, general description.

56. Jesus acknowledged that some “miracles” performed by others were actually the works of Satan.

57. He taught that God is a God of miracles who does not change.

58. 18 Miracles sometimes occur, but one has to work terribly for them. 

59. They begin dating, and at the end of "Miracles" Ted proposes to her.

60. “Miracles just do not happen —period,” said a young person who called himself an agnostic.

61. Many critics, it seems, approach miracles with this rigid preconception: Such things are impossible.

62. Anglorum, et Sancti Amphibali Martyris sociorumque ejus"), accounts of miracles attributed to St

63. WHEN Moses returned to Egypt, he told his brother Aaron all about the miracles.

64. This reference work says that “the Buddha himself was sometimes led to work miracles.”

65. Chunks of oak, ash, alder, beech, sycamore and hazel lay here and there, awaiting their miracles.

66. The miracles of healing that he performed while he was on the earth are a guarantee.

67. Adults, however, have greater difficulty in accommodating their views to the miracles' of modern technology.

68. You know that maybe it's time for miracles 'Cos I ain't giving up on love.

69. The Church Canonizes people who have performed miracles and are declared — literally — to be saints

70. For one thing, Jesus’ healing miracles served the purpose of identifying him as the Messiah.

71. Most of those canonised made no claims to perform showy miracles such as mystic flying.

72. Or could that most newly discovered of all scientific miracles, electricity, be brought into play?

73. ‘And lest we forget, Saints, By definition, have the means to perform miracles in times of need.’

74. The influence of a valiant mission president is one of the great miracles of the restored gospel.

75. “Miracles, by definition, violate the principles of science.” —RICHARD DAWKINS, FORMER PROFESSOR FOR PUBLIC UNDERSTANDING OF SCIENCE.

76. What are two other reasons put forward by David Hume to disclaim the possibility of miracles?

77. There are several legends about his life concerning miracles performed either by him or in his presence.

78. The motive of those performing the miracles was not to gain fame, glory, and riches for themselves.

79. Starting bare-handed , you have built up so many steel plants. This is nothing short of miracles.

80. They were also less likely to believe in supernatural phenomena such as miracles, angels, or heaven.