Use "make believe" in a sentence

1. 3 He lives in a world of make-believe/make-believe world.

2. Let's make believe we're pirates.

3. Let's make believe we are doctors.

4. She make believe not to hear me.

5. 4 'Let's play make-believe,' said Sam.

6. Let's make believe that we're Red Indians.

7. I don't have time for make believe.

8. Make them believe you're poor, by Jove!

9. I go everywhere to make believe it's Iran.

10. Don't believe him, he just make it up

11. Don' t believe him, he just make it up

12. 13 "But, why?" he asked in make-believe astonishment.

13. Or living in a fantasy of wishful make-believe.

14. Or l would make believe he owed me money.

15. 2 They live in a world of make-believe.

16. Dissembling enough, he was not sufficiently oily and make - believe.

17. "Those who can make you believe Absurdities can make" - Voltaire quotes from

18. 5 She's not really a queen -- it's only make-believe.

19. 14 She squandered millions on a life of make-believe.

20. 6 Or living in a fantasy of wishful make-believe.

21. “Those who can make you believe Absurdities can make you commit atrocities,” Voltaire wrote in 1764

22. “Some believe that God keeps track of every error we make.

23. The ideal of a perfectly fair society is just make-believe.

24. I cannot believe you know how to make a fake I.D.

25. Sometimes when children play, they make believe they are grow - ups.

26. Satan wants to make us believe that God’s love has grown cold.

27. An allegory may depart from everyday life into a make-believe world.

28. The two little girls used to make believe that they were princesses.

29. But others believe that Copyright laws make it harder to be creative

30. 15 The ideal of a perfectly fair society is just make-believe.

31. The violence in those films was too unreal, it was make-believe.

32. 17 He seems to be living in a world of make-believe .

33. You seem to think that it's all a game, a make believe.

34. 25 An allegory may depart from everyday life into a make-believe world.

35. 20 Sufficient to say that I regard the play as pure make-believe.

36. Convince is a verb that means to make someone believe something is true.

37. 16 The violence in those films was too unreal, it was make-believe.

38. 1 She used to play games of make-believe with her elder sister.

39. There are day dreamers and night dreamers who dream up make - believe places.

40. Satan wants us to believe that pleasures and riches will make us happy.

41. The suicide by cop to make us all believe that it was over.

42. There are microbes out there that actually make gasoline, believe it or not.

43. Even if I could make you believe me, in a month, you wouldn't.

44. But I believe the town could make a special dispensation, if they cared to.

45. He is in Billy's make-believe world of ambrosia the moment the curtain rises.

46. The staff had a hard time assuring him that is was all make-believe.

47. 22 Some time there will have to be an end to this make-believe.

48. There is no reason to believe that a new chancellor would make Britain richer.

49. They believe that Astrologers are frauds and they ‘make it all up.’ Alternatively they believe Astrologers are well-meaning idiots, along with astrology believers.

50. At Cfc we believe that Jesus has called us to make disciples of all people

51. It's not fiction, it's not story tales, it's not make-believe; it's cold, hard science.

52. But he did fly, in his imagination, on make-believe journeys to far-off realms.

53. 28 That word appearing is the key to understanding the congressional world of make-believe.

54. 27 The staff had a hard time assuring him that is was all make-believe.

55. 12 He is in Billy's make-believe world of ambrosia the moment the curtain rises.

56. Right, kids. We don't have any proper cowboy hats so you'll have to make believe.

57. 9 But he did fly, in his imagination, on make-believe journeys to far-off realms.

58. By inventing legalistic Contrivances that foresee lawsuits, business difficulties and make-believe invasions of personal rights

59. Ask General Mills: We believe you should know about your food and how we make ours.

60. 11 Other six-year olds solve math problems for make-believe school, as illustrated in Figure

61. You can make people believe that you’re British by nailing the accent and following British customs

62. Don Quixote, of course, is only make-believe, but being deceived is seldom a laughing matter.

63. I believe that we now have a much clearer understanding of how to make fast progress.

64. I do believe you were just getting ready to make me a proposition to buy Broomhilda.

65. “I honestly believe that the meaning of life is what you make it mean,” she said.

66. 23 How come the vast majority of the population appears to want to play make-believe?

67. And they believe it made course corrections that no autopilot could make before it disappeared from radar.

68. Yeah, we're gonna be joining him in make-believe if you don't get to the damn point.

69. At Break away, we believe there’s no limit to the change you can make in your community

70. You really believe your little story's gonna make a difference when there's a gun to our heads?

71. The make believe world of Disney is a truly magical experience that knows no age barriers.Sentence dictionary

72. And pollsters believe that they may not make up their mind until they enter the polling booth.

73. Experienced as these riders were, they could not believe that the drugs would make the captives docile.

74. At Uptown Cheapskate, we believe in shopping used first to make the world better, cleaner, and more sustainable

75. I had to make him believe he'd beaten me, utterly defeated me, and then he'd show his hand.

76. 8 His main activity is make-believe, and as we shall see,( his main goal is survival.

77. 10 Surely it was part of a make-believe, like imagining you were playing number three for Somerset?

78. It was all a smokescreen to make them believe that the Clarion Call had been lost at sea.

79. “Anyone who can make you believe Absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” I’ve been thinking a lot lately about that famous quote, ordinarily attributed to Voltaire.

80. If that happens, some economists believe Mr Greenspan could make a u-turn on taxes early next year.