Use "make a mistake" in a sentence

1. Anyone can make a mistake.

2. It's easy to make a mistake.

3. It's a mistake they almost always make.

4. When I make a mistake it's a beaut.

5. He's waiting for me to make a mistake.

6. 26 – Analect 15.29, meaning: To make a mistake and change nothing, that is the mistake.

7. Did I make another Idiomatic mistake?

8. Make no mistake —breaking such a habit isn’t easy.

9. If you make a mistake, just cross it out.

10. Do not make the same mistake!

11. We shouldn't rush off when we make a mistake.

12. If you make a mistake and do not correct it, this is called a mistake. Confucius 

13. I am not afraid to make a mistake, even a great mistake, a lifelong mistake and perhaps as long as eternity too. James Joyce 

14. You have to get killed if you make a mistake.

15. Whenever I make a mistake she calls me an idiot.

16. I know I can repent when I make a mistake.”

17. It was an understandable mistake to make.

18. To make or put right: Correct a mistake; Correct a misunderstanding

19. We did make a mistake in not having enough soundproofing upstairs.

20. Yet he felt absolutely confident. he would not make a mistake.

21. If you make a mistake, just erase it and start over.

22. Nolan intervened so that you wouldn't make a life-altering mistake.

23. When you make a mistake, you offer amends instead of excuses.

24. Did they make a mistake by their decision to oppose changes?

25. Your hope was I'd make some exploitable mistake.

26. My brother always delights in telling me when I make a mistake.

27. Speculative said: "let wager relentlessness, I not letter will make a mistake."

28. To make a mistake in; botch: would-be thieves Blundering a break-in

29. To make a mistake in; botch: would-be thieves Blundering a break-in

30. To make Amends is to correct a mistake you have made, esp

31. I'd always played a defensive game, waiting for my opponent to make a mistake.

32. 1. To make a mistake in; botch: would-be thieves Blundering a break-in

33. Do not make the same mistake as those unfaithful Israelites.

34. Will we make the same mistake that we made before?

35. Jin: In a group, if I make a mistake, someone can cover up for me.

36. This is a common mistake people make thinking that Cults are purely religious groups

37. Anyone can make a mistake, but to ignore basic safety regulations is quite inexcusable.

38. Do not make the mistake that the pre-1914 generation made.

39. If you do get flustered after a mistake then you're likely to make another one.

40. If you make a single mistake, Delia will pounce on you and say you're a fool.

41. If you make a single mistake, he will pounce on you and say you're a fool.

42. When you sin or make a mistake, you usually want Absolution — which is like forgiveness.

43. First off, paying the Blackmailer is the greatest mistake you will make

44. What mistake did Jonah make when he received his assignment from Jehovah?

45. DON’T make the mistake of thinking that Contemporaneous notes will be some …

46. Okay, now that sounds a little flip, but make no mistake, the stakes are very high.

47. 18 One mistake a lot of people make is being too nice, and too wishy-washy.

48. But I will be damned if I will make the same mistake twice.

49. 27 In remembering historic events, the mistake you tend to make is anachronistic.

50. If House did make a mistake, he'll be upset and our lives will be miserable for months.

51. “Make no mistake,” says 1 Corinthians 15:33, “bad company is the ruin of a good character.”

52. If you are voting in a polling booth and make a mistake, ask the poll workers for a new ballot.

53. We make a serious mistake if we assume that the conference is above their intellect and spiritual sensitivity.

54. You're making a mistake!

55. They made a mistake.

56. 25 He will jump on every little mistake you make,[] no matter how trivial.

57. Whoops, that was a mistake.

58. One of the reasons for following a routine like this is so that you are less likely to make a mistake.

59. He made a gross mistake.

60. I have an Apology to make to you - I'm afraid I opened your letter by mistake

61. Biographers make the mistake of spending too much time worshipping at the altar of their subjects.

62. Day, who blamed the Niagara Falls mistake on his staff, failed to make inroads in Ontario.

63. This is all a mistake.

64. But make no mistake, we will not accept any undermining of the quality of EU products.

65. Oberon : It's ok, now you can finish it. Just be careful, do not make mistake again.

66. And make no mistake, white Americans are just as “Colorist” as their brown brothers and sisters

67. (Job 40:8; 42:6) May we never make the mistake of finding fault with God!

68. And I made myself a bargain that if only I redouble my efforts to be perfect and never make another mistake again, please make the voices stop.

69. I'm sorry. I made a mistake.

70. She’s made a Criminally stupid mistake

71. It's all been a ghastly mistake.

72. We have made a foolish mistake.

73. A mistake in our hallowed tome?

74. Accidental Shield: A Marriage Mistake Romance (Marriage Mistake Series Book 6) - Kindle edition by Snow, Nicole

75. A Blunder is an embarrassing mistake

76. What a mistake that would be!

77. You have made a big mistake!

78. It was all a ghastly mistake.

79. You've made a very elementary mistake.

80. A slight mistake could precipitate a disaster.