Use "live up to" in a sentence

1. Bat rays live up to 23 years.

2. 4 Whether you live in or live out is entirely up to you.

3. Aardvarks can live up to 23 years old

4. They made claims they couln't live up to.

5. But, it was a lot to live up to.

6. He failed to live up to his parents' expectations.

7. Some aardvarks can live up to ten years.

8. The event did not live up to expectations.

9. They are reported to live for up to 50 years.

10. Did the TV play live up to your expectations?

11. A crossbow which can live up to its name!

12. The movie failed to live up to all the hype.

13. Aardvarks live for up to 23 years in captivity

14. Oh, may we ever live up to our name!

15. Didn't live to see his daughter's marriage break-up.

16. He finds it hard to live up to his ideals.

17. He has singularly failed to live up to his promises.

18. He could never live up to his father's exacting standards.

19. She found it hard to live up to his high ideals.

20. They live up to 2–3 years, similar to European anchovy.

21. Congeners (Latin for “born together”) live up to their name

22. Eel-tailed catfish may live up to about 8 years.

23. One ought to live up to what he knows to be right.

24. Ready to try whatever it takes To live up to his name

25. I try to live up to the high standard of the school.

26. Their length is up to 200 centimetres (79 in), and they live for up to 30 years.

27. The players failed to live up to their coach's expectations of them.

28. The service at Heron Lodge failed to live up to its reputation .

29. While they live, each Crabgrass plant produces up to 150,000 seeds

30. These animals live in loose herds of up to fifty individuals.

31. • “My mate does not live up to his (or her) obligations”

32. 5 He could never live up to his father's exacting standards.

33. We will live up to what our Patty expects of us.

34. The film version does not live up to the original novel.

35. Cheetahs weigh up to 140 pounds and live about 12 years.

36. 21 The service at Heron Lodge failed to live up to its reputation .

37. Stephen Chase had determined to live up to the expectations of the Company.

38. Bugbears reach adulthood at age 16 and live up to 80 years

39. She went to live abroad after the break-up of her marriage.

40. Saguaro grows slowly but may live for up to two hundred years.

41. Related to Chimed in: live up , cut out for , know inside out

42. And on Fridays, live jazz spices things up.

43. 2 synonyms for Cohabit: live together, shack up

44. Pack up and go live in the mountains.

45. As a bowler at Middlesex, Tuffers has a great tradition to live up to.

46. 1 It is easier to fight for principles than to live up to them. 

47. Long live to Queen Long live, long live, long live

48. She is quick to reproach anyone who doesn't live up to her own high standards.

49. Where did you live while you were growing up?

50. Unfortunately, Ward, I won't be able to live up to my part of the deal.

51. From routine patrol scenarios to live walkthroughs, Banneret Security guards maintain up to date training to

52. Agoutis can live up to 17 years and usually give birth to one to four offspring

53. My parents live down in Florida, but they come up to Chicago every summer.

54. Biosurgery The use of live sterile maggots to clean up and disinfect infected wounds.

55. I won’t live a life without standing up to people and Brazening through bullshit

56. Look up records, personalize conversations, hand off conversations to live Agents, and call APIs

57. Live work for an up-and-coming artist is vital.

58. When you live in a walk-up apartment, you have to Carry bags of groceries up several flights of stairs.

59. It may encourage more people to sign up to be potential live- saving bone marrow donors.

60. Greater Amberjack can grow up to 6 feet long and live to be 17 years old

61. Sardinians live in vertical houses, up and down the stairs.

62. Some Anacondas, which live in the water, can reach up to 30 feet in length

63. Live to learn and learn to live. 

64. Herds of Bighorns live with up to 15 ewes, lambs, yearlings and two-year old’s

65. If progress in Africa is not accelerated, we will not live up to our responsibility.

66. Some experts are concerned that the new drug won't live up to all the hype.

67. Would you find it hard to pass up meat, and live on a vegetarian diet?

68. Baobab tree is a long living tree, it can live up to 1000 of years.

69. Antelopes live around 10 years in the wild and up to 20 years in captivity.

70. She’s just a Coked-up whore, Hating to live, but unable to die, she snorts another line

71. Amphipods are the natural live food for Seahorse and Mandarin fish Get live pods to populate your refugium and live rock,set up breeding colonies of saltwater Amphipods in your saltwater tank

72. So when the Batfish was launched in 1943, she was expected to live up to her name

73. Being alert to these and other tactics of Satan will help us to live up to our dedication.

74. The balanced budget amendment forces Washington to live up to its responsibilities and address budget issues honestly.

75. 10 Why did genes choose to gang up and make large bodies for themselves to live in?

76. And it's up to all of us who live in those rich countries to make change here.

77. Allopaths' patients live doped up in an unreal state of health

78. (Bylas, AZ) Live events are lining up on the Bylas calendar

79. Eat to live, but not live to eat. 

80. Live not to eat, but eat to live.