Use "lineages" in a sentence

1. They carry mixed DNA from six different genetic lineages .

2. But germ lines can deteriorate and cause extinction of lineages.

3. To determine their functionality, we tested their capacity to produce the three lineages commonly associated with MSC and found they could form osteogenic and chondrogenic, but not adipogenic lineages.

4. This biozonation utilizes numerous ammonite lineages, inoceramid, ostreid, lucinid, thyasirid, pectinid, plicatulid, Cardiid, and pteriid bivalve lineages, and turritellid and aporrhaid gastropod lineages to create a system of 89 high-confidence level (HCL), 136 medium-confidence level (MCL), and 169 low confidence level (LCL) composite

5. At least 33–38 independent lineages of gastropods have successfully colonized freshwater environments.

6. Phylogenetic revision of the genus Bartsia (Orobanchaceae), disjunct distributions correlate to independent lineages.

7. There are two Zika lineages: the African lineage and the Asian lineage.

8. From six to eight of these independent lineages occur in North America.

9. From there, Archosaurs diverge into two separate lineages: crocodile-line and bird-line Archosaurs

10. However, the mechanisms underlying the parallel evolution of naturally occurring Apetalous lineages remain largely unclear.

11. Bhikkhuni lineages enjoy a broad basis in Mahayana countries like Korea, Vietnam, China, and Taiwan

12. Ghost lineages are frankly a Contrivedsolution, a deus ex machina required by the cladistic method.

13. Complete loss of petals, or becoming Apetalous, has occurred independently in many flowering plant lineages

14. All plants, fungi, and many other lineages form sporangia at some point in their life cycle.

15. Using a phylogeny, it is easy to tell if a group of lineages forms a Clade

16. Eighteen strains of NDV from four lineages were identified and grouped into virulent and Avirulent strains

17. 1), which have appeared in parallel in both the avian and Crocodilian lineages (Dufeau and Witmer, 2015)

18. Therefore, we will refer to the two lineages based on their origins: Antioch/Antiochian and Alexandria/Alexandrian

19. However, the mechanisms underlying the parallel evolution of naturally occurring Apetalous lineages remain largely unclear.

20. Complete loss of petals, or becoming Apetalous, has occurred independently in many flowering plant lineages

21. The normal tendency for these cells to differentiate into osteogenic and adipogenic lineages is restricted.

22. This key difference became very apparent when the animal and plant lineages independently became multicellular.

23. Gene syntenic and collinear comparisons revealed macrosynteny between sex chromosomes and the corresponding Autosomes between these two lineages.

24. Coleopterans mainly include coprophagous and phytophagous lineages, and many species of the latter lineage are serious pests

25. Conversely, the maternal lineages of Jewish populations, studied by looking at mitochondrial DNA, are generally more heterogeneous.

26. 2015) that Fragum is paraphyletic and includes Corculum and Lunulicardia, the two other wholly photosymbiotic lineages of Cardiids

27. While facultative Apomicts produce clonal offspring, sexual species are the conduits of origin for new genetically different apomictic lineages

28. Ascidians, or sea squirts, are marine invertebrate filter feeders with highly reproducible cellular events and invariant embryonic cell lineages

29. Autotomy has evolved in many animal lineages as a means of predator escape, and involves the voluntary shedding of body parts

30. Ancestors are not limited to blood and family lineages; however, Ancestors of body tend to be impactful and important to include

31. The node represents an evolutionary split between lineages as well as a hypothetical common ancestors of all taxa higher on the Cladogram

32. Aurei is con fi rmed as monophylet ic and encompasses 8 distinct lineages from the European and N orth American continents ( Fig

33. Three insect lineages, the beetles, ants and termites, independently evolved the ability to farm fungi between 40 and 60 million years ago.

34. 28 The two clusters evolved by duplication of an ancestral gene cluster before the divergence of the human and great ape lineages.

35. The gradual development of cohesive political units with important leaders of lineages will have extended and strengthened this pattern.

36. Bipedalism is probably an adaptation for Cursoriality among archosaurs, which may explain why bipedalism evolved convergently in the crocodilian and bird lineages

37. Basidiomycete lineages maintain close associations with specific lichen species over large geographical distances and have been found on six continents

38. The POLYADAPTATION (Adaptive mechanisms of ecological divergence in sibling allopolyploid lineages) project has investigated the genetics of sibling Dactylorhiza allopolyploids.

39. They recognized Nurhaci as Khan, and in return leading lineages of those groups were titled by Nurhaci and married with his extended family.

40. The two clusters evolved by duplication of an ancestral gene cluster before the divergence of the human and great ape lineages.

41. Bhikkhuni orders there survived, and Mahayana lineages in the places where Chinese Buddhism spread, like Taiwan, Korea and Vietnam, have continued into the present

42. Each Cog consists of a group of proteins found to be orthologous across at least three lineages and likely corresponds to an ancient conserved domain.

43. Yet it appears that the typical fulvettas' and parrotbills' common ancestor evolved into at least two parrotbill lineages independently (Cibois 2003a) & (Yeung et al. 2006).

44. The Acari is a diverse group comprising the lineages Acariformes (includes disease-transmitting chigger mites) and Parasitiformes (includes ticks and other medically important mites)

45. Convergent amino acid replacements were observed in proteins related to heat production and the visual system in two endothermic teleost lineages, Billfishes …

46. For instance, the many lineages of cuckoo bees lay their eggs in the nest cells of other bees in the same family.

47. Several military commanders of Karakhanid lineages such as the father of Osman of Khwarezm fled from Karakhanid lands in the wake of the Qara Khitai invasion.

48. The most important Consanguined kin-group associated with unilinear rules of descent are- (a) lineages and clans (b) moieties and Phratries (c) clan (d) sections

49. Question: Part B: Analyzing Cladograms Cladograms Are Crucial In Biology, Because They Allow Us To Understand The Changes That Have Occurred In Lineages Over Time

50. Reference: “Angels in disguise: sympatric hybridization in the marine Angelfishes is widespread and occurs between deeply divergent lineages” by Yi-Kai Tea, Jean-Paul A

51. In Drosophila, the gene Apterous (ap) divides the wing imaginal disc in dorsal vs ventral cell lineages and is required for wing formation

52. Early in the evolution of Anurans, two major lineages appeared—pipoids on one hand and the rest of the Anurans on the other

53. The EU-funded 'Molecular architecture of adaptive diffusion in sibling allopolyploid lineages' (TRANSADAPTATION) project is investigating five species in the orchid genus Dactylorhiza.

54. Based on mitochondrial DNA sequences extracted from fossils, the lineages of Homotherium and Smilodon are estimated to have diverged about 18 Ma ago.

55. The overall shape of most insect Antennae is elongate and cylindrical, although elaborations into plumose, lamellate, or pectinate forms have arisen many times in different insect lineages.

56. “Our findings highlight the importance of monitoring how members of these known 501Y lineages, and others still undiscovered, are Convergently evolving similar strategies to ensure their

57. Together, Bonobos and chimps are part of the group Pan, just as modern humans and extinct lineages of humans make up the group Homo.

58. Male monastics are called Bhikkhus. Both Bhikkunis and Bhikkhus live by the vinaya. Bhikkhuni lineages enjoy a broad basis in Mahayana countries like Korea, Vietnam, China and Taiwan.

59. Further, there was an interaction between the Androgenized and the obese lineages in the open field, wherein the F 1 female offspring in the Androgenized lineage spent less …

60. In both, there is a rostrum and the loss of maxillary teeth; these could have evolved independently in different lineages subjected to similar environmental constraints.

61. One of the more intriguing (at least to me), and beautiful quirks about the evolution of life on this planet is the repeated development of Bioluminescence across many different lineages

62. Previous studies have shown that the formation of ray florets on a radiate Capitulum may be related to the parallel co-option of CYC2-like genes among independent Asteraceae lineages

63. Many primitive lineages went extinct as sharks and bony fish became masters of the waters and tetrapods, the four-legged animals that eventually evolved into dinosaurs and mammals, conquered the land.

64. Apterans, and spiders are the earliest African records of these ecologically important groups and constitute significant discov-eries providing insight into the temporal and geographical origins of these lineages

65. Indeed, among varieties from the central MB, 35% (81 varieties) were Admixed with limited gene flow from western-central wild populations (Figure 2; Table S4) and displaying the three maternal lineages (Table S5)

66. We found that Basques share common genetic features with other European populations, but at the same time present some autochthonous (local) lineages that make them unique," said Quintana-Murci

67. Acharya is a Sanskrit word that means “teacher.” It refers to individuals that Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche has empowered to represent him and the Kagyu, Nyingma, and Shambhala lineages he holds

68. Among invertebrates, both conserved and novel, lineage specific, microRNAs have been extensively studied predominantly in holometabolous insects such as Drosophila melanogaster However little is known about microRNA repertoires in other arthropod lineages such as the Chelicerates.

69. However, hybridization between many members of this family is rampant—particularly in the Silenoideae/Caryophylloideae—and some of the lineages of descent have been found to be highly complicated and do not readily yield to cladistic analysis.

70. Another feature is the loss of an ordinary shoots (Acaulescence) which can be observed in several unrelated lineages of Gesneriaceae; in the extreme case plants only retain the macrocotyledon as the sole vegetative organ, creating so-called one-leaf plants

71. A Caiman is an alligatorid crocodilian that is part of the Caimaninae subfamily, which is one of the two lineages of the family Alligatoridae. Caimans are small-sized crocodilians which inhabit mangrove rivers, swamps, marshes, and lakes of South and Central America.

72. The PSC-MSCs according to the present invention are able to differentiate into cells of osteogenic, chondrogenic and adipogenic lineages, in addition to showing strong immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory effects both in vitro and in vivo in colitis models.

73. But mater stages of cleavage are a little different in mammals: the mammalian blastula is called a blastocyst, and, unlike the Blastulas of other animal lineages, the blastocyst has an inner cell mass and an outer cell layer called the

74. ‘Historical Biogeography deals with phylogenetic patterns among species and higher lineages attributable to relatively ancient events in earth history.’ ‘So long as its shortcomings are recognized, this book has a wealth of information on the distribution and ecological Biogeography of birds.’

75. The known prehistoric corvid genera appear to be mainly of the New World and Old World jay and Holarctic magpie lineages: Miocorvus (Middle Miocene of Sansan, France) Miopica (Middle Miocene of SW Ukraine) Miocitta (Pawnee Creek Late Miocene of Logan County, US) Corvidae gen. et sp. indet.

76. A caiman is an alligatorid crocodilian that is part of the Caimaninae subfamily, which is one of the two lineages of the family Alligatoridae. Caimans are small-sized crocodilians which inhabit mangrove rivers, swamps, marshes, and lakes of South and Central America.

77. If you are familiar with Bagua, think of something -anything relevantly related to this fine Art - and this book literally has it: History, Lineages, Palm Shapes, Chi Gung, Service Tea Exercises, Form, Mud Stepping, Application , Pre-Heaven Bagua, Post-Heaven Bagua, Two Person Exercises, and more.

78. Subclass Apterygota, class Insecta (or Hexapoda): several orders, some of which are sometimes excluded from the Insecta ‘In contrast to the Endopterygota, little is known about the arrangements of genes in many other lineages of insects, such as the Apterygota, the Palaeoptera, the hemipteroid assemblage, etc.’

79. The Agnatha, more commonly referred to as the jawless fishes, represents one of the oldest surviving lineages of vertebrates and has recently been discovered to possess cellular components of an adaptive immune system that are akin to those observed in their sister group, the jawed vertebrates (Gnathostomes (Pancer et al., 2004)).

80. ‘In particular, cross-channel landholding patterns were breaking up, with ever more distinct Baronages residing either side of the Channel.’ ‘But now when I am coming amongst the Baronages and the lineages, what shall I do to hold up my head before the fools and the dastards of these high kindreds?’