Use "lineages" in a sentence

1. The POLYADAPTATION (Adaptive mechanisms of ecological divergence in sibling allopolyploid lineages) project has investigated the genetics of sibling Dactylorhiza allopolyploids.

Das Projekt POLYADAPTATION (Adaptive mechanisms of ecological divergence in sibling allopolyploid lineages) untersuchte die Genetik von verschwisterten Dactylorhiza Allopolyploiden.

2. The EU-funded 'Molecular architecture of adaptive diffusion in sibling allopolyploid lineages' (TRANSADAPTATION) project is investigating five species in the orchid genus Dactylorhiza.

Das EU-finanzierte Projekt "Molecular architecture of adaptive diffusion in sibling allopolyploid lineages" (TRANSADAPTATION) befasst sich mit fünf Arten der Orchideengattung Dactylorhiza.