Use "like a wolf" in a sentence

1. She stalked, stiff-legged like a wolf, into the darkling garden and like a wolf she sniffed the air.

2. It's like trusting a wolf to watch over sheep.

3. 27 “Benjamin+ will keep on tearing like a wolf.

4. Sounded like Oliver Wolf, from her description.

5. The dog is described as having a wolf-like appearance.

6. Seven crept closer like a wolf, Aslaver in the chops and without mercy

7. A thief knows a thief as a wolf knows a wolf. 

8. We started out with a wolf- like creature and we ended up with a Maltese.

9. He escaped impetuously, like the wolf who finds his cage open.

10. But you tell Wolf City... I'll make Sherman's March look like a bird walk.

11. Most fell silent, although now and then one would start huffing like a wolf.

12. That's a wolf.

13. I am a wolf.

14. What about a wolf?

15. That was a wolf.

16. He just crouches on the corner at lunchtime and occasionally bays, like a wolf or coyote.

17. Is it a wolf?

18. Coat colours are also described in wolf terms, dark wolf colour, light wolf colour.

19. 3 His mirth hoarse and ghastly, like a raven's and the sick wolf joined him, howling lugubriously.

20. No, that's a lone wolf.

21. Chapter 4 – A Conscienceless Wolf

22. A wolf in sheep's clothing.

23. She never think that she is wolf, a carnivorous wolf child, she left home.

24. Did he wolf down that peanut butter cookie like the cookie monster was coming?

25. Dead wolf.

26. Wolf-nado.

27. Dan was attacked by a wolf.

28. Dan, that's not a wolf, man.

29. The wolf princess!

30. A proper engineering drawing can not be thus fudged; like Wolf, the draughtsman must fully comprehend what he is drawing.

31. I can only see a wolf, Tonane.

32. I'm not a wolf on the make!

33. And the power of the buffalo, the way he just threw this wolf around like it was a rag doll.

34. Uh, Mr. wolf?

35. The wolf littered in a deserted farmhouse.

36. The hunter is following up a wolf.

37. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

38. Wolf pack slide.

39. Wasn't that the sound of a wolf?

40. The wolf was caught in a pitfall.

41. But Not Forespoken: A Clint Wolf Novel (Clint Wolf Mystery Series Book 13) - Kindle edition by Bourg, BJ

42. This wolf is not a desperado, but a scoundrel.

43. Listen, you're not a lone wolf anymore, pal.

44. " Tourists attacked by wolf. "

45. (The Sea-Wolf, by Jack London) His two eyes shone like stars, and his features were working Convulsively

46. A wolf and a jackal often went hunting together.

47. The wolf is not a desperado, but a scoundrel.

48. 19 The wolf littered in a deserted farmhouse.

49. I know the sound of a fucking wolf!

50. Wolf plays a crucial role in the book.

51. We're dealing with a wolf in sheep's clothing.

52. Previously on Teen Wolf...

53. See who's alpha wolf.

54. I found the wolf!

55. Please don't cry wolf.

56. Wolf barks represent only 2.3% of all wolf vocalizations and are described as “rare” occurrences.

57. Little Red meets a hungry Wolf ("Hello, Little Girl").

58. A regiment of Tartars with wolf dæmons guards it.

59. A wolf killed and ate his beast of burden.

60. To cry wolf indicates a person's lack of responsibility.

61. Wolf says I shouldn't audition.

62. "Time Between Dog and Wolf".

63. As a wolf resembles a dog, so a flatterer a friend.

64. 17 This wolf is not a desperado, but a scoundrel.

65. 16 The wolf is not a desperado, but a scoundrel.

66. MYTH: A wolf hybrid will make a better guard dog.

67. 1 Befriending 2 Wolf Personalities 2.1 Personality Chart Occasionally, one will come across a wolf while exploring that can be Befriended

68. 12 Timber wolf is what they sounded like, their deep and resonating power now trailing off into musical tremolos.

69. Think of Brickbat as a wolf in sheep's clothing

70. There's a strange wolf that I only see fleetingly.

71. A wolf of the desert plains keeps ravaging them,

72. A bleating sheep who mistook himself as fearsome wolf.

73. The mask is called a "loup," French for "wolf."

74. The wolf pack have picked out a young bison.

75. Like his wild cousin the wolf, the Basenji can bark but usually barks only once and then is silent

76. The picture of the wolf is in a book.

77. A Wolf drill attachment has come into my possession.

78. No more than I would restore a lamb to a wolf.

79. But you never hit a wolf or a bird of prey.

80. When shepherds quarrel, the wolf has a winning game.