Use "lie-down" in a sentence

1. I'm going to lie down.

2. Lie down and elevate your feet.

3. Just lie down on the bed.

4. Go and lie down for a while.

5. And the poor lie down in security,

6. They lie down at every street corner*

7. Yes, all of them, lie down in glory,

8. I'd like to lie down for a while.

9. I'm going upstairs to have a lie down .

10. Lie down, please. Let me take off the splint.

11. Lie down on your bed and make yourself comfortable.

12. He went to lie down after a long journey.

13. A place for the wild animals to lie down!

14. She said she was going for a lie down.

15. Latin Accumbent-, accumbens, present participle of accumbere to lie down, recline at table, from ad- + -cumbere to lie down (akin to cubare to lie down) Learn More About Accumbent Time Traveler for Accumbent The first known use of Accumbent …

16. 5 “In grassy pastures he makes me lie down.”

17. They expected me to lie down like a coward.

18. She suddenly came over dizzy and had to lie down.

19. And you will look around and lie down in security.

20. I think I'll go and lie down for a while.

21. He had to go and lie down for a while.

22. When you lie down, it will stand guard over you;

23. The doctor asked him to lie down on his stomach.

24. Richard developed a raging headache and had to lie down.

25. Why don't you lie down on the sofa for a while?

26. You're going to lie down and take some spirits of ammonia.

27. I usually have a bit of a lie down after lunch.

28. Why don't you go upstairs and lie down for a bit?

29. Upstairs, Jack could lie down and think about puke and poison.

30. They ordered us to strip and lie down on the grass.

31. I suddenly came over funny/queer and had to lie down.

32. 3 Rest: Stop the activity that caused the pain and lie down.

33. To lie down, seat down and enjoys: Relax, activates its sanguineous circulation ...

34. And you just expect Frank to lie down, throw in the towel?

35. I'm feeling rather peculiar I think I'll lie down for a while.

36. A fit of dizziness came over her so she had to lie down.

37. If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas. 

38. I have to lie down for an hour after lunch to rest my brain.

39. If it was my turn to do the dishes, I would usually lie down.

40. Take off your coat and shoes and lie down on each bed for several minutes.

41. 5 Je·honʹa·dab replied to him: “Lie down on your bed and pretend to be sick.

42. [C14: from Old French Agister, from gister to lodge, ultimately from Latin jacēre to lie down]

43. In grassy pastures he makes me lie down; by well-watered resting-places he conducts me.”

44. In grassy pastures he makes me lie down; by well-watered resting-places he conducts me.

45. In grassy pastures he makes me lie down; by well-watered resting places he conducts me.

46. When the overseer was not in, most of the workers would lie down on the job.

47. And the wolf shall dwell with the lamb and the leopard shall lie down with the kid.

48. 2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

49. You might look away when your blood is being drawn, or you could lie down during the procedure.

50. An old man spread his coat on the floor and insisted that I lie down for a while.

51. David writes: “In grassy pastures he makes me lie down; by well-watered resting-places he conducts me.

52. 11 Moreover, if two lie down together, they will stay warm, but how can just one keep warm?

53. 24 When I lie down calmly pondered when the bed, I only then soberly realize myself to sleepwalk.

54. Many doctors recommend that you lie down and prop your legs up against a chair or a wall.

55. An old worker spread his padded coat on the floor and insisted that I lie down for a while.

56. Feeling powerless to help, Jonah went below the deck of the ship and found a place to lie down.

57. Word Origin for Agist. C14: from Old French Agister, from gister to lodge, ultimately from Latin jacēre to lie down

58. And there the haunters of waterless regions will certainly lie down, and their houses must be filled with eagle owls.

59. 12 Feeling powerless to help, Jonah went below the deck of the ship and found a place to lie down.

60. A bout of feeding early in the morning is followed by a lie down during which they chew the cud.

61. In grassy pastures he makes me lie down; by well-watered resting-places he conducts me.” —PSALM 23:1, 2

62. 27 For it is his only covering, his clothing to cover his body;* in what will he lie down to sleep?

63. " Whup! " cried Hall, jumping back, for he was no hero with dogs, and Fearenside howled, " Lie down! " and snatched his whip.

64. PLAGUE THOMAS WRIGHT JACKSON Men would lie down on the warm cinders, and while they slumbered, the poisonous gases would Asphyxiate them

65. His head Ached as if it were being squeezed in a vise, and got even worse when he tried to lie down

66. The cow will feed with the bear, their young will lie down together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox."

67. Bathinette by BabyDiego is designed with 2 positions to allow an infant to lie down or a toddler to sit up while bathing

68. 25 I do. And you see me. as something of an interloper, I suppose. Do you want me to lie down for this?

69. These measures include: Sleep Position to Relieve Back Pain when Bending Forward: While sleeping, prefer to lie down on the sides rather than your back

70. A cowlick is that often annoying little sprig of hair that seems to grow in a different direction from everything else and just won't lie down.

71. There he would force him to lie down, and in order to fit him to the bed he would lop off the lower parts of his limbs.

72. If the sheep is sick, the shepherd might have to force medicine down its throat and literally hold it up so that it will not lie down and die.

73. 2 FOLD cloth or clothing that is Crumpled has a lot of lines or folds in it an old man with untidy hair and a Crumpled suit 3 LIE DOWN

74. 30 And the firstborn of the poor shall feed, and the needy shall lie down in safety; and I will kill thy root with famine, and he shall slay thy remnant.

75. I saw an old man the other day, to my astonishment, making the holes with a hoe for the seventieth time at least, and not for himself to lie down in!

76. “The wolf will actually reside for a while with the male lamb, and with the kid the leopard itself will lie down, . . . and a mere little boy will be leader over them.” —Isaiah 11:6.

77. 6 The awolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid, and the calf and the young lion and fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.

78. He invited her to lie down unclothed set a timer and while stroking her proceeded to narrate in tender detail the beauty he saw the colors that went from coral to deep rose to pearlescent pink.

79. In Congreve's "The Way of the World," an exasperated Lady Wishfort bursts out, "Go lie down and sleep, you sot, or as I'm a person, I'll have you Bastinadoed with broomsticks." Recommended on

80. 65:10) refers" "to it he uses it in this sense: "The valley of Achor, a place" "for herds to lie down in;" i.e., that which had been a source of