Use "liber psalmorum" in a sentence

1. Liber Apertus super mensam scriptoriam est

2. Apuleius Apvlei Madavrensis Metamorphoseon LIBER I 1

3. She's politically conservative; I'm more liber al.

4. Liber Iudicum Secundum Lxx Interpretes: Triplicem Textus Conformationem Recensuit …

5. Accessit Fabij Planciadis Fulgentij liber de Continentia virgiliana, auctior a Mss

6. (Latin Antiphonarium, Antiphonarius, Antiphonarius liber, antiphonale; Greek ’antíphonon antiphon, antiphone, anthem)

7. He also prepared and published the first modern edition of Fibonacci's Liber Abaci.

8. The second version of Liber Abaci was dedicated to Michael Scot in 1227 CE.

9. , ‘Liber Generationis’, cited by Frézouls as listing together Mauri Baccates et Massenas, and Itin

10. For the translation of English idioms, literal, liberal and literal plus liber al translation can be used.

11. Archimedes' Book of Lemmas or Liber Assumptorum is a treatise with fifteen propositions on the nature of circles.

12. Retrouvez le tarif des Autoroutes, liber t et télépéage

13. He invented methods to solve tax problems that were later presented in Fibonacci's Liber Abaci.

14. The optical liber intensity-modulated temperature sensor is better than other optical fiber temperature sensors in some aspect.

15. Et si liber magni momenti Accommodationem est ad te et haec tibi si urgemus illa schola est unus

16. Liber sacramentorum Augustodunensis, 1491 (CCL 159B): “prop[r] itio splendore clariica cunctam que familiam tuam ad aule huius sufragia Concurrentem benignus exaudi eiusdem que conditorum omnia desideria cordis conplacita tibi pius adimple;” Liber sacramentorum Engolismensis, 2133 (CCL 159C): “propitio splendore clariica, cunctam

17. There is no indication he had ever set eyes on a copy of Liber abbaci, let alone read it.

18. In about 1202, Fibonacci published his book Liber Abaci (Book of Calculation) which introduced the concept of positional notation into Europe.

19. In 1202 , at age 32, he published what he had learned in Liber Abaci , or Book of Calculation.

20. He was also actively engaged against the Waldensians, and wrote a book Liber Antihaeresis (c 1210) against them.

21. - Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus, De vita Caesarum, Liber IV, Caligula, 22 (1) Gaetulicum refellit Plinius quasi mentitum per Adulationem, ut ad laudes iuvenis

22. De Scriptoribus ecclesiasticis liber unus, cum Adjunctis indicibus undecim et brevi chronologia ab orbe condito usque ad annum MDCXII

23. Ipsa quoque alia indumenta non habuit, sed tota ignea fuit, et ardore suo omnia sibi Adjacentia sicut fenum arefecit.” Liber vitae meritorum P

24. Fibonacci presented the first complete European account of Arabic numerals and the Hindu-Arabic numeral system in his Liber Abaci (1202).

25. Vita Sancti Albani est liber hagiographicus anonymus Latine saeculo fere XII confecta de vita Albani (antiquissimi fidei Christianae martyris Britanni) vita etiam Amphibali inserta.

26. Baldo Angelo Abati’s De natura et de Vipera admirabili mirificis facultatibus eiusdem liber (published in 1589 in Urbino), was one of the first books about snakes.

27. Although this change must have been intended to increase profits, it has obviously backfired, because Liber is now in serious financial trouble.

28. In the Liber Abaci, Fibonacci says the following introducing the so-called "Modus Indorum" or the method of the Indians, today known as Arabic numerals .

29. Liber Judicum secundum LXX interpretes : triplicem textus Conformationem recensuit, lectionis varietates enotavit Libri apocryphi Veteris Testamenti graece Lucii Cæcilii Firmiani Lactantii Opera omnia / …

30. Abjectis igitur et combustis libris, in quibus commenta diaboli continebantur, solus ille liber in quo Historia Sancti Albani continebatur, in thesauro carissime reponebatur

31. Practical numbers were used by Fibonacci in his Liber Abaci (1202) in connection with the problem of representing rational numbers as Egyptian fractions.

32. Office resource: current office area, office equipments, include computer, printer, copy machine, fax, telephone. See assets liber as the detail of office equipment.

33. Liber Iudicum secundum LXX interpretes : triplicem textus Conformationem recensuit lectionis varietates enotavit interpretationis veteris Latinae fragmenta by Fritzsche, Otto Fridolin, 1812-1896; Fritzsche, Otto Fridolin, 1812-1896

34. Armoriale, vulgo Wappenbuch, liber a Conrado de Grunenberg ab anno fere 1483 conscriptus et pictus, est enumeratio insignium heraldicorum.Huius libri octo exemplaria manu scripta cognoscuntur

35. Bacchanalia (băkənā`lēə), in Roman religion, festival in honor of Bacchus, god of wine.Originally a religious ceremony, like the Liberalia Liberalia, in Roman religion, festival of Liber and Libera

36. It is valuable in firing for the gun, special for the gun whose ca liber less than 57mm, to measure the muzzle velocity of projectile when guns are firing.

37. Liber Iudicum Secundum Lxx Interpretes: Triplicem Textus Conformationem Recensuit Lectionis Varietates Enotavit Interpretationis Veteris Latinae Fragmenta (Ancient Greek Edition) [Fritzsche, Otto Fridolin 1812-1896, Fritzsche, Otto Fridolin 1812-1896] on

38. Alternative terms for Antiphonary are Antiphonal or Antiphony.The term comes from the Latin antiphonarium, antiphonarius, antiphonarius liber, antiphonale, which came from the Greek antíphonon "antiphone, anthem".

39. Mayor Cuddihy, who has given up hope of retrieving another book in the collection that was last seen in 13 said he felt time was running out for getting back the Liber Secundus .

40. Bacchanalia (băkənā`lēə), in Roman religion, festival in honor of Bacchus, god of wine.Originally a religious ceremony, like the Liberalia Liberalia, in Roman religion, festival of Liber and Libera

41. The Lair of the Adamantite Dragon is detailed in Planes of Conflict, Liber Benevolentiae (1995), p.44-45 The Adamantite dragon appeared as card #607 in in TSR's 1992 …

42. It was during this time that he began work on what was formally titled Liber Novus, but was known informally amongst Jung's followers and heirs — and eventually published — as The Red Book.

43. The system was little known in Europe before the distinguished mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci (also known as Leonardo of Pisa) introduced it in 1202 in Liber abaci (Book of the Abacus).

44. Indeed, the person we call Fibonacci was actually named Leonardo of Pisa, and these numbers appear in his book "Liber Abaci," which taught the Western world the methods of arithmetic that we use today.

45. The second version of Fibonacci's famous book on mathematics, Liber Abaci, was dedicated to Scot in 1227, and it has been suggested that Scot played a part in Fibonacci's presentation of the Fibonacci sequence.

46. Some of the most widely circulating books, such as the Liber Abaci by Leonardo Fibonacci of Pisa, included applications of mathematics and arithmetic to business practice or were business manuals based on sophisticated numeracy.

47. Sodomites, effeminates, hermaphrodites, and Androgynes Sodomy in the age of Peter Damian Series Studies and texts, 0082-5328 ; 176 Note Includes several chapters devoted to Peter Damian's Letter 31, traditionally known as the Liber Gomorrhianus

48. An Antiphonary, Antiphonal, "Antiphony" or Antiphoner (Latin antiphonarium, antiphonarius, antiphonarius liber, antiphonale; Greek ’antíphonon, antiphon, antiphone, anthem) is one of the liturgical books intended for use in choro (i

49. The greedy algorithm for Egyptian fractions, first described in 1202 by Fibonacci in his book Liber Abaci, finds an expansion in which each successive term is the largest unit fraction that is no larger than the remaining number to be represented.

50. Gai Valeri Catvlli Liber “sic” inquit “mea vita Septimille, huic uni domino usque serviamus, 15 ut multo mihi maior acriorque ignis mollibus ardent in medullis.” hoc ut dixit, Amor, sinistra, ut ante dextra, sternuit Approbationem

51. Since Arbitrators have insane amount of magic power inside them, killing one is nearly impossible though they can only wound them badly enough as seen when Faunaria used a powerful thunder strike against Master Liber and

52. Liber Iudicum secundum LXX interpretes : triplicem textus Conformationem recensuit lectionis varietates enotavit interpretationis veteris Latinae fragmenta by Otto Fridolin Fritzsche ( ) 7 editions published in 1867 in Latin and Greek, Ancient and held by 42 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

53. 1 added - posted in + LIBER ASTARTES +: THE Accipitres ASTRA Space Hawks CHAPTER NAME: High Gothic - Accipitres Astra Low Gothic - Space Hawks Colloquial - Grey Hawks, Grey Giants, Grey Guard FOUNDING: 26th - 738.M41 CHAPTER NUMBER: 986 GENE-SEED: Jaghatai Khan PROGENITORS: Unknown KNOWN …

54. Apologia pro casuistis liber francogallicè conscriptus sub titulo Apologie pour les Casuistes contre les calomnies des jansénistes (Apologia pro casuistis adversus calumnias Iansenistarum), opus est theologiae moralis quod a "theologo professoreque quodam iuris canonici" cuius nomen non liquet in lucem prodiit mense decembri anno 1657 Lutetiae Parisiorum e praelis Caspari Meturas.

55. Right on schedule with what I can only hope is the collapse of celebrity culture comes my new book "The Necronomiconjob, Liber V: Celebrities as the Apotheosized Stars" is now available in paperback and Kindle ebook versions, be sure to see here first for my special offer to save you some money.

56. A mathematical-historical analysis of Fibonacci's context and proximity to Béjaïa, an important exporter of wax in his time, has suggested that it was actually the bee-keepers of Béjaïa and the knowledge of the bee ancestries that truly inspired the Fibonacci sequence rather than the rabbit reproduction model as presented in his famous book Liber Abaci.

57. En These were temples to Liber, Libera, and Ceres, near the Great Circus, which last Aulus Postumius, when Dictator, had vowed; a temple to Flora in the same place, which had been built by Lucius and Marcus Publicius, Aediles, and a temple to Janus, which had been erected in the vegetable market by Caius Duilius, who was the first to make the

58. Liber Bathyal includes for the first time the complete ontology of the Temple of THEM – and a full explanation of the symbolism of the Thrasz (including the complex Aeurekanequeo that is the esoteric heart of THEM designed to replace the Tree of Wyrd) and an in-depth analysis of Form and how it typifies the key principles of our understanding.

59. Liber B sugar one quart bottell of strong licuor and a paer of Childerens yel low first hose and the wife of James Lee asked James lee her hous band whether hee had prouided for too Childeren who answeared I hee had and further sayeth not: Whearupon the Plantiue Craued a Jury which was granted whose Names are as followeth Robert Robins Robert

60. Deer SI is "I was an untold Bufferrer from sn old running sore and liber triad most everythh lief from pain sour wonderful ointment and th* first I box took away the pain that had not I left me before In years, arid after Using Just nine dollars worth of the I salve I am cured

61. These were temples to Liber, Libera, and Ceres, near the Great Circus, which last Aulus Postumius, when Dictator, had vowed; a temple to Flora in the same place, which had been built by Lucius and Marcus Publicius, Aediles, and a temple to Janus, which had been erected in the vegetable market by Caius Duilius, who was the first to make the Roman power successful at sea and to win a naval

62. 1512: Liber de arte distillandi de compositis. (= Großes Destillierbuch) Containing : a book about « Quinta essentia » and other alchemical drugs – with long passages taken out of the book De consideratione quintae essentiae of Jean de Roquetaillade, an enumeration of simplicia (medicines, composed by one single drug) and composita (medicines, composed by several drugs) – according to the character of diseases, an enumeration of simplicia and composita – according to the location of diseases (from head to feet), an enumeration of simplicia and composita – for use in surgical practice and a treatise intitled « Thesaurus pauperum » - dispensatory in 45 chapters, containing cheap medicines for the poor.