Use "lead in" in a sentence

1. In the secondary lead industry lead acid batteries, residues from batteries and other lead-bearing materials are processed.

2. Lead could be added directly to a ceramic body in the form of a lead compound in suspension, either from galena (PbS), red lead (Pb3O4), white lead (2PbCO3·Pb(OH)2), or lead oxide (PbO).

3. Airborne lead is present mainly as inorganic lead compounds in dust particles.

4. Report on Fuel Additives (other than lead or lead compounds) in Petroleum Fuels.

5. Slowly ideas lead to ideology, lead to policies that lead to actions.

6. Can lead poisoning cause visual agnosia?Not without lead showing up in the blood work

7. Balander, 78, Lead, died Monday, January 2, 2006 at Lead-Deadwood Regional Hospital in Deadwood

8. In recent years, lead levels have fallen as regulations have curbed lead in paint, gas and other products.

9. Balander, 78, Lead, died Monday, January 2, 2006 at Lead-Deadwood Regional Hospital in Deadwood

10. lead to policies that lead to actions.

11. In # recovery from lead-acid batteries just in the United States amounted to # % of world production of lead

12. In Europe, galena, lead sulfide, was widely available, which could be smelted to produce metallic lead.

13. No more will selfish interests lead to shortcuts in work procedures that could lead to accidents.

14. Hydrometallurgical process of recovery lead from lead anode slime in recent ten years is reviewed briefly.

15. Another reason for banning lead in gasoline is that the lead can ruin the catalytic converter.

16. Explore What Makes Burlington Medical the Leader in Lead & Lead free X-Ray Radiation Protection

17. In this case lead is converted to amalgam and total lead oxide is dissolved and determined.

18. Technical lead arsena of 95-98% lead Arsenate

19. Lead in cermet-based trimmer potentiometer elements

20. Lead accumulates in the body, so that exposure to even very low levels of lead may increase the body burden of lead to harmful levels.

21. Lead is more solvent in acidic water.

22. Lead as an alloying element in steel containing up to 0,35 % lead by weight, aluminium containing up to 0,4 % lead by weight and as a copper alloy containing up to 4 % lead by weight.

23. Lead poisoning can result from the accumulation of lead in the body over a period of time.

24. Unwrought lead (excl. refined lead and lead containing by weight antimony as the principal other element)

25. Acoustical type lead is not suitable for lead shielding.

26. 6 Including the radiation lead glass, lead plate glass.

27. In addition, a synthesized lead signal may be compared to a received lead signal to detect anomalous signals.

28. We have studied Josephson tunneling in lead – lead oxide – copper – lead junctions with the intent of investigating the proximity effects between normal (Cu) and superconducting (Pb) metals.

29. The lead and lead-alloys used in the organ's pipes have been severely affected by indoor atmospheric corrosion.

30. Zero lead pollution process for recycling used lead acid batteries

31. Lead Cenobite: Your suffering will be legendary, even in hell! Lead Cenobite: You solved the box, we came

32. Lead and cadmium in atomic absorption spectroscopy lamps.

33. The lead voice actors were approached in 2009.

34. He will play the lead role in Hamlet.

35. Acoustical type lead material is not suitable for lead shielding.

36. My first slogan is: if you're going to lead, lead.

37. It will lead to ground troops going in.

38. I followed a lead to Carver in Hamburg.

39. Do You Take the Lead in Showing Honor?

40. 62 synonyms for Ahead: in front, on, forwards, in advance, onwards, towards the front, frontwards, at an advantage, in advance, in the lead, in the lead

41. They lead the field in home entertainment systems.

42. A white lead pigment , sometimes used in cosmetics.

43. 4 Jehovah takes the lead in showing kindness.

44. She lead a tranquil life in the country.

45. The body was sealed in a lead coffin.

46. 3 US companies lead the world in biotechnology.

47. Lead guitar features less frequently in disco than in rock.

48. If anything recent research suggests that lead isn't as horrid in its effects as the extremists in the anti-lead movement claim.

49. Lead your family in spiritual activities and in family worship.

50. Conduce - be conducive to; "The use of computers in the classroom lead to better writing" contribute, lead

51. Novelty lead Astonisher lead – Uses an interjection or an exclamatory sentence

52. Lead, kindly Light, amid th’ encircling gloom; Lead thou me on!

53. Lead and lead alloys, with enhanced creep and/or intergranular corrosion resistance, especially for lead-acid batteries and electrodes therefor

54. 22 synonyms for Astray: off the right track, adrift, off course, off the mark, amiss, lead into sin, lead into error, lead into bad ways, lead into wrong

55. Lead on, spirit.

56. · Lead advisory groups

57. Lead or silver.

58. Following her lead performance in 2004's Somersault, Cornish …

59. 14 Their lead in the opinion polls evaporated overnight.

60. The Antiknock additives, which have been widely used worldwide, are the lead alkyls tetraethyl lead (TEL) and tetramethyl lead (TML)

61. Lead by example.

62. “In showing honor to one another take the lead.”

63. Increased production will, in turn, lead to increased profits.

64. 16. (a) Which “singers” often lead out in service?

65. In extreme cases, the disease can lead to blindness.

66. 19 Japan has taken the lead in car production.

67. Driving in stressful conditions can lead to muscle fatigue.

68. They bite the dust with lead in their bellies.

69. 10 Their scientists lead the world in nutrition research.

70. Lead in linear incandescent lamps with silicate coated tubes.

71. There are currently around 180 Lead Bodies in existence.

72. Chilled Lead Shot is softer and slightly denser than Magnum lead shot

73. Many organ pipes have been built from lead and lead-tin alloys.

74. Only the shore ends were armored in lead tubes.

75. Retirement can lead to increased activity in the ministry

76. The crown also gave a lead in secular architecture.

77. It would lead to deepening confrontation in the peninsula..

78. She is a lead singer in a pop group.

79. Pregnancy can lead to Bulging veins in some women.

80. The producer finally cast Finsh in the male lead.