Use "largely" in a sentence

1. The fabric is largely permeable to hot air and water and largely impervious to light.

2. Appreciably: as in largely, mostly

3. This country is largely desert.

4. His resignation passed largely unnoticed.

5. Rhinos are largely sedentary animals.

6. The protein is largely coiled.

7. The area is largely uninhabited.

8. The new regulations are largely symbolic .

9. But the presidency is largely ceremonial.

10. The Quaternary sediments are largely undeformed.

11. Our societies are still largely agrarian.

12. Locals still largely eat Greek cuisine.

13. Their complaints have been largely ignored.

14. These qualities largely failed to materialize.

15. Sweden's energy market is largely privatised.

16. Bookbinding is largely a cottage industry.

17. Bones are largely composed of calcium.

18. The move today was largely symbolic.

19. Parthian armies consisted largely of cavalry.

20. The monarch retains largely formal duties.

21. It is largely a matter of Conjecture

22. This depends largely on the quarantine situation.

23. The rain will largely die away overnight.

24. I work in old-age homes, largely.

25. It is largely dependent on the weather.

26. Both antibodies are a largely heterogeneous family.

27. Exchange is largely controlled by big banks.

28. It was an impassioned, largely peaceful protest.

29. The Chickadee is largely an insect eater

30. Caroline pressed Walpole for reform, largely unsuccessfully.

31. Revolutionary language and ideology had largely reappeared.

32. 6 Bookbinding is largely a cottage industry.

33. Taxonomy is very largely subjective and intuitive.

34. The community largely consists of afro-Colombians.

35. That simple marker is largely unnoticed today.

36. The leopard is largely a nocturnal hunter.

37. The inquest has been largely farcical anyway.

38. The island is populated largely by sheep.

39. Coprolites are composed largely of calcium phosphate

40. The committee largely concurred with these views.

41. Yet this information is largely a secret.

42. We live in a largely secular society.

43. It is largely a matter of conjecture.

44. It's made up largely of american citizens.

45. The case against him was largely circumstantial.

46. American humor is founded largely on hyperbole.

47. 9 The property market remains largely inactive.

48. The post of mayor is largely ceremonial .

49. For one simple and largely overlooked reason.

50. Criminologists, too, have largely neglected the prisons.

51. Trump was largely accurate about drugs being Catapulted

52. These are largely hidden from the immune system.

53. His success was largely due to his diligence.

54. In this last crusade he was largely unsuccessful.

55. Film critics are largely enthusiastic about the thriller.

56. Mainly, Chiefly, greatly, largely, mostly, primarily, principally, generally

57. Boilerplate, largely non-responsive answers to plaintiffs’ Averments

58. Our divorce laws are still, regrettably, largely Adversarial

59. Lincoln is largely responsible for the Thanksgiving holiday.

60. Lung cancer is largely caused by tobacco smoke.

61. Russian newspapers are largely sympathetic to the president.

62. The Communist moves then, however, were largely precautionary.

63. Diameter is largely used in the 3G space.

64. These changes are largely corroborated by morphological revisions.

65. The islands' economy is largely dependent upon tourism.

66. Our teaching is based largely on topic work.

67. 19 It is largely dependent on the weather.

68. To date these efforts have been largely successful.

69. Doctors still remain largely unaccountable to the public.

70. They largely misread the mood of the electorate.

71. The audience was composed largely of young people.

72. Public interest centred largely on the team's stars.

73. 6 Signification relies largely upon words and gestures.

74. • The Vice Mayor is a largely Ceremonial position

75. The violence has largely abated since November 2003.

76. 2 American humor is founded largely on hyperbole.

77. Losing weight is largely a matter of willpower.

78. The north remained largely unaffected by the drought.

79. Chondrite meteorites, which are primitive and largely unaltered

80. The school system is largely financed by taxes.