Use "keynote address" in a sentence

1. One who gives a keynote address.

2. Keynote Address and Q & A – Dr.

3. Molinari delivers the keynote address on Tuesday.

4. Professor Paterson will give the keynote address.

5. Ms. Helen Clark, Administrator of UNDP delivered the Keynote Address.

6. Obama delivering the keynote address at the 2004 Democratic Convention.

7. The prime minister delivered the keynote address at the conference.

8. Susan Molinari, who never mentioned the issue in her keynote address.

9. The event’s emotional peak came during the keynote address by Alexia Calvillo.

10. Keynote address by Foreign Secretary at the MEA-IDSA National Export Control Seminar

11. CEO Carly Fiorina gave attendees of her 2005 CES keynote address a preview.

12. Liu gave a keynote address to the 2018 World Economic Forum in Davos.

13. He is scheduled to deliver the keynote address at an awards ceremony.

14. On May 4th, Christina Wirths will deliver the keynote address at LANGUAGES & BUSINESS.

15. This was further highlighted in the keynote address, entitled “Justice Marks All of God’s Ways.”

16. On 30 November 1972 it released the keynote address of New Politics of National Independence.

17. People would line up for hours to snag a seat for a Jobs keynote address.

18. Despite her keynote address at the 1996 Republican National Convention, her national profile remains low.

19. Sharma delivered the keynote address on this occasion before a packed audience of over 3000 people.

20. The morning program will end with the keynote address, “How Jehovah Draws Close to Us.”

21. The morning session will conclude with the keynote address, “Completely Equipped as Teachers of God’s Word.”

22. Stewart's keynote address Sunday, which featured slides of her kitchen renovations, did little to perk them up.

23. • deliver the closing keynote address for the first day of Engineers without Borders’ annual national conference;

24. Convocation features welcome remarks and a keynote address, providing inspiration for new students beginning their academic journey

25. Then the morning program will conclude with the convention’s keynote address, “Praise Jehovah—The Doer of Wonderful Things.”

26. Abdullah delivered the Keynote Address at the Counter Terrorism Conference organised by India Foundation in Jaipur on February 2, where the inaugural address was by Rashtrapatiji.

27. Oracle's president, Mark Hurd, delivered a keynote address during the 2010 Oracle Open World conference in San Francisco on Monday.

28. Most Conferences have one or more keynote speakers who will deliver the keynote speech

29. The keynote address will highlight emerging roles of nuclear hormone receptors as integrators of plaque lipid metabolism and immune activity.

30. The Friday morning program will feature welcoming remarks as well as the keynote address, “Set Apart as Joyful Praisers Worldwide.”

31. After a primary victory in March 200 Obama delivered the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in July 200

32. The theme, which I set forth in my keynote address was XML and its intersection with open standards and open source.

33. Certainly it will give him an opportunity to share his philosophy of the Sagarmala as part of this keynote address.

34. 2 Convention Highlights: Friday’s keynote address, “Pay Attention to God’s Prophetic Word,” included an enlightening discussion of the transfiguration account.

35. The daylong, invitation-only event brings together Curators from around the world for a public keynote address and closed-door session.

36. The keynote address pointed out that God’s people today imitate the zeal and courage of Jesus Christ in carrying out their ministry.

37. The keynote address of the convention pointed up the vital issue upon which each person must sooner or later take his stand.

38. Genachowski will give an opening-day keynote address at the San Diego conference on Wednesday, and later will take questions from press.

39. He also delivered keynote address at the 6th World Government Summit in Dubai where India was accorded the status of Guest of Honour country.

40. Introducing Bination – Creative & Business Keynote Template

41. Its keynote is not anger but scorn.

42. This week at the IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium I heard a fascinating keynote address by David Wilner, Chief Technical Officer of Wind River Systems.

43. Madame Madeleine Albright, former Secretary of State of the US, delivered a keynote address on US-China overall relationship and bilateral trade and economic cooperation.

44. Republicanism and patriotism is keynote of his thoughts.

45. Creating jobs was the keynote of Dyson's campaign.

46. In a wide ranging keynote address at the 2007 Influence Forum, ICANN CEO Paul Twomey told the audience that virtual worlds are the future of global commerce.

47. World peace was the keynote of his speech.

48. Today the keynote of the wedding gown is simplicity.

49. Choice is the keynote of the new education policy.

50. Mr. Graham is expected to keynote the conference.

51. Unemployment has been the keynote of the conference.

52. Prime Minister extended a warm welcome to Dr Abdullah who would be delivering a Keynote Address at the Conference on Counter-terrorism-2016 being held in Jaipur.

53. The keynote speaker had wound up to polite applause.

54. Unprecedented change has been the keynote of the electronic revolution.

55. When the time arrived for my part on the program, the commanding officer followed me onto the platform in an attempt to stop me from delivering the keynote address.

56. The keynote speaker was Robert Venturi(, the architect.

57. In his keynote address, Bindu Nath Lohani, Vice-President of the Asian Development Bank, informed that environmentally sustainable growth was a key development agenda in the ADB Strategy 2020.

58. Steve Jobs opened up the World Wide Developers Conference on Monday with a keynote address to a packed house in San Francisco, where he unveiled Apple's newest iPhone, the iPhone

59. The 2021 Abet Symposium opening keynote session will feature Dr

60. This issue has become the keynote of the election campaign.

61. The keynote address showed that to be “Completely Equipped as Teachers of God’s Word,” we must highly esteem God’s Word, respect it above any human opinion or tradition, and use it faithfully.

62. Transcript: Jim Griffin of Choruss' Keynote at Digital Music Forum East

63. The keynote speaker was Arthur Goldberg, now a Supreme Court justice.

64. Keynote addresses by leading scholars and experts in various development related fields

65. 12 Unprecedented change has been the keynote of the electronic revolution.

66. Guess who's up for keynote speaker at the National Paleontology Conference?

67. CEO of Corporality Entrepreneur Keynote Speaker Board Member at ANZ India Business Chamber

68. Minister for Road Transport & Highways, Shipping and Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, Shri Nitin Jairam Gadkari delivered keynote address in the panel discussion on India-ASEAN Economic Partnership on January 6, 2018.

69. The keynote address, “Pay Attention to God’s Prophetic Word,” reminded the listeners that those looking to Jehovah are spared the disappointment and disillusionment experienced by people who follow false messiahs and false prophets.

70. Apple chief executive Steve Jobs will not be giving the keynote address at the Macworld show in January for the first time in 12 years, raising more questions about his long-term health.

71. Bevel gears are the keynote topic for the first half of the event.

72. The frustration he caused her was the keynote of every one-sided altercation.

73. Opening Session (keynote presentations by representatives of international organizations (UNCTAD, EC) and academician institutions);

74. Congresses Midterm Symposia: Geospatial Week: Scientific Initiatives: Education Initiatives: Keynote Speaker: Centenary: Video

75. 21 This report contains three keynote speeches on commissioning,[] carrying out and disseminating research.

76. This input includes suggesting and approaching appropriate keynote speakers, reviewing abstract submissions, and Chairing …

77. I thank you for the honour of being asked to be your keynote speaker tonight.

78. Art DeFehr, President and CEO, Palliser Furniture was the keynote speaker at the WMC’s First AGM.

79. We have just said that the development of consciousness is the keynote of all creation.

80. Address synonyms, Address pronunciation, Address translation, English …