Use "jumped" in a sentence

1. We were jumped.

2. She jumped / skipped bail .

3. The film jumped during projection.

4. He almost jumped in surprise.

5. House prices have jumped dramatically.

6. She jumped off the top board.

7. Then, Cowherd jumped into the river.

8. The needle has jumped several grooves.

9. She jumped down from the chair.

10. The other jumped in packer's foxhole.

11. The pioneers jumped at the chance.

12. The man jumped into a taxi.

13. I impulsively jumped into the river.

14. He jumped on the crowded bus.

15. The horse jumped over the ditch.

16. The needle jumped across the dial.

17. Ram jumped into the swimming pool.

18. The new product jumped into popularity.

19. The cow jumped over the moon.

20. The dog jumped over the stile.

21. They jumped into the discussion right away.

22. The boy jumped on a moving truck.

23. You're an up-jumped cutthroat, nothing more.

24. Jack stripped and jumped into the shower.

25. 8 She jumped off the top board.

26. She bunched her skirt up and jumped.

27. He jumped Athletically out of the car

28. I climbed the fence and jumped in.

29. He must've jumped over the fence again.

30. He jumped up out of his chair.

31. The pilot jumped from the burning plane .

32. He jumped on us for that misbehaviour.

33. He jumped on me for that misbehaviour.

34. From a virtual standstill he jumped over.

35. Sabrina jumped nimbly out of the van.

36. Why AcAcia Communications Stock Jumped 17.6% Friday

37. He jumped down and seemed to stumble.

38. She jumped back like a startled rabbit.

39. Matt jumped up to answer the phone.

40. The despairing man jumped off the crag.

41. The forgiven rancher 's son jumped for joy .

42. Other leading manufacturers have jumped on the bandwagon.

43. The cat jumped away with a loud miaow.

44. She jumped into the dinghy and shoved off.

45. 4 Jack stripped and jumped into the shower.

46. Sorry to have jumped on you, Mr. Willis.

47. She jumped into the river, clothes and all .

48. He jumped over the wall with surprising agility.

49. The robber jumped on me in the dark.

50. I just jumped from the gap , " he added .

51. 16 I literally jumped out of my skin.

52. When the tailgate was lowered , Frankie jumped down.

53. He jerked the string and the puppet jumped.

54. He jumped the gate, landing on the concrete.

55. She jumped in the fountain for a bet.

56. She jumped into the pool with a splash.

57. The dog jumped up and licked her face.

58. Or that we have somehow jumped to a void in intergalactic space, perhaps jumped beyond the expansion wave of the big bang itself.

59. The clever boy jumped the fifth grade in school.

60. 24 He jumped over the wall with surprising agility.

61. Mary gabbled out her prayers and jumped into bed.

62. He jumped in and swam to the opposite bank.

63. Her new novel jumped high on the bestseller list.

64. The attack jumped off under cover of a barrage.

65. 2 Dad pushed off and jumped into the rowboat.

66. The cat Crouched, and then jumped on the mouse

67. Press jumped all over it, politicos climbed on board.

68. The Paris Rothschilds jumped into the fray providing financing.

69. He braced his foot against the wall and jumped.

70. The gang jumped an old woman in the subway.

71. The dog jumped the gate and ran away howling.

72. She jumped out of the cupboard and shouted 'Boo!'.

73. The cab pulled up and the driver jumped out.

74. Black unemployment rate jumped to 17 percent last year.

75. Yelping Severus jumped back and stared at Harry Assessingly

76. I cracked their skulls open after they jumped me.

77. I gasped as I jumped into the cold river.

78. 5 She jumped the fourth grade in primary school.

79. The dog jumped at the intruder with frenzied barks.

80. Saatchi, another busily traded share, jumped 40p to 340p.