Use "israelite" in a sentence

1. Definition: "Adjurer", an Israelite

2. From shaba'; Adjurer; Asbea, an Israelite -- Ashbea

3. Its original pre-Israelite inhabitants were called Canaanites

4. In Israelite times, however, names were not mere labels.

5. Figs were of great importance in the Israelite diet.

6. A prominent Israelite woman in Shunem showed Elisha exceptional hospitality.

7. 13 Not all Israelite leaders were like Moses and David.

8. Only 10,000 Israelite troops now stared across the plain at 135,000 enemy soldiers, and soon Jehovah reduced the number of Israelite soldiers to a meager 300.

9. An Israelite was allowed to marry a foreigner under such circumstances.

10. An Israelite hunter who killed an animal would drain its blood.

11. The nation of Amalek attacks and the Israelite people are victorious.

12. The son of the Israelite woman Blasphemed the Name and cursed

13. An Aramaean king, most likely Hazael of Damascus, occupied the Israelite

14. • Why could an Israelite sell an unbled dead animal to a foreigner?

15. He was not a Hebrew, an Israelite or a Levite.

16. Chapters 1–10 tell of the Israelite preparation for departure from Sinai.

17. The son of the Israelite woman Blasphemed the Name and cursed

18. □ John the Baptizer served in what capacity regarding the Israelite sheepfold?

19. 16 Well, imagine that you are an Israelite and quite poor.

20. 3 To offer an acceptable sacrifice, an Israelite had to be ceremonially clean.

21. A courageous Israelite judge calls himself the smallest in his father’s house.

22. By the sacrifice of his life, however, Christ “abolished . . . the Law of commandments consisting in decrees, that he might create the two peoples [Israelite and non-Israelite] in union with himself into one new man.”

23. In ancient times, the roofs of Israelite homes were flat and families often congregated there.

24. Then a non-Israelite, a despised Samaritan, came by and took pity on the victim.

25. Israelite elders in Jehovah’s temple, offering up incense to false gods, represented by detestable wall carvings.

26. Isaiah prophetically addressed literal eunuchs in his day, who would have a limited share in Israelite worship.

27. B.C.) to Amorite domination and issued a famous code of law, similar to Israelite codes

28. • What can a Christian elder learn from how an Israelite shepherd used a curved staff?

29. An Anglo-Israelite writes: “Every Briton is born to a great inheritance, and therefore a great responsibility.”

30. A Wandering Aramean? This portion of Israelite worship began in earnest with an unnerving confession of genealogical lore

31. If an Israelite accidentally caused another’s death, he was to flee to one of the cities of refuge.

32. How grateful all Israelite parents must have been on the night of Nisan 14, 1513 B.C.E.!

33. What were Israelite parents told to do to instruct their children, and what did that mean?

34. In this valley plain, two women showed constancy in love and hospitality, and two Israelite leaders fought decisive battles.

35. Cyrus, their leader, promptly takes charge of the conquered land and later issues a decree releasing the Israelite captives.

36. She concealed the Israelite spies and helped them to escape, and then she gathered her father’s household for preservation.

37. And God observed how a non-Israelite widow of Zarephath shared what little she had with the prophet Elijah.

38. 12 What can we learn from Ezekiel’s account of those 70 Israelite elders who offered incense to false gods?

39. You may use them as workers, but you must not subject your Israelite brothers to cruel treatment.

40. During a wartime crisis, some Israelite soldiers killed animals and “fell to eating along with the blood.”

41. Jehovah is not like a poor Israelite who must sell his children to a creditor in order to settle accounts.

42. Showing dissatisfaction with Jehovah’s provisions by choosing to associate with these outsiders led the Israelite men to becoming sexually aroused.

43. Learning of the siege, Saul proved his merit as king, marshaling the Israelite forces and routing the Ammonites.

44. The Mosaic Law’s requirements concerning sexual functions promoted, among other things, the general health of the Israelite community.

45. How disgraceful that 70 Israelite elders were offering incense to false gods represented by despicable wall carvings! —Ezekiel 8:1-12.

46. 13 This is how every native-born Israelite should present an offering made by fire, as a pleasing* aroma to Jehovah.

47. Bathsheba is an Israelite, but because she was married to Uriah the Hittite, some interpreters thought that she was also a foreigner

48. To the left and to the right of the Israelite column, the “congealed” water stood like two huge walls. —Exodus 15:8.

49. It is a collection of poems or songs of grief because of the fall of Jerusalem and the Israelite nation.

50. He was in need of provisions for his men and respectfully asked for assistance from a fellow Israelite named Nabal.

51. Growing up an Israelite, Peter would have been familiar with various Hebrew prophecies speaking of a “stone” or a “cornerstone.”

52. For example, he required that Israelite houses have a parapet around the roof to prevent accidents, since roofs were places of considerable activity.

53. 7 The prophet Ezekiel of old had to muster up great courage in order not to fear the Israelite opposers of his day.

54. Canaan, area variously defined in historical and biblical literature, but always centred on Palestine.Its original pre-Israelite inhabitants were called Canaanites

55. Aaron, the traditional founder and head of the Israelite priesthood, who, with his brother Moses, led the Israelites out of Egypt

56. (Deuteronomy 8:8) Twelve spies provided evidence of its fertility by bringing figs and other fruit back to the Israelite camp.

57. For example, in the prophet Malachi’s day, Jehovah censured Israelite husbands who dealt treacherously with their wives by frivolously divorcing them.

58. Assyria (Assihrya) was a nation in northern Mesopotamia in Old Testament times that became a large empire during the period of the Israelite kings

59. That was so important that even in an emergency when Israelite soldiers ate unbled meat, they were guilty of a grave wrong, or sin.

60. All the evidence unearthed thus far confirms that the site of Jezreel was a major Israelite center in the period of the Iron Age.

61. According to Roland de Vaux, these texts “are a fairly accurate reflection of civilization in the land of Canaan just prior to the Israelite conquest.”

62. Probably of foreign origin; Cush (or Ethiopia), the name of a son of Ham, and of his territory; also of an Israelite -- Chush, Cush, Ethiopia.

63. If an Israelite was too poor to offer a lamb or a goat as a sacrifice, he could offer instead two turtledoves or two pigeons.

64. (literal or original sense) strikte Betekenis, eigenlijke Betekenis bn + nw de : The strict meaning of the word “Jew” is an Israelite of the tribe of Juda.

65. (2 Kings 1:1) Jeremiah, a contemporary of Zephaniah, spoke of the Ammonites’ occupying the Israelite territory of Gad in the name of their god Malcam.

66. 19 An Israelite farmer who planted seed had to wait, first for the blade to appear, then for the plant to mature, and finally for the harvest.

67. To Israelite men who were weary of life in the wilderness, the Moabite and Midianite women who enticed them may at first have seemed friendly and hospitable.

68. David and Bathsheba - In the spring, at the time when kings go off to war, David sent Joab out with the king’s men and the whole Israelite army

69. If an Israelite was too poor to afford a sheep, then God was pleased to accept something that was within the offerer’s reach —two turtledoves or two pigeons.

70. Ezekiel 23 Allegorizes Samaria and Jerusalem, the Israelite and Judahite capitals, as two sisters with a host of foreign lovers while both are married to Yahweh

71. Under this magnified illumination, the Israelite men in the Courtyard of the Women would dance or do acrobatics, while the womenfolk looked down upon the scene from their balcony.

72. The name "Canaanite" is also sometimes used to designate the non-Israelite inhabitants of the land in general ( Genesis 12:6; Numbers 21:3; Judges 1:10)

73. (Jg 3:12-30) Mesha, king of Moab, revolted against Israelite domination many centuries later, “as soon as Ahab died,” according to the Bible account at 2 Kings 3:4, 5.

74. The top of the tell, where Finkelstein supposes that the tabernacle would have been placed, is now exposed bedrock, offering no clues concerning Israelite worship (aside from the adjacent storage complex).

75. The outgrowth of Yahweh-centric belief, along with a number of cultic practices, gradually gave rise to a distinct Israelite ethnic group, setting them apart from other Canaanites.

76. Shiloh was one of the main centers of Israelite worship during the pre-monarchic period, by virtue of the presence there of the Tent Shrine and Ark of the Covenant.

77. 4 In Moses’ day, it took faith for an Israelite family to celebrate the Passover in Egypt and to spatter the blood on the doorposts and on the upper part of the doorway of their home.

78. The AMIA Bombing was a suicide van bomb attack on the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA; Argentine Israelite Mutual Association) building in Buenos Aires, Argentina on 18 July 1994, killing 85 people and injuring hundreds

79. A contraction of al-ilah, meaning "the god," Allah is cognate with the generic pan-Semitic designation for "God" or "deity" (Israelite/Canaanite El, Akkadian ilu) and is particularly close to the

80. 16 When the Israelite leader Joshua was “old and advanced in days,” he “proceeded to call all Israel, its older men and its heads and its judges and its officers,” and to remind them of God’s upright dealings.