Use "irrelevant" in a sentence

1. Crimes the government considered irrelevant.

2. It's all irrelevant to me.

3. Wrong, irrelevant, inappropriate, unsuitable, inApplicable

4. But the distinction may be irrelevant .

5. Disgraceful, if true; but almost irrelevant.

6. These remarks are profane and irrelevant.

7. She dismissed their arguments as irrelevant.

8. These arguments were dismissed as irrelevant.

9. Magdalena considered the past an irrelevant encumbrance.

10. The government considers these people irrelevant.

11. Since when is a new symptom irrelevant?

12. Students viewed Latin as boring and irrelevant.

13. 2 These arguments were dismissed as irrelevant.

14. We're focusing too much on irrelevant details.

15. That evidence is irrelevant to the case.

16. Serial on the Leonardo), Serial.Begin() is irrelevant

17. Her statement is irrelevant to this case.

18. It distracts them with pretty pictures, irrelevant data.

19. The details are, for the present purposes , irrelevant.

20. Our discussions got bogged down in irrelevant detail.

21. What you say is irrelevant to the subject.

22. Why do you drag in such irrelevant facts?

23. Whether I believe you or not is irrelevant now.

24. Low Machs are easily disrupted by irrelevant emotional factors.

25. Try to prune your essay of irrelevant detail.

26. Bringing up the witnesses'past is irrelevant to this case.

27. Whether or not you like the music is irrelevant.

28. Many people consider politics is irrelevant to their lives.

29. 6 Try to prune your essay of irrelevant detail.

30. Scientists characterize the humanities as uncertain, vague and irrelevant.

31. In retrospect, it seems not only minor, but irrelevant.

32. Discernment enables you to discard irrelevant or misleading information

33. These gastronomical comments are irrelevant to these proceedings, Your Honor.

34. But such variations within species are irrelevant to evolution.

35. These documents are largely irrelevant to the present investigation.

36. Well, you also always tell us motives are irrelevant.

37. You beat yourself brave, but for me it's absolutely irrelevant.

38. Do not add irrelevant ideas just because they are interesting.

39. It was Swank 's judgment that he had become irrelevant.

40. On the other hand, Condonation is irrelevant to some acts

41. Such factors as race and place of birth are irrelevant.

42. Whatever you think you know about this man is irrelevant.

43. Therefore, she did not consider them a trifle, something irrelevant?

44. That is a separate issue and irrelevant to our discussion.

45. He laces his narrative with a great deal of irrelevant information.

46. This involved the deletion of a great deal of irrelevant material.

47. His age is completely irrelevant if he can do the job.

48. The age-old cycle of wet and dry seasons had become irrelevant.

49. Their clauses are really quite irrelevant; they are obsolete, and anachronistic.

50. She deliberately muddied the waters by constantly referring to other irrelevant cases.

51. Please concentrate on the business at hand and don't drag in irrelevant issues.

52. It was pathetically inadequate for the poor and totally irrelevant for everyone else.

53. I am your irrelevant, you are one of my beginning and end.

54. The government decided that their testimony would be irrelevant to the case.

55. For the Terrells a good many of the obvious answers are irrelevant.

56. And almost irrelevant who had a dispute, but he is too detestable!

57. A lot of seeing seem irrelevant thing, connect cheek by jowl actually.

58. Old ideals are judged irrelevant, and no doctrine free harshness commands respect.

59. Explanation − Here both the Conclusions are irrelevant with respect to the given statement

60. 12 She deliberately muddied the waters by constantly referring to other irrelevant cases.

61. Exalted's combat mechanics are set up in a way to make Biggishness largely irrelevant

62. The source of the information is irrelevant. Moreover, the information need not be confidential.

63. The same way that a bug is irrelevant in comparison to the universe.

64. 9 However, if functionally one is considered an unequal, ontology soon becomes irrelevant.

65. Last year's report is ancient history and totally irrelevant to the current situation.

66. The Germans attempted to make the exiled Norwegian authorities irrelevant, especially targeting the King.

67. The fact that that product can also take a different, alternative shape is irrelevant.

68. Whether it's the abode of a spirit or a pile of ore is irrelevant.

69. His structure of ideas, like Crispin's Burgherhood and the Doctor of Geneva's Calvinism, is irrelevant

70. In terms of the environment, whether a substance is accidentally or deliberately discharged is irrelevant.

71. Hecklers in the crowd asked irrelevant questions for the sole purpose of vexing the speaker.

72. Cavils: to make often peevish criticisms or objections about matters that are minor, unimportant, or irrelevant

73. My wife started to fine me one dollar for every irrelevant fact I inserted into conversation.

74. Therefore, the criterion was irrelevant to the Aggregational behavior, 80 suggesting the needs for revaluation

75. Distance, to me, is irrelevant in a world of fiber optic cables and satellite links.

76. That the environment is not animate enough to want to communicate with us is irrelevant.

77. It is not viable to create agenda items which partners will find irrelevant or unmanageable.

78. 2 On what basis could counsel claim such a data file was irrelevant or privileged?

79. Cavil: to make often peevish criticisms or objections about matters that are minor, unimportant, or irrelevant.

80. The referring court’s further doubts therefore become irrelevant, but the Commission addresses them none the less.