Use "iodine" in a sentence

1. On subsequent heating, the iodine pentoxide further decomposes, giving a mix of iodine, oxygen and lower oxides of iodine.

2. With iodine Amylopectin stains reddish brown

3. 3 Chlorine and iodine are halogens.

4. Amylodextrin colors blue with iodine.

5. Have you got any iodine?

6. Chlorine and iodine are halogens.

7. Adosterol is an iodine -containing sterol.

8. The cut burns from the iodine.

9. 5 The iodine burned her cut.

10. Long-term insufficient iodine intake, such as endemic goiter and endemic cretinism, can cause iodine deficiency disorders.

11. 2 The cut burns from the iodine.

12. With iodine Amylose stains blue 5

13. Conclusions Salt iodine, Urine iodine and goiter rate have already reached the national standard of eliminating IDD.

14. The method is based on the Bromination of phenol to form tribromophenol. The excess bromine is reacted with iodine and the iodine formed extracted into cyclohexane and reduced back to iodine

15. 21 Iodine tends to localize in the thyroid.

16. 8 Other regimens involved treatment with iodine compounds.

17. Sterilize the tweezers and scalpel with iodine.

18. One cause of goitre is iodine deficiency.

19. Iodine tends to localize in the thyroid.

20. Mom said we need the iodine bandages.

21. 6 Apply some iodine before you bandage.

22. First use some iodine to disinfect the wound.

23. Adosterol A sterol usually substituted with radioactive iodine

24. A tincture of iodine may be used medically.

25. 1 First use some iodine to disinfect the wound.

26. These hormones contain a high concentration of iodine.

27. Such areas were discovered to be low in iodine, and the cause of endemic Cretinism was determined to be iodine deficiency.In the 1920s, adequate dietary intake of iodine was found to prevent endemic goiter and Cretinism

28. Do not heat the medium after the addition of iodine.

29. 4 She dabbed iodine on the cuts on her forehead.

30. What does Adosterol mean? A particular iodine-containing sterol

31. Indoleacetic acid Iodine Kaolin clay Latex paint Lignin sulphonates

32. 22 I immediately got the iodine and clumsily bandaged her.

33. I immediately got the iodine and clumsily bandaged her.

34. 23 Iodine content is an important index of iodinated sauces.

35. 20 Theyset about modifying polyacetylene by oxidation with iodine vapour.

36. Recurrence rates of iodine-sufficient goiter are 10–19% following thyroidectomy.

37. The tincture of iodine smarted when applied it to the wound.

38. When reaction is over Aludels are broken to get iodine

39. The incidence of errors and latency period measured by electric surge test in iodine excess and iodine deficiency groups were significantly higher than those in the normal group.

40. Iodine; Cretinism; The eradication of intellectual disability from iodine deficiency in Western countries is one of the great public health triumphs of 20th-century child health care

41. The surplus iodine is back-titrated using the 0.0333 N thiosulphate solution.

42. Simple ( endemic ) goitre , the most common, is due to low iodine intake.

43. Bladderwrack is one of the highest iodine containing sea vegetables known

44. Common Antiseptics include rubbing alcohol, boric acid, hydrogen peroxide and iodine

45. When iodic acid is carefully heated, it dehydrates to iodine pentoxide.

46. Iodine is a key element in the synthesis of thyroid hormones and as a consequence, severe iodine deficiency results in hypothyroidism, goiter, and Cretinism with the well known biochemical alterations

47. Endemic Cretinism is the most severe manifestation of dietary iodine deficiency

48. Iodine hollow cathode lamps with windows in pure silicon or quartz

49. 9 Their list included iodine, Freon, condensing columns and sodium hydroxide.

50. I can fume it but I can't say the iodine stains will fade.

51. Iodine contributes to the normal production of thyroid hormones and normal thyroid function

52. A lack of iodine also causes goiter, a swelling of the thyroid gland.

53. 15 The radioactive iodine released does not satisfy the second and fourth conditions.

54. Astatine is a halogen and possibly accumulates in the thyroid like iodine

55. Iodine-131 Adosterol scintigraphy showed an increased uptake at the same site

56. Amylopectin cũng có khả năng gắn kết nhất định với iodine

57. The chlorine content is determined argentometrically (with iodine and starch as indicator).

58. 7 The tincture of iodine smarted when applied it to the wound.

59. Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect of iodine soiution to treat otomycosis.

60. 24 The important minerals are calcium, zinc, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and iodine.

61. Bromines are a class of halogens that include fluoride, chlorine and iodine

62. In water, Amylose reacts with iodine to give a characteristic blue colour.

63. Simple (endemic) goitre, the MOST common, is due to low iodine intake.

64. 11 The important minerals are calcium, zinc, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and iodine.

65. 26 Inorganic iodide is then converted to an active form,[] organic iodine.

66. 14 The active iodine is then united to a tyrosine residue of thyroglobulin.

67. The harmful effects of Bromine on the body come from its interaction with iodine

68. This medical IV kit comes with an antimicrobial PVP iodine Ampule for expediting injection

69. To prevent recurrence of a multinodular goiter, supplementation with iodine is strongly recommended.

70. Iodine-sufficient goiters are associated with autoimmune thyroiditis, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and thyroid carcinoma.

71. Lugol's iodine was first made in 1829 by the French physician Jean Lugol.

72. Cretinism is an irreversible brain damage, irreversible mental retardation and severely stunted physical growth in an infant or child due to severe iodine deficiency during pregnancy caused by inadequate thyroid hormone production (congenital hypothyroidism) 1).Cretinism is due to dietary iodine deficiency and can be prevented by correction of iodine deficiency before pregnancy.

73. In fact, nearly 80 percent of the iodine in the body is in the thyroid.

74. Now, open your hand please. I'm going to sterilize the skin with tincture of iodine.

75. Ở nhiệt độ 20 C, khả năng gắn của Amylopectin với iodine chỉ khoảng 0,2 khối lượng và phức hợp với iodine thể hiện hấp thụ mạnh nhất ở bước sóng 550 nm.

76. In Germany, autoimmune thyroid diseases are less frequent than diseases due to iodine deficiency.

77. Iodine also a gamma and beta emitter, is particularly hazardous to the thyroid gland.

78. 16 Outside, radioactive iodine was regularly released into the atmosphere over the following month.

79. Iodine deficiency disorders will lead to goiter hypothyroidism , mental retardation, cretinism, and so on.

80. OBJECTIVE To study the antiinflammatory analg es ic effects of compound polyvidone iodine tablet ( CPI ).