Use "intracranial" in a sentence

1. Increased intracranial pressure, convulsions, optic neuritis

2. SK7 Intracranial Calcifications Intracranial Calcifications are a common finding on plain film radiographs and on CT scans of the skull

3. Stroke and intracranial hemorrhage are other causes.

4. Intracranial arterial Beading represents alternating areas of constriction in the intracranial arteries that gives the appearance of beads strung together

5. Adewumi Amole is a nationally respected, outstanding interventional neuroradiologist with vast experience in acute stroke interventions, intracranial, stenting and intracranial brain aneurysm embolization

6. 22 Should We Screen for Familial Intracranial Aneurysm?

7. Pituitary Adenomas account for about 15% of all intracranial neoplasms

8. As you know, your wife's CT scan showed intracranial hemorrhaging.

9. Anticoagulant-associated intracranial hemorrhage is a life-threatening emergency

10. Headache, aggravated epilepsy, meningitis aseptic, ageusia, anosmia, fatal intracranial haemorrhage

11. Anosmia after endovascular and open surgical treatment of intracranial aneurysms

12. Multiple ICA is related to familial intracranial cavernous angiomas( FICA ).

13. Intracranial Calcifications refer to Calcifications within the brain parenchyma or vasculature ( 1 )

14. Influence of Motor Stereotype on Intracranial Hypertensia Syndrome Passing/ Mag.

15. Increased intracranial pressure and inflammation of the papilla lead to capillary stasis.

16. Uncertainties remain around intrAcranial pressure monitoring both in traumatic and non-traumatic brain injury, and variation in clinical practice of intrAcranial pressure monitoring exists between neurocritical care units.

17. Symptomatic edema or increased intracranial pressure should therefore initially be treated with osmotherapeutics.

18. Serious complications are anaphylactic shock, intracranial or spinal hemorrhage and transverse myelitis.

19. Just after a having a craniotomy, his intracranial pressure is not stable.

20. Conclusion CT can be regarded as better method for diagnose intracranial lipoma.

21. Check for intracranial lesions, brain infections, autoimmune diseases, do a CT, LP, full workup.

22. Pituitary Adenomas represent from 10% to 25% of all intracranial neoplasms and

23. The possibility of a direct hereditary origin of intracranial aneurysms is considered.

24. Thus prognosis is influenced by complications like arterial intracranial bleedings or brain edema.

25. Alcohol consumption may be a modifiable risk factor for rupture of intracranial Aneurysms

26. The cardiac component of the intracranial pressure increases as the accumulation of cerebral spinal fluid in the patient's subarachnoid space increases, but is not directly a function of the absolute mean or baseline intracranial pressure.

27. Objective To investigate the risk factors and treatment methods of intracranial infection after craniotomy.

28. The endocast shows evidence of intracranial retial hypertrophy, taken as evidence of enhanced diving abilities.

29. Around 80 % of strokes are ischemic and different forms of intracranial bleeding account for the remaining cases.

30. 11 This may predispose to an increased risk of intracranial haemorrhage, necrotising enterocolitis, hypoxia and acidosis.

31. Endotheliomatous and transitional forms constituted 85% of the total (71.5% of intracranial tumors), fibroblastic forms 6.6 and 7.5%, respectively, and highly vascularized (endotheliomatous or transitional) meningiomas 5.2% of the intracranial tumors, while true “angioblastic” meningiomas (hemangioblastomas and hemangiopericytomas) amounted to 2.8% of the total (3.1% of the intracranial tumors). 1.2% were “atypical” (so-called malignant) meningiomas; true meningeal sarcomas were excluded.

32. The movable plate is configured to allow the bone flap to move to accommodate swelling of intracranial contents.

33. Patient has an abscess or evidence of intracranial infection seen during a surgical operation or histopathologic examination

34. • General systemic disorders (e.g., erythroblastosis fetalis, hyperthyroidism, cretinism, intracranial masses, toxemia of pregnancy, prematurity) Preventive Measures

35. IntrAcranial pressure (ICP) monitoring is the most common neuromonitoring modality used in neurocritical care units (NCCU) around the world

36. Stage IV is a large tumor involving intracranial or infratemporal regions, an extensive neck disease, and/or any distant metastasis.

37. The intracranial blood vessels supplying the dura and brain are innervated by sensory afferents from the trigeminal nerve.

38. In the acute setting, an intracranial haematoma can appear isodense on CT scanning, especially if a coagulopathy is present.

39. 21 Objective To summarize the experience of acu te traumatic cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea or otorrhea concurrent with intracranial hematoma due to basal fracture.

40. Known Arteriovenous malformations or aneurysms are considered a contraindication to thrombolysis, although the true risk of thrombolysis-precipitated intracranial hemorrhage is unknown

41. Purpose: The aim of this article was to study the significance of Arachnoid granulations (AGs) in patients with idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH)

42. Arachnoid cysts are usually intracranial and supratentorial in location, but spinal, and even intraneural, cysts may be identified and possibly cause symptoms.

43. ⁕Benign tumor ⁕Benign intracranial hypertension ⁕Benign myalgic encephalomyelitis ⁕Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo ⁕Benign prostatic hyperplasia ⁕Benign tertian malaria How to pronounce Benignity?

44. Acalculia often occurs as a result of traumatic brain injury (TBI), intracranial hemorrhage or infarction (i.e., stroke), lesions/tumors, and/or neurodegenerative conditions (e.g., dementia)

45. Dr Vlak advised that : " Reducing caffeine consumption or treating constipated patients with unruptured intracranial brain aneurysms with laxatives may lower the risk of subarachnoid haemorrhage . "

46. The main symptom is intracranial leptomeningeal angiomatosis which mostly affects the occipital and posterior parietal lobes and can occur unilaterally and also bilaterally.

47. Methods 9 patients with posterior circulation intracranial unclipped aneurysms were treated with detachable balloons or GDCs to occlude proximal vertebral artery of aneurysms.

48. The discovery of sulpha and antibiotics has enlarged the possibilities in the treatment of acute cerebral abscesses and infectious thrombosis of the intracranial venous vessels.

49. From the point of view of a differential diagnosis in regard to acute abscesses, the intracranial thrombophlebitis is to be taken into special consideration.

50. Hamsters and K18-hACE2 transgenic mice inoculated with the Complementation-derived virions exhibited no detectable disease, even after intracranial inoculation with the highest possible dose.

51. Intensive care measures in CNS parasitoses include management of increased intracranial pressure, diffuse brain edema, acute obstructive hydrocephalus, multiorgan dysfunction, and early neurosurgical decompressive interventions.

52. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors is a medication used in the management and treatment of glaucoma, idiopathic intracranial hypertension, altitude sickness, congestive heart failure, and epilepsy, among other diseases

53. The use of hyperventilation to lower the intracranial pressure requires extreme precaution and strict indication, and also continuous monitoring of blood gas tensions and acid-base metabolism.

54. The clinical picture was dominated by the syndrome of raised intracranial pressure (80 per cent of the cases); the evolution of almost half of the cases was afebrile.

55. C.T. negative for abdominal or intracranial hemorrhage, but did show bilateral hip dislocations, one anterior and one posterior, with an acetabular wall fracture, but both have been reduced.

56. However, lumbar puncture is contraindicated if there is a mass in the brain (tumor or abscess) or the intracranial pressure (ICP) is elevated, as it may lead to brain herniation.

57. Patients on oral Anticoagulants are at an increased risk of intracranial bleed following a head injury and a low threshold to perform a CT head scan is needed

58. The authors studied the changes in oxygen saturation and CO2-concentration in the blood in the bulbus venae jugularis during surgical treatment of intracranial angiomas. In each case therapy consisted of resection.

59. A cerebral or intracranial Aneurysm is an abnormal focal dilation of an artery in the brain that results from a weakening of the inner muscular layer (the intima) of a blood vessel wall

60. Supratentorial brain tumors can be detected directly with the ESS by abnormal reflections of the tumors as well as indirectly by displacement of intracranial reference structures, mainly the ventricular borders.

61. Basilar invagination is a rare but serious condition in which the second cervical vertebra migrates upward into the intracranial space, causing pressure on the upper part of the spinal cord and lower brainstem

62. Barbiturates are a group of sedative-hypnotic drugs that can treat seizure disorder, neonatal withdrawal, insomnia, preoperative anxiety, and induction of a coma for increased intracranial pressure (ICP); and can even be used for anesthesia

63. Variations in the amplitude of intracranial echoes appear to be influenced by so many unpredictable and varying factors affecting the insonating pulse and the returning echo that they have no obvious use in clinical medicine.

64. Computed tomography (CT) imaging showed vasogenic edema in the left temporal lobe secondary to intracranial displacement of the left mandibular Condyle through a 1.3 x 0.7 cm defect of the glenoid fossa of the temporal bone

65. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the characteristic findings of acute hemorrhage due to amyloid angiopathy with computed tomography. 14 patients of intracranial hemorrhage with histologically confirmed cerebral amyloid angiopathy were observed over a period of 4 years.

66. Potential Aetiologies include intracranial haemorrhage, severe sepsis, myocardial contraction dysfunction, primary cardiac arrhythmia or other cardiac pathologies (valvular disease, graft rejection, congenital disease, and pacemaker dysfunction).11-13 The respective probability and frequencies of these Aetiologies are unclear.

67. Furthermore, promising results have been shown for the treatment of adenomyosis, malignant tumors of the prostate, breast and liver and for various intracranial applications, such as thermal ablation of brain tumors, functional neurosurgery and transient disruption of the blood-brain barrier.

68. Maintenance Anticonvulsant treatment should be considered required in the cases where there is known intracranial disease, the patient is in status epilepticus, and/or there are two or more isolated events or cluster episodes within a 4-week period.

69. HAS-Bled bleeding risk score HAS-Bled scoring system was developed to assess the one year risk of major bleeding (intracranial bleedings, hospitalization, hemoglobin decrease > 2 g/dL, and/or transfusion) in patients taking anticoagulants with atrial fibrillation.

70. To differentiate primary and secondary forms of increased intracranial pressure neuroimaging procedures and analysis of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) are absolutely essential according to national and international guidelines. Lumbar puncture reveals an elevated opening pressure in cases of IIH as the only pathological finding.

71. Arachnoid cyst is cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) filled sac, not tumors (not cancer), that is located on the Arachnoid membrane that covers the brain (intracranial) and the spinal cord (spinal), one of the three membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord 1)

72. Contrecoup injuries occur when a force strikes one side of the head hard enough to shift the brain in the opposite direction of the injury, and inertia then forces the brain to strike the opposite side of the intracranial cavity, thus causing an injury to the …

73. Bucking Respiratory therapy Violent resistance by a Pt to intubated ventilation that may cause asynchronous breathing, ergo V/Q mismatching and risk of barotrauma, cardiac arrhythmia, and ↑ intracranial pressure; the newer ventilatory support devices rarely evoke this reaction, but Pts may still require sedation, or narcotics.

74. Under the name of “Pseudotumour Encephalitis” the author describes the results of disturbed intracranial pressure observed in Encephalitides of different aetiology, sometimes also in subacute demyelinating diseases and in tumours of the pons and brain stem which could be mimicked by a perivenous type of Encephalitis.

75. Pituitary Adenomas arise from the pituitary gland and are by far the most common growth associated with the gland; they account for 15% of primary brain tumors and are the third most common intracranial tumor after meningiomas and gliomas.The great majority (over 90%) of pituitary Adenomas are benign slow growing tumors, approximately 5-10% are somewhat …

76. By the application of contrast media in combination with specific ultrasonic modes, like the perfusion harmonic imaging (PHI) and the stimulated acoustic emission (SAE), it is possible to represent blood flow in the cerebral microcirculation. In the early phase of ischemic stroke neurosonological procedures can help to clarify the substantial question about presence of an intracranial vessel occlusion.