Use "into the night" in a sentence

1. We talked into the night.

2. Luke's footsteps receded into the night.

3. The meeting extended late into the night.

4. She labored on far into the night.

5. Thieves broke into the manor at night.

6. This cafe keeps late into the night.

7. The daylight faded almost imperceptibly into night.

8. The riotous celebration continued late into the night.

9. We worked well into each night.

10. As night came,the house faded into darkness.

11. Somewhat daedal dream, fell into the deep night.

12. The night regressed into utter silence and solitude.

13. They stayed talking until well into the night.

14. Faint sounds of revelry issued into the night.

15. She peered out into the blackness of the night.

16. The Red Flag taxi lumbered off into the night.

17. The police siren died away into the hot night.

18. My apartment got broken into last night.

19. They fired a flare up into the night sky.

20. He used to keep up late into the night.

21. Damian Flint strode out into the cool night air.

22. He slept feverishly all afternoon and into the night.

23. By night the bar is transformed into a disco, playing night-club sounds' til the small hours.

24. PETER strained against the oar and peered into the night.

25. Moisture in the atmosphere condensed into dew during the night.

26. I stared out into the inky blackness of the night.

27. He stepped out into the night and the whirling snow.

28. Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night brings the classic feeling of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night into the modern age

29. We strike hard, defend, protect, and fade into the night.

30. Night fighters existed as a separate class into the 1960s.

31. Buffalo were tethered and breathed warm air into the night.

32. Please squeeze it into your anus every night.

33. Jon often found himself still online late into the night.

34. 19 He went off into the night like a vampire.

35. 28 Moisture in the atmosphere condensed into dew during the night.

36. Then at night, the group go into out to the pit.

37. 6 Moisture in the atmosphere condensed into dew during the night.

38. Legs arrogantly apart he urinated into the bowl, remembering last night.

39. Joey would walk into the bar and hold court all night.

40. He dove straight into the new book and read all night.

41. They broke into our house under cloud of night.

42. We looked up, into the night, through a canopy of stars.

43. At night images would come unbidden into her mind.

44. 8 He drank himself into a stupor every night.

45. Additional study of the letter was ordered and continued into the night.

46. Surprisingly during the night the red spines turn into a chalky pink.

47. He works far into the night to the detriment of his health.

48. Late at night, through the moonlight into the casement, and a Caesar.

49. Our reporter spent the night crossing the border from Austria into Slovenia.

50. In the parable, ten virgins waited into the night for the groom’s arrival.

51. Dad, who rarely read anything, read that book late into the night.

52. The museum was broken into last night and several paintings were slashed.

53. He worked late into the night and improvised a meal for himself.

54. He works from dawn to dusk, and often well into the night.

55. After the closing prayer the hungry little boy darted out into the night.

56. She felt as if she could float up into the starry night.

57. He put his whole self into the job, working night and day.

58. Every single night, when I tuck my kids into bed,

59. 7 Last night,( Waldegrave drank himself into a stupor.

60. He delivered the child to the waiting arms below , then disappeared into the night .

61. “I kept standing by the window, looking out into the night, searching the heavens.

62. Landlocked Alewives form large schools that often come into the shallows at night.

63. One stormy night, Serena, blown off course, falls into the Zoo's Bird Lake.

64. After the closing prayer, much to my sorrow, he darted out into the night.

65. Last night she was teaching everybody how to make napkins into....

66. Why don't you explain how they fit into this special night?

67. This contributed to the enjoyment of festival activities that continued on into the night.

68. But most of the night he sat in silence, gazing abstractedly into the fire.

69. Last night, we went after HIVE, and I ran into Damien.

70. Because of the interest shown, some of these studies continued well into the night.

71. Well, if I went into details, we'd be here all night.

72. With a stern toss of her head, she banished him out into the night.

73. During the night, crawling into position. was where he was working, hanging his hat

74. One night, we bumped into each other on the neighborhood rooftops, like two cats.

75. The first night we, uh, broke into this air-raid shelter and slept there.

76. Ripped up the car, scared my driver half to death... and disappeared into the night.

77. That night Carl stayed up into the small hours, preparing work for the next day.

78. On the third night, Sylvia was chosen to accompany a punter into the medieval castle.

79. 14 Harriet went out into the vestibule, which was already darkening with the approaching night.

80. My father would come into my room at night... and do things.