Use "intentions" in a sentence

1. I have no intentions.

2. You know my intentions better.

3. However, their intentions are honourable.

4. My intentions were perfectly honourable.

5. She stated her intentions unequivocally.

6. Naively optimistic, full of good intentions, but despite his good intentions, are still unavoidable in trouble.

7. He is motivated by good intentions.

8. Can you fathom out her intentions?

9. I had completely misread his intentions.

10. He was upfront about his intentions.

11. You must have mistaken my intentions.

12. The general misread the enemy's intentions.

13. I was misled about your intentions.

14. She professed ignorance of their intentions.

15. Baleful means harmful, or expressing harmful intentions.

16. Beware of the Intentions of the Heart

17. Don't arrogate wrong intentions to your colleagues.

18. I could not puzzle out her intentions.

19. He was uncertain about his brother's intentions.

20. He was misunderstood notwithstanding his good intentions.

21. Her good intentions were thwarted almost immediately.

22. I could not puzzle out his intentions.

23. You misled me as to your intentions.

24. Hell is paved with good intentions

25. Despite good intentions you will harm someone.

26. Those intentions were noble, the realisation fraught.

27. Our information on Israeli intentions was sketchy.

28. We could not puzzle out his intentions.

29. We have no bad intentions with your planet.

30. 8 But the generous one has generous intentions,

31. My Hun brother, I came with peaceful intentions

32. They remained Blissfully unaware of his true intentions

33. He also knows our thoughts, desires, and intentions.

34. No civilised woman would have intentions regarding him.

35. Do not arrogate wrong intentions to your friends.

36. Il Moro has made his intentions abundantly clear.

37. China, of course, insists it has bellicose intentions.

38. They remained blissfully unaware of his true intentions.

39. When telling a white lie the intentions are good rather than when telling a lie its intentions are the other way around.

40. It searches our intentions and motives of our hearts.

41. How dare you impute such monstrous intentions to me?

42. She firmly relied on the liberality of his intentions.

43. He's been upfront about his intentions since the beginning.

44. Babby Farms is a great idea with great intentions

45. The government has been quite explicit about its intentions.

46. 9 The Republican intentions with Medicare are pretty clear.

47. Why has Jehovah no need to hide his intentions?

48. ( Huns ) My Hun brothers, I came with peaceful intentions

49. □ Why does Jehovah not need to hide his intentions?

50. Incontrovertible proof of the government's true intentions toward Morocco.

51. 20 But good intentions make notoriously treacherous paving stones.

52. She will not veer from her brave new intentions.

53. 16 They had kept remarkably silent about their intentions.

54. Unfortunately, his good intentions never seemed to last long.

55. This statement misrepresents my intentions Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for Belie

56. Kubrick made the movie with both didactic and creative intentions.

57. You've got to make your intentions crystal clear to them.

58. That is why I say, "I am always untouched and untainted by all the Besmearing intentions of the mind, speech and body." These Besmearing intentions have tainted the entire world, and yet these intentions are nothing but an echo

59. As in the general community, language equality trailed after intentions.

60. He kept his rivals guessing as to his real intentions.

61. The UN announced its intentions to toughen sanctions still further.

62. No words can be the disguise of base intentions

63. Can you give me some indication as to your intentions?

64. The road to hell is paved with good intentions

65. Surely flame wars over article content will stymie good intentions.

66. Values are ignoble or noble according to one's prejudices and intentions.

67. I would never doubt the worthy intentions of that estimable gentleman.

68. The Backwater square stern canoe is for sportsmen with motorized intentions

69. Our own willpower and our own good intentions are not enough.

70. (b) How did Jehovah state his intentions to crush the rebellion?

71. He sticks like glue, and thinks he is masking his intentions.

72. The general misread the enemy's intentions, and didn't anticipate the attack.

73. Violent and damaging words are used to express feelings, not intentions.

74. Nevertheless, when Jesus discerned their intentions, he quickly left the scene.

75. He had implicit faith in the noble intentions of the Emperor.

76. I was actually interfering with the process with lots of good intentions.

77. His involvement is tangential at best, and he doesn't know Greens intentions.

78. Until he has carried out and accomplished the intentions of his heart.

79. As an earnest of my good intentions I will reconsider your request.

80. What plan did they make after the settlement? What were their intentions?