Use "intend to" in a sentence

1. I intend to honor that promise.

2. They intend to sue for damages.

3. I intend to ‘go a fishing.’”

4. I intend to right that wrong.

5. He does not intend to relinquish power.

6. I did not intend to be rude.

7. I don't intend to pop off yet.

8. I intend to spend the night there.

9. Don't borrow unless you intend to repay.

10. Do we intend to commit civil disobedience?

11. Do you intend to continue your studies?

12. They intend to invest directly in shares.

13. Sketch out what you intend to do.

14. Do you intend to print that picture?

15. They fully intend to protest the decision.

16. I intend to lodge an official complaint .

17. I hear they intend to marry/intend marrying.

18. Both men intend to appeal against their convictions.

19. He does not intend to rush his decision.

20. Tell them you intend to evacuate the children.

21. I fully intend to return home next year.

22. Today, I intend to finish reading this book.

23. 9 I intend to lodge an official complaint .

24. My foster father didn't intend to change my life.

25. The matter cannot rest there-I intend to sue.

26. Simmer down. He didn't intend to insult your son.

27. I intend to transfer the property to my son.

28. I intend to rewrite the story for younger children.

29. We intend to ponder all the alternatives before acting.

30. I intend to disassociate from all related disease machinery.

31. Let them boast about what they intend to do.

32. When does PMI intend to update the credential examinations?

33. A vacancy has arisen which I intend to fill.

34. Do you intend to marry the person reasonably soon?

35. I intend to challenge the legitimacy of his claim.

36. Do I intend to campaign to the bitter end?

37. I intend to make good on my promise to Sara.

38. If uncomfortable, intend to make peace with the red ray.

39. I intend to buy as many as I can swing.

40. And how long do you intend to walk the earth?

41. We intend to have a ball at the amusement park.

42. I don't intend to be a meal-ticket for anyone.

43. I intend to use simultaneous recording to dub this film.

44. C Do you intend to adduce evidence from expert witnesses?

45. We intend to carry forward this move towards greater openness.

46. Does the firm intend to follow through with this idea?

47. I intend to detonate it as the first craft land.

48. I intend to bestow upon you unsolicited advice, my darling.

49. To create a bailment, the Bailee must both intend to

50. 22 How do you intend to deal with this problem?

51. 6 How do you intend to deal with this problem?

52. 1 I intend to challenge the legitimacy of his claim.

53. We fully intend to issue a writ against the newspaper.

54. Which of the European Parliament's proposals do you intend to accept?

55. The police intend to clobber drunk drivers , ie punish them severely.

56. I intend to prove you shot Frederick Ross with malice aforethought.

57. They intend to allocate more places to mature students this year.

58. Lewis is shameless in making promises he doesn't intend to keep.

59. We do not intend to be drawn into the internal strife.

60. I must steer my [ship] safe, which I intend to do.

61. They intend to get their way, by hook or by crook.

62. I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it. "

63. With only these few words, you can't intend to hocus me.

64. I do not intend to turn this into a prescriptive handbook.

65. I'm simply asking what you intend to do when Hitler is gone.

66. I intend to savor these moments for as long as I can.

67. We intend to have a ball at the amusement park today.

68. Do you intend to take the driving license test this year?

69. Indeed, they may intend to marry in the course of time.

70. Use your signals to alert other drivers you intend to pull over.

71. He wonders how much longer you intend to remain in his kingdom?

72. Now that you own the supply, you intend to create the demand.

73. As president of Southern Gulf Bank, I intend to protect my customers'privacy...

74. I fully intend to repay them the money that they lent me.

75. Please confirm where you intend to use CCleaner: On a home PC

76. Well, I don't intend to be held to any drug-addled ramblings.

77. I intend to throw out a bough and plant a lime walk.

78. I intend to throw out a bough and plant a lime walk

79. Most students who enroll in geology courses do not intend to become geologists.

80. The president has announced she does not intend to stand for re-election.