Use "initiate into society" in a sentence

1. SEMPER Curiosus, INITIATE! You have discovered a new realm of the Mythical Society

2. Each culture had a special ritual to initiate boys into manhood.

3. A language teacher should initiate pupils into the elements of grammar.

4. TOBACCO advertisers argue that their ads do not initiate people into smoking.

5. Today, Initiate.

6. It will not be eager to initiate those steps which would enable that society to function in unmanageable or unexpected ways.

7. At the Royal Society launch therefore we convened an impressive group of people who might initiate and carry forward the discussion.

8. Initiate lockdown protocols.

9. She was introduced into upper society.

10. • initiate a plan, taking into account the timing and need for editing and translation resources.

11. After clearing out the Mutants in the Garden, the Initiate heads down into the Laboratory.

12. Initiate emergency crew revival.

13. Initiate light cycle battle.

14. The society expanded into a worldwide organization.

15. He was inducted into a literary society.

16. Britain has developed into a plural society.

17. ISS, initiate emergency evacuation.

18. Initiate backup plan C.

19. Early in human society, our society is divided into matrilineal and patrilineal clan clan.

20. Initiate system light system check.

21. Initiate emergency disconnect from Hubble.

22. She has edged herself into the best society.

23. Approachable leaders initiate conversations with others

24. Analects Insights into China's politics, business, society and culture

25. Most settled in and integrated into the Mexican society.

26. Incineration will initiate in five minutes.


28. My initiate mother was K.T. Concannon!

29. You could initiate a conversation by saying:

30. The ability to initiate and operate independently.

31. Centuries of endless war have molded Charr society into the …

32. You might initiate a conversation by asking:

33. The Claymore is commonly used to initiate Ambushes.

34. With when spurt, initiate new phase, enliven again.

35. Intermarriage with Alaskan Natives helped the Russian immigrants integrate into society.

36. So far building society inroads into consumer credit have been small.

37. The teachers are trying to integrate all the children into society.

38. And on that occasion Joseph Smith organized them into a society.

39. Use the legs and feet to initiate movement.

40. They wanted to initiate a discussion on economics.

41. 2 The ability to initiate and operate independently.

42. I spend most of my life trying to ingratiate myself into a sick society rather than trying to smash that society.

43. We must marshal our resources to initiate a debate.

44. This society must become united or it will degenerate into total anarchy.

45. Rehabilitation – Aims at transforming an offender into a valuable member of society.

46. Aggress: To initiate an attack, war, quarrel, or fight

47. The DSPs below can initiate proposals with your network.

48. Computer, initiate linkage with Starbase computer system Alpha 29.

49. Verb ()(label) To begin, Commence, initiate.# To set in motion

50. They initiate discussions on the CB by citing current events.

51. 1985, Milan: Initiate IGC leading to the Single European Act.

52. 17 We must marshal our resources to initiate a debate.

53. The war has pulverized Iraqi society, dissolving it into an ethno-sectarian patchwork.

54. It was unwillingly propelled into action by the competing forces within civil society.

55. The ecclesiastic universities started to merge into the Chinese society and education system.

56. But it is rare to initiate the formal process.

57. Enoch's name signified in the Hebrew, Initiate or Initiator.

58. After all, the attempt to integrate Estonian society into the Soviet system failed.

59. Command to initiate the system reboot. Typical value:/sbin/reboot

60. Among Black Hand members, The Blooding is an informal ritual used to initiate a member of the Sabbat into full member of the Black Hand.

61. Highly trained Russian sleeper agents inserted into American society to sabotage and assassinate.

62. · Full integration into society and active participation in the life of the community.

63. The partner countries themselves initiate, organise and manage SSC activities.

64. The President has the right to initiate the legislative process.

65. Command to initiate the system halt. Typical value:/sbin/halt

66. The plot of Deus Ex depicts a society on a slow spiral into chaos.

67. 11 synonyms for Abecedarian: beginner, fledgling, freshman, greenhorn, initiate, neophyte

68. You're suggesting that we initiate a Drift with a Kaiju?

69. If the steam stops, the app should initiate a new stream.

70. Over the centuries, such rulership has plunged human society into one calamity after another.

71. Corporatism, the theory and practice of organizing society into “corporations” subordinate to the state

72. Abandonings 2012 - 2014 Casually Abandoned Electronic · 2015 Preview SONG TIME Initiate

73. I will initiate the meld and attempt to access the memory fragment.

74. The second he opens that God-awful speech, the program will initiate.

75. Alumna Initiate Process The Fraternity's Alumna initiate program offers membership to exceptional women who, for reasons unknown, were not a part of Greek life as college women

76. If everyone charges ahead in his own direction, why does society not devolve into anarchy?

77. Alexandrian Wicca appeals to people wanting a specialized learning structure with spiritual "homework," In time you can initiate other seekers into an Alexandrian coven

78. But in Turkey, as in many other lands, credit cards are making inroads into society.

79. 3 The Junto was active for 30 years and developed into the American Phylosophical Society.

80. 5 The Junto was active for 30 years and developed into the American Philosophical Society.