Use "inhabit" in a sentence

1. Woodpeckers inhabit hollow trees.

2. They inhabit the tropical forests.

3. Wild notions inhabit his mind.

4. Who Inhabit the Spirit Realm?

5. Three Void Chelicerate Leviathans inhabit the area

6. And they will inhabit the desolated cities.

7. Bubo inhabit forests, steppes, deserts, and mountains

8. Chiggers mostly inhabit damp grasslands and bushes

9. Wild tribes still inhabit part of the Philippines.

10. Bedstraws that inhabit wetlands are a minor source

11. Very rarely, these deer inhabit dry mountain areas.

12. But new exquisite life can't inhabit such places.

13. The majority of American Alligators inhabit Florida and Louisiana

14. Centipedes usually inhabit forests, tropical rainforests, prairies and savannas

15. Nearly 1671 saltwater crocodiles inhabit the rivers and creeks.

16. Lark buntings inhabit the prairies, breeding in alfalfa fields.

17. Reptiles, inhabit, species, leatherback, flipper, lung, shell, predator, hatch.

18. Bush Stone-Curlews inhabit open country and avoid dense vegetation.

19. An estimated four million flamingos inhabit Africa’s Great Rift Valley.

20. Several different species of fish inhabit these turbid shallow waters.

21. Crystallites power the kingdom of Shimmervale which Crystal Fairies inhabit

22. I've no idea what sort of people inhabit the area.

23. A few species inhabit slight Melon Butterflyfish-Facts and Photographs

24. The most number of Antelope species inhabit the African continent

25. Some very rare birds inhabit our stretch of the river.

26. • The birds inhabit tropical forests, savannah, and Arid semi-desert conditions

27. Think of the planet like a human body that we inhabit.

28. A plurality of peoples now inhabit most places on this earth.

29. Many Creatures inhabit the world of Grounded, including insects and arachnids

30. Witticisms, maxims, dicta, proverbs, and aphorisms each inhabit a different world.

31. These ideologyballs inhabit the Authoritarian Right quadrant of the political compass

32. Autochthons: a member of the first people to inhabit a region

33. It's no place for anyone as long as Demons inhabit it.

34. More than 400 different species of birds also inhabit the park.

35. The characters in his novels inhabit a bleak and hopeless universe.

36. I have no idea what sort of people inhabit the area.

37. Armadillos inhabit dense shady cover, such as brush, woodland or pine forests

38. Eight major ethnic groups and at least 127 subgroups inhabit the country.

39. 5 “Woe to those who inhabit the seacoast, the nation of Cherʹe·thites!

40. There are nearly 2000 species of Buttercups that mostly inhabit northern hemisphere

41. Acarines inhabit which of the following regions? Hot springs Deserts Forests Polar

42. The bacteria that inhabit the undersea hot springs fall into this group.

43. Cycads are primitive palmlike plants that inhabit tropical and subtropical regions

44. Bushtits are a type of above ground vermin who inhabit temperate forests

45. The Blighters were the most savage of the people to inhabit Rieltam

46. What is the largest air-breathing creature ever to inhabit the earth?

47. Animismo m (plural Animismos) (anthropology, religion) animism (belief that spirits inhabit natural objects)

48. Timid browsers, Brockets inhabit wooded areas and generally live alone or in pairs

49. There are mystical mythical Creatures that inhabit land, the sea and the air

50. It feeds upon flying insects and the tiny fish that inhabit the Aquasphere.

51. Booklings are a race of subterranean cyclopses that inhabit the Catacombs of Bookholm

52. And how fascinating are powerful whales and other creatures that inhabit the sea!

53. Brisling (also known as bristling) sardines are small fish that inhabit the North Atlantic

54. The Perfects live on the Upper Side, while the Avoidables inhabit the Lower Side.

55. Banded Archerfish inhabit the brackish mangrove estuaries of India and eastward to northern Australia

56. In addition to Afars and Issas, sub-clans like Gadabuursi also inhabit the country

57. The Perfects live on the Upper Side, while the Avoidables inhabit the Lower Side.

58. Millions of microscopic beings inhabit our bodies, and no two bodies are the same.

59. Archerfishes Archerfishes inhabit coastal waters and estuaries of Southeast Asia and the Tropical Pacific

60. It's to be reminded that we are creatures that inhabit this ocean of air.

61. Few creatures inhabit the ocean floor, where there is no light to sustain them.

62. Animals and birds of great variety inhabit this great river basin of the equator.

63. They are rapidly growing ubiquitous environmental organisms that normally inhabit soil, dust and water.

64. It is the ideal of everyone and the ultimate feeling of Wasin to inhabit poetically.

65. Are you aware of the infectious nature of the parasites which inhabit the cove palm?

66. Aschelminths typically inhabit water or moist soil, are often parasitic, and have complex internal structures.

67. Lush simplicity, spatial silence and rhythmic repetition create a musical atmosphere the mind can inhabit.

68. Bystanders are NPCs in the POSTAL series that inhabit the game world, living their everyday lives

69. Melanochelys trijuga and Lissemys punctata are two freshwater turtles that inhabit in the tank of Lahugala.

70. The Kirdi are the many cultures and ethnic groups who inhabit northwestern Cameroon and northeastern Nigeria.

71. They inhabit many of the same ecological niches that the Murinae occupy in the Old World.

72. On the Labour side, there is a solid body of such members who inhabit the Tearoom.

73. BIRDS inhabit all parts of the earth, and they are among the easiest creatures to observe.

74. They inhabit virtually all environments, including soil, water, organic matter, and the Bodies of multicellular animals.

75. When you bridge the here and there, you inhabit a third space --the space of the Borderlander

76. Bohemians are the people native to, or who inhabit Bohemia, the western region of the Czech Republic

77. Both Belugas and narwhals inhabit the Arctic Ocean, along with some nearby seas, bays, fjords, and estuaries

78. North American Beavers inhabit most of the continent, excluding Mexico and coastal regions of Florida and California

79. Blindfish ( plural Blindfishes or blindfish ) Any of various fish, having only rudimentary eyes, that inhabit underground waters.

80. A distant cousin of the sloths, Anteaters generally inhabit lowland and middle-elevation habitats of the country.